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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Melissa McCarthy as Satanic Ursula"
Anonymous Name
It is rather tragic how comedy icon Melissa McCarthy (born 26 August, 1970) was cast as Satanic Ursula, the cephalopodic sea...
Kevin Swanson | The Disney Machine
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Sermon7/11/13 6:03 AM
Not Ashamed of God's Law  Find all comments by Not Ashamed of God's Law
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“ Yes! ”
You are absolutely correct! We should not be ashamed of the Bible; we should not be ashamed of God's Law. Very good examples were given in the broadcast, pointing out the benefits of following God's Law on slavery which is an indentured servitude as opposed to the chattel slavery of American history. No, we should not be ashamed of God's Law - any of it. Our Saviour declared that every jot and tittle would stand as long as the heavens and the earth, and God's Word bears repeated testimony that His Law is holy, just, righteous and perfect. This is no less applicable to those portions of His Law which regulate marriage - there, too, are holy, just, righteous, perfect and will stand until the heavens and earth pass away. These, too, of course, serve to strengthen the family and allow God's people to fulfill the Dominion Mandate. God's Law or tyranny; God's Law or chaos; God's Law or God's judgement.

Sermon7/10/13 7:18 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Christopher Doyle VOICE OF THE VOICELESS group is an ex homosexual group, and wants to make JULY, the 7th month A pro marriage month besides, if you conceive your baby in JULY, it would be born in APRIL I've heard June became a marriage month, because the baby would be born in March, and March is a little cold, and that is why June became a MARRIAGE MONTH

Sermon7/10/13 6:58 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
the millienial generation had Generation X for parents, and baby boomers for grandparents not ALL millienials are unemployed: my 18 year old baby is working in a fast food restaurant, and it was hard to get it SHE IS ALSO TATTOO FREE---- i told her, once you do it, YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK, If you want body art, there is HENNA, which is temporary-- LADIES & GENTLEMEN Please NAG your kids, into NOT TATTOOING, especially for young LADIES

Sermon7/10/13 6:25 AM
John Yurich USA from USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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“ Great Sermon! ”
When I get a farm in Eastern Colorado near Ramah or Calhan and marry a farm girl and have children I will amass a firearms arsenal and homeschool the children. There is no way that I will be dictated to by the government that I can't own firearms and homeschool the children.

Sermon7/9/13 6:18 PM
getrdone  Find all comments by getrdone
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Too bad that the signed version of the Declaration of Independence didn't include Jefferson's rough draft passage denouncing the slave trade and slavery itself. Interestingly, a deist (Jefferson) would write against slavery but his line would ultimately be voted down by the rest of the Congress. Then, 85 years later, another deist (Lincoln) would finally put the nails in slavery's coffin. These deists defied a prevalent interpretation of the Bible and ironically abolished America's first great evil. What does this portend for the US's even greater depravity?

Sermon7/9/13 4:02 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Isaiah 5:20 Wendy Davis and company....arrrgghh

Sermon7/8/13 9:31 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's possible, that GOD may turn Africa into a place of growth, and turn the west into a desert, but you never know I say this,since the world started in the middle east, and it just might end there as well

Sermon7/5/13 5:29 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
hmm i believe the STANDARD ATHEIST is MALE This is why the headship in the church MUST BE MALE,or else, they will leave the church to the women Even though when Paul told Timothy said his mom and grandmother taught him the bible, he said that WOMEN MUST BE SILENT IN THE could be because adam was created first, and women could be fooled easier, in general besides, women cannot reach across like men can, they sound like nags and men either tune them out, or become effeminate or metrosexual

Sermon7/5/13 2:46 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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SCOTUS Approves Gay Marriage
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
s.c. You are right about the sinning and worldliness of some of us christians I remember a long time ago, when women started wearing pants, a few preachers thought, if women wear pants, what will men wear...dresses? Now, i may be wrong, but the semi unisex styles of men and women could have an effect on our young people--everyone in jean pants and tshirts (denim skirts ok) and now, the only way to show the differences, is for women to dress in more revealing clothing Tattoos, are another scourage, especially on women in weird places like the forearms,calves, and necks-i notice since i've seen this, fewer young women are wearing necklaces and bracelets Men as well, need to give their earstuds to wives and girlfriends. Although heterosexual men wear these, it was started by homosexual men, or shows being in prison,etc.

Sermon7/3/13 5:36 PM
Az4christ from Arizona  Find all comments by Az4christ
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SCOTUS Approves Gay Marriage
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Please listen to Hillsdale constitution 101/201. I am a Christian for whom the bible is the only authority. Homosexuals cannot marry because God defined marriage as an institution blessed by God between 1 man and 1 women for life. God condemns homosexuality. It is logically and spiritual impossible to bless and condemn something, simultaneously. Having said this, we live in a REPUBLIC not a pure democracy. Pure democracy is mob rules. The Supreme Court is created to stop democracy from ignoring our time tested principles. Today we have 4 tyrants treading on the constitution, the document each swore to defend. Executive orders, judicial activism, congressional tyranny, and unconstitutional administrations ( that act as all 3 in 1, must be stopped by we the people. Vote out every representative for violating their oath, and repeal every unconstitutional order, ruling, law, and amendment. Corruption rules. It's time to grab our pitch forks and do what our so-called representatives won't do - protect our constitution which is America!

Sermon7/2/13 1:37 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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Man of Steel Movie Review
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I've heard, years ago, when the Reeve version was out, that SUPERMAN, is actually an ANTICHRIST figure. Men who played him, i notice, had bad things happen to them: George Reeves, Christopher Reeve--the last names were similar, AND the names George, and Christopher were unusual as well Lois and Clark weren't bad though it wouldn't be bad though, if you look at is as fantasy, and not link it to the narnia movies===SUPERMAN was written by jewish boys, who weren't 'torah true' i've heard

Sermon6/29/13 1:15 PM
s.c. from Ohio  Find all comments by s.c.
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SCOTUS Approves Gay Marriage
Kevin Swanson
“ confirmation of the sow/reap priciple ”
I think that it's interesting how many Christians are up in arms now over the country's lack of morality. Where were all of the Christians when we were winking our eyes at all of the other lasciviousness that we program our children with? Why aren't Christians equally as upset with immodesty and heterosexual sins? Too bad we helped to usher it all in ourselves. Maybe if the church had resolved to not become worldly, the country wouldn't be reaping yet another consequence of all of its' compromises...judgment begins at the house of God. He does take away the light when the lamp is darkened. We have the country that we deserve. Maybe we'll sober up and examine ourselves.

Sermon6/28/13 5:21 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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SCOTUS Approves Gay Marriage
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe, there will be a time, when Christians may have to leave the United States..some modern 3rd world countries, may get stronger,as a blessing. Remember the PILGRIMS? they had to leave too

Sermon6/27/13 3:17 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i bet the woman who didn't want her kids daughter to watch the Cosby Show, maybe wants uberlesbianiam (isn't a word) I also notice, that younger women aren't as pretty of the older women, since the older women came up in a different time, they are more feminine Men are also softer, but they are psychologically IMPOTENT Also, the fornication culture, is one of the reasons IMO that HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE is taking off. It actually kill marriage for women, and i also believe, people who are little girls today MAY get caught into POLYGAMY unless they are christians? i hope christians don't get caught into polygamy

Sermon6/23/13 8:05 PM
Still Waters Revival Books from Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by Still Waters Revival Books
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The link in the comment below was truncated and does not work. This one works: THE BIBLE & BIRTH CONTROL (FREE MP3S, VIDEOS, ETC.)

Sermon6/23/13 3:59 PM
Still Waters Revival Books from Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by Still Waters Revival Books
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REVISED STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION OF THE 43rd CONGRESS, 1873-74. PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S PRINTING OFFICE IN 1878. SEC. 2491. All persons are prohibited from importing into the United States, from any foreign country, any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, writing, advertisement, circular, print, picture, drawing, or other representation, figure, or image on or of paper or other material, or any cast, instrument, or other article of an immoral nature, or any drug or medicine, or any article whatever, for the prevention of conception, or for causing unlawful abortion. No invoice or package whatever, or any part of one, in which any such articles are contained shall be admitted to entry; and all invoices and packages whereof any such articles shall compose a part are liable to be proceeded against, seized, and forfeited by due course of law. All such prohibited articles in the course of importation shall be detained by the officer of customs, and proceedings taken against the same as prescribed in the following section: Provided, That the drugs hereinbefore mentioned, when imported in bulk and not put up for any of the purposes hereinbefore specified, are excepted from the operation of this section. [See 1785.] MORE AT

Sermon6/21/13 7:44 AM
jester from langley  Find all comments by jester
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The only religion he opposes is that of christian . He only stands up for demonic evil Islam. He is telling Catholics and other churches its causing division not worshipping together. Hes gonna push and really make sure Islam worship with the Catholics and christians

Sermon6/19/13 12:17 PM
Deaf to rebukes  Find all comments by Deaf to rebukes
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“ Great Sermon! ” reported on September 10, 2008: "The barrage of criticism from US bishops aimed at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been deafening. Yesterday the popular American Papist blog compiled all of the statements, either written or verbal, made by bishops to date, revealing that an unprecedented total of 26 bishops have rebuked the Speaker of the House for her claims about Catholic teaching and abortion. "On the August 24 episode of Meet the Press, self-proclaimed "ardent and practicing Catholic" Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that the Church's stance on when life begins has been "an issue of controversy" over the years."

Sermon6/18/13 5:33 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Its sounds like the end of the age is VERY SOON...."this gospel must be preached to the world, and THEN THE END WILL COME" "IN THE LAST DAYS, KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE" look what as happened in 40 years Now, pagan nations who become christians stop tatting, and piercing, and western nations BECOME MORE PAGAN with tattoos, piercings, and music that doesn't have enough melody to it (rock sounds could be older than we think) The homosexual/feminist thing is worldwide, starting in San Francisco, after Anton LaVey put the church of satan in 1966, it triggered something in the spiritual realm

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