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Generations Radio
Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Anime: Rooted In Gnosticism"
Anonymous Name
It should be noted that anime produced in Japan is known for being rooted in Gnosticism.
Kevin Swanson | Culture Check
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Sermon1/2/14 8:14 PM
Gayle from Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gayle
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Gone are the days of June & Ward Cleaver.! I sometimes feel like June cleaver. I have stayed home and homeschooled my 2 sons, now 15 & 17. Camile Paglia is correct when she says men are un masculine. We have raised our boys to be men. I believe they will Be the spiritual head in their homes.

Sermon12/31/13 5:54 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm boycotting your state!!LOL since im allergic to cannibus 2nd hand smoke.I wonder how your kids are doing with people who have it on their bodies. At 23:59 tonight.. all will toke up mannnnn--along with Washington state. IN some people, cannibus also causes either paranoia, or its a 'jump-off' to harder drugs like COCAINE, etc..I wonder how your states economy will do later since THC stays in body for a the fat cells, unlike liquor that stays in the body fluid

Sermon12/30/13 3:14 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a fantastic testimony. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us. Rosaria said a lot of things that really made sense and put this issue into its proper context. I will recommend this mp3 to others.

Sermon12/30/13 2:30 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am listening to this sermon and I really disagree with this approach. While homosexuality is a sin, I believe it is wrong to deny a homosexual a wedding cake or a room at a bed and breakfast -- AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT HOLDING HETEROSEXUALS TO THE SAME STANDARD. James 2 tells us that we are not to show partiality. If we made wedding cakes for heterosexual fornicators or allow them to stay at a bed and breakfast, we are hypocrites. There is no reason to single out homosexuality the way we do. All it does is alienate them from the gospel. Trust me, they already know how we feel about this issue. There is no reason to make it worse by treating them any differently than any other unbeliever. Just my .02.

Sermon12/28/13 5:17 PM
Olde Folderal from Sturm and Drang, Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Olde Folderal
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“ Polygamy Legal? Hooray for old-fashioned mormons ”
Wasn't there a group of Mormons that had broken away from the main group so that they could continue practicing polygamy? I guess they will be 'coming out of the woodwork' with the judges' ruling.

Sermon12/26/13 6:18 AM
mary  Find all comments by mary
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, please do this conference! I am a single mother who also cares fulltime (as well as part time work/study) for my elderly father who has advanced alzhiemers. I feel like an anomaly. Why aren't christians caring for their elderly, but instead are paying other people to do the duty that really belongs to them before God. They are missing out on a special blessing. Nothing can compete the joy of seeing your elderly loved one cared for and a part of the family, as I believe Jesus would have it. They are the forgotten people.

Sermon12/20/13 4:29 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think what PHIL has said, may be an ANSWER TO PRAYER.. 50 years ago, it tooK ONE WOMAN to take prayer out of school, (even Jews didn't mind hearing MERRY CHRISTMAS,) 50 years later it's taking ONE MAN to try to 'put something CHRISTIAN back into society' I for one, do NOT like 'reality shows' but ITS possible that GOD allowed this forum to bring forth this discussion. I told my husband, after the Kennedy anniversary, "if we don't bring up a form of repentance by Dec 31st, were done" and a week before CHRISTMAS, Phil from Duck Dynasty came forth. He also looks 'stupid' to the liberals, with those 'nasty' beards, etc.even though he is a wealthy man if his show leaves the air, so least CHRISTIANS are fighting back-- 50th year is the jubilee year

Sermon12/19/13 5:51 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
When people tattoo themselves in weird places, and piercing their lips, don't you think that's pagan?! it would be just a matter of time, when drugs and fornication without restraint, that POLYGAMY would start up--hoping that incest wont start though..thats just GROSS (off topic) I think Miley Cyrus could have a form of schizophrenia--because I have a book she wrote called MILES TO GO-- and in the book, she wanted to read the BIBLE, and other normal stuff..(like missing her grandparents)--I've heard it starts from 18-21 if you are going to get it-and not before Recently, the dad from DUCK DYNASTY, has got into trouble, but many people like him and his show--its possible that It may 'change' for a while, or many may start to read their bibles--(he is so odd that he reminds me of a 'john the baptist' eating weird things, and living in weird places)

Sermon12/18/13 3:44 PM
Jeanette Davis from iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeanette Davis
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm a stay at home mom who loves her children and are raising my girls to be a stay at home wife and mother. I see the break down of the home and don't want that for my children. Sadly even amongst Christians, my view if foreign. I'm thankful that the Lord open my eyes to the dangers of working outside the home. I grew up in a feministic home, got saved when I was 20 and God has changed my life, my ideals, my desires. I'm so thankful! It is definitely worth the sacrifice.

Sermon12/16/13 4:17 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
hmmmm: with america pushing same sex marriage, i believe America might PUSH POLYGAMY NEXT. What is sad, the feminists will push americans into leaving the home, starting a career without a man,making 75k+ and later, when their daughters cant find one, will SHARE a WEALTHY or at least a guy with either multi skilled (many guys today cant even change their tires much less oil in cars) or one making 100k. Not now of course, what might happen in the 2020s

Sermon12/12/13 6:24 AM
Rick Habecker from Central Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick Habecker
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm amazed that from a business/profit motive sense that movie makers don't make more pro-family films. Every time they do the box office returns are near or record breaking in proceeds. Yet, Hollywood ignores that insisting instead on films that glorify man & his carnal nature.

Sermon12/10/13 8:14 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I NEVER WATCHED modern movies since the late 90s, reluctantly...except for movies like COURAGEOUS I've even heard a talk show host whose kid wanted to watch a movie "c'mon dad, there is only a FEW F-BOMBS in it.. no big deal" he answered him: "what if I gave you a really big 6 inch chocolate chip cookie BUT it only has a few bits of dog crap in it, would YOU eat it ?" the HAYES CODE wasn't that bad..because until 1966, taking GODS NAME IN VAIN was OFF LIMITS

Sermon12/10/13 8:00 PM
Todd Schmidt  Contact via emailFind all comments by Todd Schmidt
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“ Rapture and Coming Earthly Kingdom ”
The reason Kevin and Dave don't mention the imminent rapture of the church (I Thess. 4) and the coming of a literal earthly kingdom where Christ rules and reigns for 1,000 years is because they don't believe those things to be true in Scripture. They have a different eschatology.

Sermon12/9/13 11:20 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We're expecting our 4th life birth..I've had three hospital births-1 with the epidoural and 2 without. This one will be a homebirth and I'm so.excited!!! The care I receive from my midwife is better then what my Dr gave. The birthing process is an amazing thing that leaves me an awe of my Creator! I hope to become a midwife after my children are grown. Right now it would take me away from my God given role far to much. And ist it funny how homebirthing ad home educating go along wth each other?!

Sermon12/7/13 7:29 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
hmm is it possible that rap/ hip hop is similar to a form of COUNTRY MUSIC..? except the grabbing of crotch. remember the JOHNNY CASH song A BOY NAMED SUE? did he SING or RAP the 'melody' and played the guitar throughout I say this because many blacks, (since I am one, I could say this) came from the old south, and early rappers never sang, but 'talked' just like SQUARE DANCE CALLERS through the music. In the late 70s, when DISCO started to die, they had to think of something else, that was cheap and didn't require a complete band. Even early rappers were DISCO DJs and didn't get on stage like modern rappers Its possible that young people are getting dangerous (for men) antidepressants because of the misuse of their sexuality and the soul ties that ensues--80% of the wild men who shot up buildings and people were on these, starting with COLUMBINE High School while women on them tend to not have this problem, but are without a boyfriend or husband, unlike previous generations. They even use the term SINGLE when they are without a boyfriend when the previous generations would say they are single until they are MARRIED, NOT IN LIMBO (similar to a 14-25 yo).. in fact, its not a good way to raise a family for more than one generation

Sermon12/7/13 8:36 AM
Michael Hranek from Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It is entirely accurate that the Hunger Game books/movies do not have a Biblical Worldview. BUT do we? It is so easy to profess to be a Christian and yet follow the hyporcisy of the Pharisees who sought to impose an external righteousness upon others. The fictional Hunger Game books, entertainingly can remind us to REMEMBER WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS, in these books there were two tyrannts one from the Capitol and one from the rebellious District 13 For us as believers we so need the grace of God to have the work of the Spirit and the word in our hearts so that we genuinely live by faith in Christ, our Savior and Lord, the very best of all Masters, who is worthy of being the first and foremost love of everyone who has ever lived or ever will. Something we do not need "magistrates" to impose upon us externally but "Preachers/Prophets" to declare the Truth of Christ to us from the Scriptures that Romans 10:13-15,17 in context would be a blessed experiential reality to us saved by God and for God.

Sermon12/6/13 1:08 PM
chefjim from Gloucester  Contact via emailFind all comments by chefjim
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“ Wow ”
Kevin and Dave, I wasn't expecting such a sobering dose of reality when I clicked on today's link. This message is what keeps me coming back to Generations Radio. Every day of my life it seems that the world goes deeper into decay and you have shined light on this fact today by pointing out that this downward decline can be seen everywhere, even in the way people dress compared to how they used to dress. There is a yearning in me for righteousness and purity and it can't be found in everyday life, no, but instead the opposite! We who love God and desire what is pure and lovely are being overrun it seems, by a deteriorating and dying world. What can we do but get on our knees and beg God for respite? How is that respite going to come? It is found in the third line of the Lord's prayer...THY KINGDOM COME! I don't long for revival...I don't long for the US gov't to elect righteous men and for the world to clean up it's act so my grandkids have a nice world to live in, I long for HIS COMING! Why don't you ever talk about His Kingdom coming, Kevin and Dave? The things you talk about are always spot on but you leave out the most anticipated (and imminent) event in Christendom...The Rapture of the church and the coming of the Bridegroom.

Sermon12/5/13 4:10 PM
Michael H from Helena  Find all comments by Michael H
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“ Super List! ”
Thanks for the list Kevin! If I mention listening to a sermon by one of the Sproul clan to someone of my church family, the eyes roll and suddenly something seems stuck in their throat. I'm so sick of it. We cry "Unity!" But what those people generally mean is "Rally to me, you sinners!" God leads my family and has used many people to show us His truths - there might even be a few of them on your list! ;)

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