Great Sermon! Its possible, people acted apostate ALL THE TIME in the past.
I even think the Muslim faith came from perhaps CHRISTIAN apostasy since they talk about the faith of those who and into the 'law and gospels' (sounds like christianity especially when it says in a SURA, that Mary was being imprenated by a spirit when she had JESUS) but then later takes a NASTY TURN and how to kill them! apostasy in the MAKING... we need to FAST FOR OUR CHILDREN
BTW, there is a website made from ex-islamists and others who became christian and are trying to rescue their brothers. from MI
America will 'fizzle out'? I remain confused about what Kevin Swanson means when he thinks that America will fizzle out instead of exploding with a bang. Will we be economically dominated by a foreign power? Will everyone just stop procreating because of the triumphs of feminists and the gay rights movement? His vision seems incomplete.
Obama's connection to the Muslim faith is his Father. His love for his father... Only God can fill the whole he has in his heart for the love of his father. Pray for him.
Is Barack Obama A Chief Persecutor of Christians? Many Related Free Resources: Is the Obama A Chief Facilitator of Christian Persecution? By Raymond Ibrahim, Obama Rebuilds Mosques While Churches Burn, Etc. (Free Articles, MP3s, Videos, Books) Muslim's (Islam) Persecuting and Murdering Christians, Even Beheading Christian Children (Free MP3, Videos, etc.)
Appreciated! Thank you for taking on and tackling the sin of feminism in this program. It is pride of the worst sort in females--no need of God, men, etc. May God continue to arm you with holy boldness to speak out scripturally against the sacred, unbiblical cows of our day.
Great Sermon! IMO, Mormonism is Islam is the same religion. It looks like Joe Smith found a Koran and wrote similar.
they are polygamist, and hate the black race in the writings.
Most feminists, came from Hugh Hefner type fathers i've known this for a while; most could have even molested their daughters, or abuse them emotionally
whats sad, is their are treating the average guy, like a pig.
Great Sermon! Young men need to be working 18 hr days after 18 at least for a while, but too many sisters, moms grandmoms want to take it FOR HIM. Then he ends up with no self-esteem--another thing: too many female cops in the inner city. At least the cops should be MEN simply because they don't see ANY around; they probably don't even have grandfathers
This man had lots of advice about doing chores around the house, but today, its rare to see a nice young man being able to work on a car.
Great Sermon! I was wondering if you were aware of the article on fox News:Company rescinds Ohio man's job offer after learning he was home schooled.
The energy company needed a "official" diploma.
HDLA advocates were outraged.
As a home school mom, this didn't sit well with me either.
God Bless
Great Sermon! Must Listen!! I agreed with Kevin about lots of women uses their body to attract men. God words.. to dress modestly. Sad to know this days their are not.
Great Sermon! I know many people don't believe in the 4 blood moons theory, but it makes a little sense. 2014-2015. (i know of a guy who listens to Bey, and 'worships' her; its weird, even Diana Ross wouldn't do such foolishness)
Even now, some women went viral when she filmed her ABORTION ON YOU TUBE. The last time the 4 blood moons were avaliable; the drug scene mainstreamed or seemed so, in 1967. Before 1967, few people even knew what POT was, or it was away from the mainstream.
Rock music started getting occultic in 1967 with skulls, pentagrams, etc.
Informative broadcast Whilst listening to this broadcast that has zeroed in on homosexual acceptance amongst some so called Christians, especially from the CCM Christian Contemporary Music crowd, my thoughts kept on drifting to: “perhaps someone will put two and two together and realise that CCM is a non-starter for Christians and that it will serve of no use at all to our children and youth”.
For just over a decade I was involved in a very small way in the CCM scene, recording Christian musicians. My memories of those years (prior to the moment when my convictions before the Lord took me out of that scenario) were of recording some very prideful folk behaving like “prima-donnas” – many being wannabes of their “Christian” pop heroes.
Just before that time and whilst at Bible School way back in 85, I was hearing the name Amy Grant mentioned and talked about in the classes and corridors more than our Lord Jesus Christ. So I was interested to hear how this broadcast gradually ended up on addressing CCM given Kevin Swanson’s past experience in that realm. I would however, not have any qualms of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
If one keeps on feeding CCM to our children and youth – don’t be surprised afterwards at the results, especially with regards to pride.
comment on lady's comments We have only ourselves to blame...not Ronald Reagan,not divorce, etc.Judgment begins in the house of God. The church dropped the ball a long time ago...which is not to say that there aren't many faithful Christians who serve Him. It helps when those things which we perceive as being more abominable "judge" us. Maybe then we can see more clearly to discern the events and people around us. We are made more aware of our own sins which we have not addressed.If we weren't desensitized to all of the hetero immorality among us, including the idol/celebrity worship which we engage in, things would not have proliferated to the point where they are . Hopefully, Christians will take stock of their walk with Christ, then we can thank Him for His long suffering and tender mercies toward us and rejoice...the church will become apostate...Redemption draws nigh!
Great Sermon! AS much as I hate to say it: the KJV only people have a point; they may be the only churches who wont buckle within. They are rarely post modern; and even now, some young men, in churches ARE GETTIN TATTED with their churches LOGO on them!--blame DIVORCE! IN CHRISTIAN HOMES!
Great Sermon! Right now, as we speak, 200 Nigerian girls were just KIDNAPPED and sold into slavery. Its been hidden because of the Sterling incident; and perhaps, it took WEEKS for the flight 370 was on the news--no one is saying NOTHING.
Great Sermon! Don't forget: it was WOMEN who went this way FIRST! Romans 1:16. Also, women being lesbian will lead to polygamy IF the MEN start going towards other men. This usually happens when the FAMILY has broken down. I happened to worked with many homosexuals, and they said, that DIVORCE could be, and was a reason this is happening... perhaps we could blame Ronald Reagan in 1968--with his no fault divorce.
Also, TANGLED is another one, with the woman leading the man. When men start becoming househusbands, you bet that women are becoming homosexuals. Homosexuality went from 3% or less to 10% OR MORE in the 21st century. I'm hoping the Christians, will change their mind similar to what WORLDVISION has done
a star is a star Perhaps the answer to the question can be found in examining the word "star". Celebrities or "stars" are essentially just that. We are all but dust,but it helps to keep in mind what the composition of dust consists of: not just dust but gas, as well...just a little aid to help us to focus on that which is worthy of our attention.
Great Sermon! This was very interesting. However I would like to hear the source of all the statistics that were used, and see what populations that source gathered their statistics from. Also to know more about the mentorship program that was mentioned. The guy talked so fast that I got asthma just listening to him.