Great Sermon! This was a very thought provoking program for me since I enjoy computer/internet technology. I would like to get a copy of Tim's book.
Masculine and feminine names Lady Day, excellent advice on giving masculine and feminine names to children - I just realized what has been bothering me about sex neutral names all these years.
Valid Topic Making healthy eating an idol is a modern phenomena that is infiltrating the church. That said, there are people with true allergies, even to gluten, and perhaps this gluten free fad invalidates those who suffer from an allergy. A blood test for our son revealed a myriad of food allergies (even gluten) at the age of two. I'm sure that he didn't mentally will himself to suffer from severe eczema from head to toe, or have his earlobes become so raw that they separated from his body from the age of one until the diagnoses at age two. Strangers would gasp and ask what happened to him. No prescriptions healed his skin until we found the root of his problems. We need to be very, very careful not to assume we know what is happening inside someone else's body based on our own experiences. Well meaning people constantly told me what we should do to heal our son based on their own experience. Well, he was made uniquely by God and we had to find a way to ease his suffering by figuring out exactly what was going on inside his little body. He is now almost four and if he "cheats" on his diet by sneaking food he shouldn't, the evidence shows up within 15 minutes.
Interesting Topic A few years ago I had to address how I was making healthy eating an got to the point where I was bordering on anorexia. That said, there are true allergies that cause suffering for those so afflicted. My son was two when a blood test revealed a myriad of food allergies. His reaction to the foods was severe eczema and no amount of steroids & prescription creams took it away until we eliminated those allergens from his diet. Yes, one of them is gluten. I know that at one to two years of age, he was not mentally choosing to have raw itchy skin from head to toe nor have his earlobes literally separate from his body as a result of the eczema. Strangers would gasp and ask what happened to him. I would agree that the current gluten free fad is silly and have noticed that people who don't know his history often roll their eyes when we bring his own food everywhere we go. The fad seems to invalidate true allergies. Believe me, our three year old would LOVE to be able to eat something off the dessert table at church potlucks, but we can't let him without painful consequences.
Great Sermon! I'm saying this, because the homosexualization of the western world.. and they are trying to make africa buy this as well....GOOD LUCK..
OOPS no the Puerto Ricans weren't the JETS but the SHARKS...
i think this came from the adage against interracial love. "a fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their nest" (also used in the movie Corrina Corrina
probably a Jewish mother who wanted their children to marry other Jews, and keep the religion within the family.
Great Sermon! Since there are starting to use GENDER NEUTRAL pronouns..
I believe it is VERY IMPORTANT, for Christian couples, to NAME THEIR KIDS MASCULINE AND FEMININE NAMES! i think some of the best names are those that baby boomers were names after
so, NO MORE SURNAME NAMES!! like hunter, bryce, mackenzie,connor, etc.
go back to the BIBLE...LOL Abigail, Rebekah, Mary,David, Jesse, Paul, Matt etc.
i've even heard, that FEW indians really weren't affected by this
Excellent Warning! At the end of the movie, the all seeing eye is tattooed on the boy's some rite of passage. As Pastor Swanson mentioned, we can no longer sit back, relax and watch a good movie. There is a demonic agenda and there always has been. Pastor Jason Cooley has a tremendous series: THE SATANIC ROOTS OF HOLLYWOOD on SermonAudio. I encourage everyone to listen to these powerful sermons. "To Him who has ears to hear."
Great Sermon! The Presbyterian brand is not just equated with homosexuality, but now married homosexual pastors. This is so fatal, the PCA and OPC cannot recover. The best they can do is change their names to the Elder Church in America and the Orthodox Elder Church. "Presbyterian" is now 100% sold out to the culture of death.
Great Sermon! The reason that homosexuality is a very key issue is because marriage is a picture of Christ and his church For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. (Isaiah 54:5 KJV)
For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:2 KJV)
Christians need to boycott Hollywood This wouldn't be an issue if Christians would just avoid cinema with their families, but they just collectively shrug off things like this. The culture of divorce, public school educations, sterilization/birth control has completely liberalized far too many Christian homes in this age.
nothing new It sounds like nothing is new in what Mike Hoggard would call "hollyweird". :)
Thank you, Ruben for your admonition. And "L D", bewitched and the munsters have no redeeming value either.
Why the need to send children to movie theatres? If Hollywood, Disney etc are corrupt why this insistence in western countries of sending Christian children to theatres and movies? Surely the best remedy is for them to stay away. It seems much time is spent analysing movies because there is some kind of compulsive need to entertain children with worldly productions and of course they have to be duly protected. Be done with it! Don’t send them there in the first place!
Great Sermon! I can't thank you enough for keeping us informed concerning Hollywood's agenda for indoctrinating our children in the realm of movies. It is the same with the new movie
Fault in our starts. I hope that Generations will raise the red flag with this movie as well.
Great Sermon! Have you heard about the two 12 year old girls who stabbed their friend, almost to death. over some person from photoshop?
it sounds like PAGANISM to me..
IMO, much of homosexuality, etc, comes from DIVORCE!! if people kept their marriages together, or have kids within marriage, we wouldn't be here.
Although the TV series BEWITCHED had a 'good witch', she lived within a 'christian worldview' with her husband..but not today..
The Munsters were similar
Great Sermon! My 19 year old daughter said the modern cartoons are VERY EERIE.. and shouldn't be seen by children.It's not Hanna Barbera or Bugs Bunny anymore.
We have to be aware of what is going on.