The need of the hour! Revival is the need of the hour, not only in Ulster but everywhere the Name of Christ is named. This revival will only come through the proclamation of the Christ of God from the pulpit, and earnest praying in the pews.
The Musts Of Christ - A "Must" Listen! This series is a captivating study of what Christ said must happen. What could be a more important study of the Word? I've been blessed by this study and encourage everyone to work through it. It shows the Bible truth in a light in which I had never considered it before. It's a totally different way of looking at the Bible that shows the truth from a new angle.
May God in His mercy raise up more Ian Paisleys Spirit filled Gospel preaching. God grant that His saints pray the way Dr. Paisley describes. Thank God for His servants who through trials and tribulations still raise the standard and preach the Truth!
Anti-Christ Sermon Dr. Paisley preached this Sermon and I will NOT try to add anything but a brief comment: He crossed every T and dotted every I. The Sermon is approximately Forty-Two Years old. Six Thousand people have listened to it on Sermon Audio. If my Math is correct: That is One out of every Million people on Earth. The numbers: 6,000,000,000 divided by 6,000 Equal = 1,000,000. Yes, I am into Ratios. Thank You Dr. Paisley for your Life of Submission to Your Savior and your rejection of Anti-Christ.
Great Sermon! Thank God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and men who dare to fear God, fall under conviction for their sin and then rise again to preach the truth, in season and out of season. Am I a Calvinist? No I am not, and in Christ, it matereth not.The truth transcends manly issues, blessing the speaker and the hearer,without regard.
It's wonderful to hear men preach as men, a characteristic found less and less in our American Pulpit. Preach on, Dr. Paisly, may there be 10,000 more, and then ten times that.
Great Sermon! I really thank the Lord for the Message and the messanger! The message rung a bell in my heart. The message was cut short however. I would like to hear the end of it. RBJr
Vintage Doc! The big man was irresistible in those days - may God help him, keep him, and bless him in these evil times! "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you..."
fly on the wall The highlight of this particular debate was when Dr Bark quoted the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church:
"The identification of the pope with the anti-christ has frequently been made especially in the less educated circles of protestamtism."
I almost spat out my apple juice.
Great Sermon! I needed the sermon as the year winds down. Sounded very much like the ones we used to hear in the 80s here in Nigeria.
A wake up call for all God's people, a call to arms for soldiers of the cross, a must hear for endtime pilgrims.
I recommend it for all who look for for joy in heaven. My steps (or should I say, my fingers) were ordered to this website.
A great sermon.
Genuine and interesting sermon This preacher shouts. At the begining sounded even aggressive to me, like I couldn't even listen to what he says just because of his voice! Like - man, I have enough stress in my life and now I have to even listen to somebody shouting and being aggressive! He'll probably be condemning everything and everybody - I thought. So I just clicked: 'close' button with relief and said - nope - you aint gonna shout at me tonite. ...but then I looked at the readers comments. And they all said it was a good sermon, powerful sermon, must hear etc. + the number of downloads of this sermon is huge so I thought - no - I'll listen to it, I'll put up with the shouting just to see what he has to say... and now I think it was worth it. It was the Spirit inspired shouting anyway - when you listen to it more, sometimes the Spirit does this, I think, for it takes many different forms of expression to reach many different ears in different moments of receptiveness. I usually like gentle preachers but sometimes the shouting voice gets through to you in a poweful way and conveys some of God's anger, giving us a hint of His power too... This is an interesting and genuine sermon and it is worth listening to.
The Lord Jesus ... and the birds! It's humbling to be able to study the Bible under someone who knows the Book so well... this study about birds in the scriptures is fascinating and shows no detail in the Bible is there without a reason.
Great Sermon! Thank you Dr Paisley for your stand
and love for the Lord. We have been
blessed by your preaching for many
years. Thank God for Bob Jones
University for first introducing you
to us through the tape ministry.
You are one of the few standing for
the truth of God's sovereign grace.
We so appreciate Sermon Audio and the men of God who preach sovereign grace on that web site.
Great Sermon! Lord, we need more men like Dr. Paisley in America! He surely sets the standard for Godly preaching from strong conviction.
So needed is this message today; so needed for ears to hear what thus says the Word of God for this age. May this sermon reach the ears of many, and open the eyes of the sleeping professing church of Laodicea.