Great Sermon! Oh, how I long for the good old days and old meaningful hymns. Sadly, apostacy is more and more prevelant. But, thank God, this very apostacy will bring the Rapture and we will meet him in the clouds as we enter our real and everlasting home.
Great Sermon! As an ex catholic and previous despiser of Ian Paisley I have to say he is absolutely right. Once God opened my eyes to the truth about the catholic church I see it as so necessary to expose their dark deeds and point out to dear people that Rome is the wrong way and also the Mystery Babylon spoken of in Revelation 17. I understand now why Dr Paisley was so caricatured in the press as his stance is against the luciferian one world government/one world religion plan.Let us take courage and stand for truth.
Great Sermon! Just a quick note: The passage that Rev. Paisley is teaching on in this service is in Luke 9:7 and the following verses. That got cut off in the recording and I had to thumble frantically through my bible until I finally found the passage he is referring to in this sermon.
Sound Doctrine! A grand message delivered by a good minister of God. He preached, "God is in control" It may not seem like it many times in your life, as I have found, but all works for the good purpose of God and the cause of His Son Jesus.
Great Sermon! An encouraging message from the Lord. May He continue to bless you both in the affairs of church and state for the furtherance of the Gospel.
Hebrews ch.6 v 10
Great Sermon! You have been a faithful servant of Christ throughout your life and I am proud to be a member of the Free Church with you as moderator. I pray and know that Christ will continue to use you as he releases you from this position. God is still on the throne!
Still a blessing I think I was in the audience when this message was recorded. I was in my first semester of ministerial training and was mightily stirred by the message. I bought a tape at the time and listened to it over and over.
It is still a blessing and a real encouragement to me after 22 years in the ministry myself.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
Great Sermon! Praise God for true Protestants who are not weak in the knees.
While most of Protestism is embracing Popery and preaching Futurism, which is a Jesuit invention to place anti-christ in the future Dr. Paisley open rebuked the "man of sin" Praise the Lord!
When I first heard this audio clip a few years ago I was amazed at the boldness of this dear man. May all who call themselves "Protestant" live up to their name and expose the man of sin for who he is!
Great Sermon! A courageous christian prepared to speak truth in these dark times. Peace not built on Christ the rock is not peace at all, peace with the anti-christ is no peace at all. How can light be at one with darkness. Ian Paisley a true man of God for representing the one true faith.
Great Sermon! Oh, a wonderous sermon! Tears of joy run down my cheeks! The preaching of a true, blessed man of Christ Jesus; a glimpse into the majesty and love of Almighty God!
My heart just aches for those who do not know the true Lord Jesus Christ. I can pray for lost souls and so I shall!
Great Sermon! This was a grand, sweeping and piercing reminder about the separation and dedication of the mighty men of David; also, the comparison between David and the Lord Jesus Christ was potent and vivid. Great Sermon by a grand preacher of the Word.
Really shook me up!! This sermon had me trembling down to my feet and calling out to God to grant me repentance. Would be a terrific sermon for any unsaved person. If this sermon doesn't shake a person up they are dead indeed.
Very, very good debate! Dr. Paisley masterfully explains his position and even appeals to the creeds and confessions of faith of his opponent who is forced to make foolish arguments. Of course, the point of a debate is to win, which Dr. Paisley does in all humility. But more important than winning is that he is able to share truth and preach The Gospel at the same time. Well worth 30 minutes of your time.