Powerful Preaching 'Consider your ways!' all Christians need to hear this message. The backslidden church needs more activity and progress!
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Great and timely sermon! A powerful and much needed wake up call for the minister of the gospel and the flock of God.
That God would grant me more boldness and determination to preach His counsel without fear of men. May my tombstone read as John Knox's does: "Her lies the man who never feared the face of clay" Praise God for His servants who would rather offend the world than to offend a Holy God. This very morning I preached about lying in bed and under the covers with the world and all the apostate churches and organizations. May God use us to bring about reform or die attempting this great and priceless endeavour.
Great Sermon! Dr. Ian Paisley always challenges me to keep preaching the Holy Inspired and Infallible Word in Holy Ghost power and purity. Thank God for a servant who preaches His Word in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost!
Revealling Discussion! Clearly a difference is displayed in this discussion between a convinced Christian believer who tells it as He sees it (Paisley) and a career churchman who tells it as everybody else wants to hear it. Which of the two faces prosecution because of his beliefs? The same is the Man of God, after the likes of the apostle Paul. The double talking (I agree it's wrong, but don't condemn it - I sympathise with atheists etc. who denies even his own avowed ministry). Mr Paisley has never killed for his faith, but I'm sure he would die for it! That's a believer!
Fantastic! A truly marvelous and accurate exposition on Revelation Chapter 9. There is no hokey mumbo-jumbo, gimmicks, guessing or supposition here, only the facts. Welcome to eschatology that is untainted by Jesuit counter-reformation rues. This is the traditional Historicist view of eschatology held by the reformers. Ian is truly wise in saying, “It is only when Prophecy is fulfilled that we can really know its final and accurate fulfillment, and what it really was saying.” Listen and discover the “two great evil forces running through history in parallel…” Truly the return of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is drawing nigh. Perhaps much closer than you think. Caution: This sermon is so full of information that you may want to get your pens ready before you hit that play button.
Great Sermon! Challenging sermon, not only to faithfulness to death but to faithfulness to a task. Also good information on some of Tyndale's writings.
Great Sermon! As a Christian, I am truly humbled and shamed by the message in the Snare of the Fowler. Yes, salvation is through the shed Blood of Jesus and Jesus IS coming again. I seem to have forgotten these timeless truths. Thank you, Dr. Paisley.
Great Sermon! Thank God for Pastors (men) like Dr. Paisley, who watch over the welfare of the church. Like the Apostle Paul, he is a man of great courage who is not afraid to deal with sin, and sin in the church.
A fearless preacher, combined with love and compassion for our souls.
He never lowers the standard, He holds us accountable, as Paul did!
A message for today.
Great Sermon! A must series for those struggling against the ecclesiastical apostasy found in so many churches today. May we like Elijah be separated unto God, standing against the evil of the day, praying continuously for the fire of the Holy Spirit in our lives that saves us from cold dead religion. "Where is the God of Elijah" in the church today?
Great Sermon! Dear Sermon Audio.com,
Thank you so much for Dr. Ian Paisley's sermon entitled, "What to Do With Life's Burdens"! It really helped me a lot! I have been pastoring Keenburg Free Will Baptist Church for 15 years, and I know a little about shouldering,and sharing burdens. Here lately, I've been wrestling with what the Lord would have me to do concerning my ministry .
In Christ,
Pastor Mark Street
The Best! Our need for "Holy Ghost" preaching becomes evident in this message. We of the Reformed Faith are often in danger of becoming cold and indifferent. We need the power of prayer in our lives to see sinners saved. I thank God for the encouragement of Dr. Paisley who reminds us we are called to bring down the strong holds of satan. Let the church once again be militant in it's opposition to the evil of the day. May we "Consider our ways".
Great Sermon! Great sermon. I was born in mexico,(Catholic) ,I came to America I found freedom( in Christ my lord) I found peace and eternal life in my lord jesus(Amen). I did not have to go to confess my sins to a priest, because we have a High priest in Heaven (our lord Jesus Christ).He is the one and the only one who can give you eternal life,and forgive the sins, NOT THE POPE(it's not hope in the Pope) ONLY JESUS( eternal life),I'm born again child of god, new creature in Christ, I preach the gospel of my lord jesus,since God called me to preach the gospel. you are going to be bless by god ,keep doing what he putts in your heart. god bless you. Dr.
Great Sermon! First, thanks for providing a forum for this exchange. Secondly, the debate was most informative and I will share this message with others.
Finally, thanks again to sermonaudio.com
A Must-Hear Sermon! It is good to hear this study on the one essential theme, blood redemption in Christ our Lord.
In characteristic style, Dr. Paisley warns against all the "blood-less" churches and ministries of our day! Where there is no preaching of the Precious Blood, there is no spiritual power, he points out.
It is good to hear that the Lord is sustaining His servant to preach faithfully, in spite of Satanic attacks, abuse, years taking their toll and much suffering. Perseverance is an absolute mark of God's grace upon His servant, Dr. Ian Paisley. We praise God for this privilege to hear him.
Don't miss this message!