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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"File this next to Proverbs 22:6"
Handy Randy from Isles of Langerhans
Listening to the latest messages (abortion, psychology) makes one think that the Amish are wiser in divorcing themselves from Our...
Kevin Swanson | Boys Veer Off the Tracks
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Sermon9/27/13 6:04 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The purposelessness started in the late 60s, when the communisits took over the colleges, and later uber divorces, and people either don't form families, or don't stay with the family they had Part of this could be the crazy making from taking prayer out of school in 1963 Tehre aren't many young MEN growing up until age 30, and women are gettin frustrated wanting to find a husband and get married Miley Cyrus wrote a book: MILES TO GO, written as late as 2009..She wrote a list that said, she wanted to get married and have kids, and even wrote Bible Verses in this book!! What happened to HER IN FOUR YEARS!! its possible that PORN could be destroying men, and allowing their testosterone to fade at a young age, so many very pretty women just arent getting the attention they need, so they just lie with ANYONE and get pregnant.. of all colors and classes Besides, THC does make some people extremely PARANOID!!, And were 40+ years into it now

Sermon9/25/13 3:11 PM
Allie from Detroit  Find all comments by Allie
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“ Foolishness ”
Urgh! The catholic church is no true church. Read their dogmas and their catechism. Of course he says this. He is not saved.

Sermon9/24/13 8:20 PM
Priscillaaaaaa from New Mexico  Contact via emailFind all comments by Priscillaaaaaa
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“ Question.. ”
If the floods were related to weed and gay marriage... then why in the world is Las Vegas, San Fransico, and Amsterdam still standing?

Sermon9/24/13 6:38 PM
ham  Find all comments by ham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The subtle difference between Rob Bell and Pope Francis is that Francis continues to point to a doctrinal foundation: "I said what the catechism says." Meanwhile Bell floats in a doctrineless outer space. Despite the media's relentless attempts to spin the pope, the RCC remains just as steadfastly against abortion, homosexuality and contraception as the Apostles.

Sermon9/23/13 8:40 PM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon9/22/13 3:38 PM
FG from USA  Find all comments by FG
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Billy Graham: America, Repent!
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Billy Graham has has a plank comprised of decades of [selling out the gospel type] compromise to pull out of his eye before he can be taken seriously when he calls any nation to repentance.

Sermon9/18/13 6:50 PM
Silent percussion  Find all comments by Silent percussion
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Kevin mentioned that before 1500 the altar was the center of worship. The Reformation replaced this with a pulpit. Now, the 20th century placed the drumset at the center of Christian life. Reverence has been so eclipsed, how is it recoverable?

Sermon9/7/13 10:35 AM
Lady_Virtue from OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Excellent Program! ”
Great points in regard to a man and a woman finding their God-given identities within marriage(leader, protector, and provider for the husband and helpmeet who guides and keeps the house for the wife) as well as love always involving sacrifice. Matthew 10:39 - "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Amen.

Sermon9/6/13 8:28 PM
Ken Kirkman from USA  Find all comments by Ken Kirkman
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I really enjoyed this informative audio Thanks for sharing Blessings

Sermon9/6/13 7:00 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
this NEW MILEY CYRUS.... seemed to happen VIRTUALLY OVERNIGHT i bought a book in the library which someone wrote about Miley, and her Mammy and Pappy (names she called her grandparents) and how close and normal her family was--and it was dated in 2009!! only 4 years ago!! the worse part about it, was she wrote Psalms 25 somewhere in the book!! (probably because her grandparents told her too i guess, and not long after that, her pappy died)

Sermon9/3/13 9:07 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
LEVITICUS 2013---what more do they want--this is actually the 2nd time this was mentioned, and is more telling because the year and where it is in the BIBLE.. 20:13 the first was 1822

Sermon8/28/13 7:20 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe DR. Kings speech would have had MORE OF AN IMPACT---IF THE ACLU DIDNT TAKE THE BIBLE OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PRAYER!!!!! My dad at the time, said that was the beginning, of WHAT? yes the speech was good and it showed promise, BUT what happened just a month later was horrible, (and he wasnt a christian at the time) and just after that, the VIETNAM WAR started along with drafting young men, and then the BEATLES which started off good (STONES WERE WORSE) began becoming the Pied Pipers away from American values, and back to english ones "British Invasion" and the communists took advantage of the Civil Rights movement away from the Black churches, (whites were too afraid to get involved, similar to some blacks today),and 3 years later DRUGS MAINSTREAMED,(1967) starting with MARIJUANA--which i think is insidious, and worse on male brains than female (could be a problem of boys not making it and girls are) IDK

Sermon8/23/13 12:17 PM
tina from fly over country  Find all comments by tina
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon8/23/13 11:01 AM
Allie from Detroit  Find all comments by Allie
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“ tsk tsk ”
ELCA is a cult. They claim to ne christian but do not hold to scripture. They do not deal with sin, but live in it openly with no shame.

Sermon8/22/13 5:14 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I don't believe in women being in these positions over men. For example: in the home, when women take their children to church and the dad stays behind, the kids do NOT stay in church later. It's similar to Malachi 4:6, and even Timothy, whose mother and grandmother taught him the scriptures, said for women to keep silent in the churches. Men don't listen well to women after they reach the age of 12. They need GODLY MEN to mentor them!!

Sermon8/21/13 6:54 PM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Third-world? ”
Kevin, not to miss the main point of the show but unless your understanding of the term is different from the rest us, none of the countries listed at 15:55 are third-world countries... including Russia. Googling Slovenia or Hungary and clicking on images will suffice. Czechoslovakia? That country hasn't been around for two decades and I drove through Slovakia (including its capital) this June and two years ago, in addition to going to Prague in the Czech Republic and I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that these are "third-world" countries. And neither were they under communism (I'm from Poland originally). Slovenia was indeed a third-world country as part of Yugoslavia for which the term "third-world country" was coined, meaning a non-aligned country during the Cold War but these countries were never third-world in the sense the word is understood today.

Sermon8/20/13 5:55 PM
chefjim from Gloucester  Contact via emailFind all comments by chefjim
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“ Thank you, Kevin and Dave ”
I know you are a true believer and I have been listening to you for about 7 years give or take. But don't you think it is about time to give up on looking for some sort of reformation? Isn't it pretty obvious that we are in the very last days before the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His Bride, the church to take us and hide us away until His indignation be overpast? (until the Time of Jacob's Trouble is over) I realize that you optimistically think that there is a chance that this country could turn around and turn to God but doesn't it seem to you that the opposite has been happening for quite some time now? I appreciate what you say and the topics that you address from your platform but as a solid teacher and firm believer in the word of God don't you think it is time to talk to your listeners about His Glorious appearing and our going with Him in our glorified bodies that won't ever get sick or hurt or die? That is the zeitgeist in my world, and I suppose I have said enough about it but I do want to thank you for your service, I just wanted you to hear from one of your listeners about what seems to be approaching....THE RAPTURE!!! And I also wanted to comfort you with these words!

Sermon8/15/13 7:52 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think a married couple needs to have at least one child...and then get their tubes tied... you never know when you get older, and all of us will unless we die soon, that whom will take care of us. Will we be put down like an old dog or cat? if there is no one there to care for us?

Sermon8/14/13 6:22 PM
Michael W from Helena  Find all comments by Michael W
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“ Great Message! ”
The only point I would not agree with is the statement that in the end these people will regret their choice. If in vanity they have spent their lives, in vanity they might well die. Sad story made sadder by the fact that some of them will "never get it" they are so self-absorbed. A fantastic listen and lots of good, biblical backup for what God seeks from His married couples, when He grants it.

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