We need 1000 more like him! Back in the 1980s (I believe) Dr. Paisley was a prominent figure in the news. Unfortunately, I accepted the caricature of Dr. Paisley that the media offered us. But this is not the Ian Paisley that comes through in the sermons I've heard at this site. Nowadays we could use a few Paisleys in America, as an alternative to the tired, shopworn, spiritually-threadbare, politically-correct stuff that goes by the name "Evangelical Christianity." It's this "Christianity," whose preachers take their cue from contemporary self-help gurus, which poses an even greater threat to Biblical religion than Romanism. I wish Dr. Paisley could find time to come to Las Vegas and give a sermon. It would be an historical event.
Aidan McDowell
A Sermon that Makes Much of Christ! What an excellent message by Dr. Paisley! It's words are majestic, full of poetry and scripture, and it is delivered with real heart and power.
He sketches in vivid details the lowliness of Christ, the loneliness of Christ, the loftiness of Christ, and the loveliness of Christ. Oh what my Jesus did to save me! I rejoice that He has been Highly Exalted!
When you finish hearing this sermon, you will cry out with old Samuel Rutherford, "The Lamb is ALL THE GLORY in Immanuel's Land!"
Great Sermon! Here the other six bequests are presented. A fascinating study! I'll never say I know anything about the Bible ever again - just that I'm gleaning what I can from it. The richness of how everything fits together from Genesis to Revelation is amazing, over all the years the Bible was written. Most (all?) of the bequests were prophecies made before the New Testament.
Great Sermon! What an encouragement this sermon has been to me.
I have been very down lately and have not confided in fellow believers in my church about my problems. I will do so now because of the encouragement i have gained listening to this sermon.
Great Sermon! Another powerful word from this respected soldier of Christ dealing with those half truths beloved of ecumenicism and others -- Bible inerrancy; personal faith and salvation; the nature of endurance; the solemn and awful reality of Hell; baptism and regeneration; everyone will go eventually to Heaven. May the LORD grant "ears to hear" to those lost in these dead-end paths.
Great Sermon! I hope a following sermon talks about the other six, because this is an eye-opening message. I never thought of the clothes of Christ as a bequest before. Jesus didn't give anyone his clothes during the crucifiction. But when you study it out, they actually are a bequest because exactly who would get them was determined by prophecy before Jesus ever came to the earth. I'm glad God has enabled studies like this to go out around the world.
Great Anointed Sermon! I wasn't getting this sermon about the color red until the sermon turned to Gen 49:11, and I guess the Holy Spirit opened my eyes at that point. Then it all fell into place, and it was breathtaking to note this little detail. Judah, the lion's cub, washed his garments in wine. This tiny detail shows exactly how the entire Word of God is all one piece, and how every single detail fits together to show the plan of salvation. How could such a seemingly unimportant detail be recorded and preserved in scripture unless by the Holy Spirit?
Great Sermon! i listened to his message several times and will continue to do so. We need more preachers on fire like Dr.Paisley, not afraid to preach. May God Bless him and others like him.
Great Sermon! Dear Mr Paisley,
What a stirring sermon. You have revived my soul with your words from The Holy Spirit. This is such an evil world and the evil is throughout every strata of our nation. Thank you for your words. I hope I am Christ's humble servant.
Robert Smith
Great Sermon! Man can build hisself up and think that he can get to heaven some other way but there is only one way and that way is through Christ Jesus who forgives men of sins. no other name under heaven but the name of Jesus christ where bye men are born again.. and i thank Jesus for being our lord and mediator between God and man, a very good sermon and well delivered by the preaching brother...
Great Sermon! Without a doubt this is the most soul-stirring and searching message I have ever listened to. I remember the first few times I heard it...I just wept! May we all know what it is to be anointed of the Spirit in these days!
"And the people of God said, 'Amen' and shouted, 'HALLELUJAH!'"
powerful sermon Brother Paisley sure knows what he is talking about when he talks about Stephen.Can you imagine what would happen to the church if most churches would choose deacons such as Stephen and Philip? May the Lord give us an anguish for His church.Amen.
Great Sermon! Hello. I just want to say that today was my first visit on your website and it's absoulutelly marvelous and clear. I had no problems with finding anything. Thank U very much