Great sadness. This is unbelievable! This is perhaps the most sad news I ever heard about the state of the Church of Christ. May God have mercy on the Church in China, to bring her to repentance and for a stand for God's will!
Well..... Raising kids un a broken home is not God's intended design. God can and does save adults and children from broken homes. I am one of them. If you stop and notice. Most people do not attend church or a biblically sound church. Married or not. Children are being raised apart from an exposure and awareness of God in their homes. Our own president does not attend church as his predecessors did. Not saying they were all true believers, but this did at the very least speak to our country that they believed in God and He is to be acknowledged. Christians
need to glorify God and advance His kingdom in their marriages not just stay married to be married. I am not saying get divorced I am saying we need to protect our marriages and nurture them. I came from a broken home and have done well by God's grace. The gospel was preached to me in my teens and I heard the gospel weekly at church. Its the gospel, not an intact family. I was not saved until much later, but the gospel did have an impact as well as a mother set consistant boundaries in the home. She worked outside the home since I was 2. She came home every night, was not carrying on with men, not abusing alcohol, not on drugs, monitored TV, did not let us spend the night at peoples homes. This is what's missing in br
Hope For You, Cheryl... Cheryl, you are at a tremendous advantage with your youth. It may be hard for you to imagine this, but youth doesn't last. It's a brief season of life. The concerns raised in your comment indicate that you really do desire marriage and family, so I would encourage you to make pursuit of that your priority and not let the actions of some men discourage you from that. You do not want to end up in your 30s or beyond still single and trapped as a corporate slave. I wish you a blessed marriage and abudant fruitfulness in childbearing! :)
Great Sermon! Cheryl, don't feel bad: responsible men are still out there. There are even 20 something men with their original parents still married after 25 years or so. You just need to observe how he is around his parents. A problem is that there are fewer of them. Submission does NOT mean bossing her around, while he works 9 hours a day and then plays videogames the rest of the time. He needs to interact with the children as well.
For me, i'm just a little tired about how young ladies are being treated or treating themselves.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your sermon Kevin.
As a 23 year old woman, I just wanted to explain the "Fear" of submission to women. I have to say this isn't a woman's fault totally when she says she wants to back off from family life. The reason why I say this is because how many mothers ended up single because the man didn't take responsibility? How many stories and lifestyles did you see that the wife had 80% of the work shoved on her while the husband just works and does nothing when he comes back home? Its not that women want to have more freedom because she can get a extra Starbucks coffee and head to the spa every week. Its because woman is fearfully scared of a irresponsible man. She'll turn into a slave with regrets having children if she gets with a man who has authority but no responsibility. And how many times I heard from a man's mouth that he just wants the body of a woman and no kids involved in his life is totally off the charts. How many male friends and even random strangers I hear just say they don't like kids, but want a girlfriend. Man is scary to me when he acts like he can do whatever he wants to a woman but takes no responsibility for his actions. You can see why some women don't want a family. There are too many pigheaded selfish men out there who aren't godly at all
Great Sermon! I believe there are many children today BUT THEY ARENT IN HOMES.. so, what could happen is that they will be BARBARIANS or something close. We are starting NOW with the heavily tattoing and piercing. I've just went to the doctor lately, and 80% of the female staff had an ugly tattoo somewhere on their arm
Great Sermon! The best evidence shows that a college degree leads to a lifetime earnings increase of $250,000 to $300,000, even after subtracting the cost of higher education. MIT NEWS 2/8/13
Great Sermon! When you select the Share icon it turns out the message that appears is not the one you are listening to at the time you select Share. I am currently listening to College is a Rip-off but is not the topic on the header of this comment or Share.
Great Sermon! The reason is simple... people are fornicating years BEFORE tying the knot, and it simply makes for a WEAKENED MARRIAGE COVENANT. Or, when couples live together FIRST, and then 'slide' into marriage, WITHOUT moving out until the HONEYMOON, they 'change' and act sometimes uncivil to each other. What is really sad, is that some Christians are more 'immoral' than Islamists, and everyone knows about 'sins of the body' even Buddists.BTW,There is a book out called HANDS OFF: THIS COULD BE LOVE.. written by an orthodox Jew; Gila Manolsen. She said it isn't even ok to kiss or hold hands if you want a lifelong marriage with your partner, and do this AFTER THE MARRIAGE.
Great Sermon! This is why people said in the past, PLEASE DON'T RAISE YOUR CHILDREN IN A BROKEN HOME!! many millennials came FROM broken and never formed HOMES.. If Christians kept their marriages together, this may have not happened. Yes we get forgiveness of sin but their are CONSEQUENCES!
Yes, Its time to wake up “All laws and modes of life that man heeds not the word of God lead to destruction.”
This is a foundational statement – judge all things by this and you will be able to see clearly.
The creators of these systems know exactly what they are doing, they are the evil elite and they know who their master is. Down the chain are the blind that have been fooled into "the cause” and have exchanged good for evil.
Great evils have been perpetrated under the guise of Philanthropy. If the right hook is government -Philanthropy is the uppercut. Few see it coming.
I C Grace There is only one sin for which one cannot be forgiven- rejecting Christ.Of course Jesus hates divorce. And it would benefit all of us greatly to study His Word in regards to it.It really has become quite convoluted. Divorce is acceptable within the church on grounds for which it shouldn't. One should leave for safety issues and the like but one could just stay unmarried if there is a divorce. Adultery is serious business.I would think that there would not be one among us who hasn't committed it..externally or internally. However, those of us who love Him are also keenly aware of his grace and mercy which in turn changes our desires. His Grace draws us and keeps us too. :)
Great Sermon! The innocent spouse commits adultery when they remarry according to Jesus.
If Herod came to my church today, he might offered a deaconship or eldership.
Maybe John the Baptist too hard on Herod
1 Corinthians 6
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God
Matthew 5
32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Great Sermon! I also believe this could be a reason we are having too many black, gray, or brown colors on women. They go better with the bluing of tats. Even modern CLOTHING is rather boring, or shows too much skin. so it could be 'a' reason tats are popular. I have talked many teens OUT of tatting themselves as well.