Great Sermon! don't feel like capitalizing..sigh....
they look HORRIBLE on women!! similar to body hair. No one is thinking ahead! This was 'normal' worldwide UNTIL the CHRISTIANS changed it. The pagans stopped tatting. Now Christians? are doing this? I like John Piper, but, hmmm. I'm GLAD my 18 YO daughter don't like them and wont get one. Also, if you like the look, you could get imitation tattoos, or even HENNA which you could CHANGE. Even removal of them leave scars!
Polygamy was a 'given' simply because of the radical feminists want to have men and women as partners. In fact, I believe the persecution of women was also led by...women in the past. I didn't think this at first, but women train their SONS to some degree.
Radical Muslims would not have the power they have now, IF the church wasn't so WEAK!!
Great sermon! Although I don't necessarily agree with everything Mr. Swanson brought up in his message, (I have seen the frozen movie) I agree that most kids movies are slipping in small segments of sin and saying that lying, stealing, ect., is okay in that situation. I sincerely hope that the movie directors will start glorifying God through film, rather then glorifying man.
Great Sermon! There is a movie out now, called GOD IS NOT DEAD. its about an atheist professor who tries to get the Christian kids to doubt GOD. This movie needed to be around 40 years ago. It could be an answer to prayer.
Great Sermon! Millenials LOVE BIG GOVERMENT.. simply because that was WHO RAISED THEM... 80% came from BROKEN HOMES...(they are broken for a reason) even their moms were latchkey kids, looking for love in all the wrong places when in teen years. That is how they got here.
We have to get REAL MEN to come alongside them, who are married for a while. We could reverse this one kid at a time I believe.
Great Sermon! What also could happen,, is many young men will get on Porn.. and later get into harder porn, and eventually abuse children. I've even heard that when they ****, some of their TESTOSTERINE gets lost and they start acting more feminine!!(I'm starting to notice this among teenage boys)
It has to start somewhere--the men have to get rid of their PORN THEMSELVES--and from 5th grade onward, MEN have to start talking to their sons, or get others in the church to do so.
Great Sermon! Barbara from San Antonio
the OLDER films were the BEST.. not the resurection of Disney films in the late 80s early 90s--by that time, the radicals have taken over. Pocahontas was totally incorrect: in fact she even became a CHRISTIAN and changed her name to Rebecca even the spelling from Rebekah, and married John Rolfe.
John Avery Whitaker was the pastor who baptized her and is why FOTF uses his name for Mr. Whit
Thanks! I was just about ready to buy the Frozen DVD! The movie reviewers at PluggedIn (Focus on the Family) gave a positive review of Frozen. They should have listened to your broadcast before writing it!
Superficial There's a lot more to complain about with Disney than the recent homosexual agenda. Even old Disney films depict immodesty, rebellion, running off with strangers,etc. The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Aladdin, etc. all have very negative messages. Christians should have seen the harm in Disney films 40 years ago, instead of responding only now. The rampant immorality, vanity and rebellion that Disney films encourage has helped pave the way for sexual alienation and homosexuality for those who don't fit the stereotypes.
Thank you! Us young christian guys get beat up on a lot (many times deservedly so) about not growing up, but in my circle there are many more godly young men looking to get married than women. Thank you for taking time to address the other side of the coin!
Great Sermon! Sad to hear of Dave's departure from the show. We all need to pray that our families are in one accord during these tumultuous times. Cheap American religion is like the stuff at the dollar store: you hope half of it's still working when you leave. You present two very bad options. Either live in the godless north with a slightly better shot of keeping your family intact or the south where you'll dabble in a little bad religion and then divorce. In 1960, God's blender was set to liquefy mode. He let Margaret Sanger turn it on.
Great Sermon! the churches are ICHABOD all right. There is a guy on youtube called David Carroll who is a black man that always are against many black pastors, and the churches in their areas; the pastors are on EVERY CORNER in the black neighborhood. He says the pastors are COMMITTING ADULTERY with the women of the church, and taking their money! He doesn't trust Christianity whatsoever. I try to dialogue with him at times. I also think the churches in the south of all races could be useless as well since divorce is prominent
Where's Dave? Actually, his name is Dave Buhner (not sure of the spelling of his last name). That is a good question because I am wondering the same thing. I miss Dave.
Great Sermon! Hurting sheep have always been the last to know after the other teaching/ruling elders, session and presbytery have deliberated for weeks or months. Sex abuse must be exposed immediately per Matthew 18 and all applicable reporting laws. Good message.
Where's Mike? Where's Mike? Does anybody know? More than half of the reason I listened to Kevin Swanson was because of Mike Bruener. (sp?) I hope you're coming back, Mike.
But... Too many christian parents don't want to do this, because it will interfere with their standard of living, and come on, what's more important?
A win - win situation If you pull your kids out of public school I won't have to send mine to private school! It sounds like a win - win for my family. :) But in all seriousness, my family is not completely against teaching religion in school: we actually think school districts should implement classes to teach ALL major religions AND theology-related philosophies. I think if the new generations were educated in these they would understand where all parties are coming from and peace in the world would have a chance. Peace.
Great Sermon! back in 2013, I told my husband that GOD may just do something to bring attention. First, yes, Phil Robertson added his 5 cents, a week before Christmas...its the WORST since 1850 I've heard. if you notice, homosexuality abortion, and porn came out in 1973 and 2013 is 40 years later.
its weird:
the Jewish calendar is 39-40 years behind, since it is 2014, the jewish calendar is 5774 until Yom Kippur, then it turns into 5775