Great Sermon! WOW.... it's actually past time for a reformation...
Todays kids, have absolutely NOTHING especially the millenial groups..
like you, i'm NOT INTO WOMEN PREACHERS EITHER.. simply by having them, the sons are dragged to church and then if the pastor is female.. they will NOT BECOME BELIEVERS as adults in general...ISAIAH 3:12.....ooweee
we could change it, but it has to be from the WOMEN ONLY... for one, we need to honor the younger generation, by WEARING DRESSES/SKIRTS as standard. I never thought we would cause homosexuality as standard, but could it be from our DRESS..? and then superlong hair on MEN? not all kids go this way but there was always a group who did, and would NOT if women and men dressed appropriately
kids are smaller than we are, and see legs of women and men, and there is NO DIFFERENCE. unless the women are dressing provocativly.. with mini skirts which may show the crack of their bottoms.
Great Sermon! St. Matthew 16:12 Then they understood that he bade them beware not of the leaven of bread, but the teaching of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (Bade-order command) Give them choice but no free will. Jolly old England if you desert AWOL the Army because you object, your not cast off but killed! Choose but no free will
Excellent Broadcast! An excellent analysis of the hook-up culture, Marriage 2.0 and popular music.
As to popular music: I am currently watching the documentary "Hell's Bells" with my wife. Had no idea just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
God bless you, Kevin and Dave! Keep up the good work!
Great Sermon! It can be 'scary' because many kids from the church just may go into the CULTS.. like JW and LDS, since they even still have a dress code, and the men seem to have responsiblity to their wives, especially LDS.. what also seems to happen, is that many young girls don't seem to be loved and receive affection in public, the males walk in front of them while they walk waay back, or they hang on to them like clothes on a hanger--this would have NEVER happen until the early 21st century
Romans 1 is right: its the WOMEN who go into sexual suicide FIRST, thru lesbianism WHEN they cant find a guy to make the first move, and then the men
Great Sermon! It seems a rare as 'hens teeth' to find a good man, a guy who is raised to 'take charge'
I had NO IDEA that men will fold up like a patio chair..but it didn't seem like this until the early 2000s, when they started piercing their ears en masse! and then GAUGE their ears all the way down to their shoulderblades.. its unreal. but not many girls know about this and why guys arent taking them out anymore
I have an 18 yo daughter, who is very pretty, and years ago, would have had her pick of guys, but NO LONGER..guys are losing all right, and girls have to 'put out' and she has to be educated so she could support him, and buy HIM jewelry for his PIERCED EARS, eventually, i think, women could survive IF they start wearing DRESSES and SKIRTS as STANDARD which means NO MORE PANTS...
Its a reason, why many women born before 1940 would never be caught dead in pants, and even would wear a skirt over their pants if they worked in the fields or on their horse!
I think Jezebel and Ahab is similar to today
Parents! Listen and Read! As ones who don't even have children, it is saddening to us...the whole system is corrupt and yet we have no choice but to pay for it! Exasperating! The only answer and hope is prayer for revival in our schools and nations. The irony is some other cultures are actually allowing the Bible in the schools and the USA, which used to be a beacon of light, is now is prohibiting it. Definitely a battlefield, yet as we know we don't wrestle against flesh and blood.
Great job Ray and we pray the Lord would use this book mightily for His glory and for education reformation.
But wait a minute! Kevin and Dave, Although you are both in agreement that legalism can be counterproductive to the Christian, and I would tend to agree with several of the items that you had mentioned, e.g. how much water to use in baptism, (even baptism itself not being necessary for salvation could be included in your list) but I believe that pastors with large platforms such as yours need to study the King James vs. other versions issue IN DEPTH. I used the NIV for years and I would never say that someone is not saved if they use other versions but I can tell you that when I did a study on the differences, It was completely obvious that I was reading a version that had an agenda, that being to water down the message of Christ. And when I delved into the villainous characters behind the scenes of these new versions, I was convinced that they are not of God but of money and thus asked the question, why would any Christian, upon discovering the blatant ERRORS and apostasy that these versions cunningly insert, continue to read and study them? I for one will not and I am an advocate of exposing these PER versions for what they really are...COUNTERFEITS. This is not being legalistic nor unnecessarily dogmatic but this falls under the instruction to RIGHTLY DIVIDE the word of truth.
Great Sermon! "I was glad I read the Associated Press story first because, setting aside the headline and lede, it included the minor detail that Pope Francis did not depart from traditional church teaching on sin and homosexuality [is intrinsically disordered]."
-Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, GetReligion reporter and LCMS member
Great Sermon! Albert Mohler discussed the crisis in South Korea today with an unprecedented fertility rate of 1.1. Marriage has so collapsed in that ancient culture there's no remaining family structure to encourage marriage in the rising generation. Now the government has been forced into playing matchmaker for the hope of an ongoing tax stream. Reminds one of the dystopic novella, The Machine Stops, from a century ago, the author painted a world where the central government not only dictates the number of children but also the process by which each comes into being. Perhaps the future is marriageless. Then the girl will only kiss frogs. With no marriage, she'll never know a prince.
Great Sermon! BTW.. a good movie to watch is THE ENCOUNTER..
its about Jesus but set in the 21st century..and HE runs a diner. 5 people end up in the diner, and they figure out who he is but THEY did. its similar to Peter saying Jesus was the messiah, NOT Jesus telling the people he was..the people are like the WOMAN AT THE WELL and he knew about their troubles..(SPOILER) there was a sheriff, who is SATAN in disguise
Great Sermon! My daughter is still a virgin. she is going to college to become a dietician, so she could work at a hospital. She has a boyfriend though who IMO is too overprotected by his mother even though he has a father at home who works. I'm praying for her to either leave him, or for him to become a mature man before he gets married, even though it may NOT be my daughter....she wants to get married and have at least 4 KIDS OR FIVE.. but the LORD has to lead it
youre right... the WASPs need to have at least 4 kids in general, and this is why the hispanic crowd are gaining power in the US. They have families who are more intact than the blacks and whites in general..the men in the extended family in general if they arent in gang life, may have a blue collar profession
Great Sermon! I notice we have LGBT-Q, who is very powerful today BUT it didnt start there but was caused by women who gave their bodies to guys who had FWB (friends with benefits) and they don't make good parents.. no one is thinking ahead, when young ladies are 30 lbs overweight and has sleeves full of tattoos before the age of 20
the only thing that the 50s that wasnt' good was interracial marriages were frowned dont date outside your RELIGION...ever.
I just notice that WOMEN tend to do this and many christian men are too much into porn to want a woman
Great Sermon! So glad someone is saying this!! I'm going to share with everyone I can. Now, PLEASE. Say something about Hunger Games!! Another horrible movie Christians are defending!
Hebrews 3:12-13 An Evil Heart of Unbelief This is interesting in light of the fact I was just meditating on John Owen's commentary on Hebrews 3: an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God. The heart of this apostasy may be found in Rachel's testimony, "??I ran away from home when I was 17 (due to reasons not pertinent to this post) and went to college the following year. " Due to reasons not pertinent? I doubt that. The indications are that she had a boyfriend and living at home was not convenient. She goes on to say, "why were some things a sin in the Old Testament but not a sin in the New Testament? Alex had no answer — and I realized I didn’t either." But there are clear answers to this question. Answers, which for the sake of her not wanting to give up her lifestyle, she really did not want. She says she is at "freedom" now. I know a lot of apostates, even in my own family. I see drug abuse, alcoholism, and other fillers... but if these persons sat quietly and really examined their emotional estate, they would not be so sure that what they are feeling is "freedom" and "liberty." In the early 1800s there was a tract called, The Death Bed of a Free-Thinker. The end was anything but liberty.
Great Sermon! Detroit started going DOWNHILL as soon as c/rap music took hold
I say music, because of Detroit was called Motown BEFORE Motown studios was formed
Detroit going bankrupt actually caused america to go downhill
someone told me, the MUSIC and AUTO CHASSIS styles went together and changed on the '5' of the decade,usually in the USA
It was that way or it seemed that way since from WW2 to the late 1980s
in the 70s, when the cars went small, the music went DISCO which led to RAP music
Great Sermon! Detroit has been decimated by falling from 1.8 million residents in 1950 to 700,000 in 2013. But if a family like Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's had been living in Detroit for only 5 generations, there would be 2,500,000 of them alone today. Clearly the Pill and abortion exterminated more than just one family. Is there even one faithful (and fruitful) family left? If so, their children and grandchildren will reclaim the 80,000 abandoned buildings. "The future belongs to those who show up." -Mark Steyn
Great Sermon! Since many of these girls are CONCEIVED IN LUST (from these HIPPY PARENTS who are into Rolling Stone magazine).. these poor girls have no choice, but to act a certain way..unless become UBER SQUARE.
what MAY happen, by default, thanks to homosexual 'marriage' is STRAIGHT UP POLYGAMY, for the children they end up having
It could actually be one of the first ways it may have started
Women also went for the ALPHA MALES and would rather SHARE one of those, than to get with BETA MALES (many men are becoming Beta Males, by default, from NO MARKETABLE SKILLS)
Dont forget: Bathsheba may have been attracted to David being an ALPHA and Uriah being a Beta or Gamma male wasn't attracted to her
THE Jonathan Cahn
Great Sermon! SermonAudio's Pastor Trewhella mentions a non-christian Harvard sociologist who predicted no-fault divorce, abortion on demand, fornication and rampant homosexuality ... in 1947. Dr. Carle Zimmerman studied failed cultures including the Greek and Roman Empires and all of them collapsed when people no longer wanted to have children. Today's college girl hook-up culture is no shock. It was totally predicable about 70 years ago. The love of birth control is a root of all evil.
Great Broadcast! Great discussion on the beauty and blessing of adoption and its direct tie to the Gospel of Christ. A great admonition to Christians for seeing adoption from the viewpoint of our Heavenly Father and what He has expressed in His Word. A very sobering reminder of the utter destruction that can and does occur when adoption is coupled with ungodly and shameful people and deeds. Finally, the last few minutes of the message sounded like presumption, and I counsel greater care and caution here. There's little difference in a Reformed believer presuming that their paedo-baptized children, by virtue of being their physical children and having been baptized as infants, will (or has a better shot at) inherent the Kingdom of God...and the Arminian who tells everyone that Jesus loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life. Either view ultimately denies Biblical truth as expressed in Rom. 9:10-13 or John 1:13 - "who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of GOD." Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus!
Great Sermon! I wouldn't like this version anyway
One: Tonto is....Johnny Depp?
the original tonto is by a real native american, Jay Silverheels, and in a day like today.....WHY?
two: Tonto has uber face paint, which is weird
three: i'm GLAD this one didn't make it..Yay
What i like about westerns, in general is the good guy/bad guy connections
the spachetti westerns RUINED IT THOUGH