Great Sermon! This was not much of a debate, as the audience was so obnoxious, rude, and inconsiderate, that the speakers could not express their points fully. Dr. Ian Paisley tried, but was mocked. He was brave, and perhaps better treated in later debates with more considerate audiences.
Great Protest! Praise God that there are still some PROTESTants in our day like Mr. Paisley who truly PROTEST! The Pope is the son of perdition (2nd Thessalonians chapter 2) and needs to be rebuked. The Roman Catholic Church, the Whore of Babylon, and her harlot daughters, the apostate protestant churches, constitute the Church of Antichrist and God calls His people to come out of the Church of Antichrist (Revelation 18:4).
Needed information! The Papacy is the AntiChrist, the man of sin and the son of perdition. Mr. Paisley has history and the Bible on his side. More Christians need to listen to such messages. Being a former Catholic, I can say without hesitation that catholicism is the blasphemous religion of antichrist, the ultimate salvation-by-works religion. Rome has never changed and will never change. Shame on people who naively think otherwise.
A Powerful Message! Everyone should hear this great sermon!
Dr. Paisley preaches as good today as he did way back in 1963 when I first heard him speak at the Dayton Baptist Temple in Dayton Ohio!
I was always so impressed the way
he closed by quoting the words of this old gospel song:
"Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus, He's the only One who cares and understands"...
Great Sermon! True christians need not make any apologies to what the Bible says, and if it offends those that do not reguard what it has to say to humanity,it was offensive to the rele gious leaders of Christ's day,for they were the ones who crucifed christ. Truth is ofensive to a nonbeliever just as lies are to a believer,and I'm sure God find the pope ofensive aswell Thankyou Pastor Paisly for your stand in defence of The Holy WORD, and GOD Blessyou.
Great Sermon! More relevent today than ever before, God's people are asked all throught scripture to be seperated from unbeleif of this world, and as we see the atack against GOD's WORD as never before. God Bless you Pastor in proclaimation of GOD's WORD! TRUTH can burn,for it is HOLY FIRE.
Great Sermon! Mr. Paisley at his absolute best,telling us what the Reformers(Tyndale)have done in there day to preserve the gospel for us all, a very thought provoking sermon.(RECCOMENDED TO ALL)
Great Sermon! great message. every church denomination needs to consider your ways. we need stop playing church and start having church. The church today is doing it their way. WE need to start doing Gods way. By worshiping him in spirit and in truth. We were all bought with the same blood the blood of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Church consider your ways....From Brother Allen Kinard
Preaching is a gift The lord bless Ian Paisly the man speaks the truth. He preaches fro the unaduterated bible and he is against the world council of churches. His sermon on Calvin was most intresting it just goes to prove how much the Protestant founding fathers did for us. Paisly is correct when he says that the church of Rome HAS NOT changed and that it still has the same desighns as always. The comming of the lord draweth neigh. This is the truth. Watch the signs.
Great Sermon! Church History is one of my favorite studies. I agree completely with Dr. Paisley. Before I was born again I joined the Catholic Church. In my instruction, Jesus Christ was not even mentioned, and certainly not the necessity of being born again; but the priest helped me choose a patron saint, whose name I now cannot remember. At age 47 I was born again by the grace of God and the first thing I did was leave that apostate institution. If the Pope is not "the" anti-Christ, he is certainly one of them because the word "antichrist" means "In place of Christ." Anyone that sets himself up as the one by whom we must go through to get to Christ has usurped Christ's Authority and is, therefore, "Antichrist." Thank God He gave us the Scriptures so we could assess what is false and what is true by His own Word.
Yea, He is Altogether Lovely! Lyrical, full of worship, praise, and glorifying to our Lord!
A real blessing are these short words by Dr. Paisley delivered around the Communion Table at his church in Belfast. Herein he expresses the deep yearning of the heart to glorify and exalt the Name and Person of our Lord Jesus.
This message is especially appropriate to prepare the hearts of the Saints for the receiving of the Lord's Table. The descriptions that are found of uniqueness and the great love with which we're loved by our Savior are exquisite indeed.
Great Sermon! Mr. Paisley thanks for being the man of God you are. I'm always blessed by your uplifting messages. God bless you and know that you're in our prayers.
Men Of GOD Arise We need a revival in the town of Portales, New Mexico. The men have become too passive and allowed the women to lead. I have called a meeting for January 22 at Portales Public Library to pray for a crusade. Please pray for me. Shawn
deep prayers I received a tremindis blessing from Bro. Paisley's lively preaching. I am in a home based church which includes My husband, son, and myself. Praying is the only strand I have to connect with my need to not be isolated. Jesus is there for me everyday . :)