Great Sermon! Hi there,
to seriously listen to Dr Paisley is to be half afraid. Do we draw closer or do we run away? Should we have this amount of determination and agression as a Christian. For sure, there will not only be me that feels a confused wimp in comparison to the master.
What he must do, he must do, and he exhorts us to do likewise. It is obviously a case of being sure of your backup. This is not smug certitude, but a biblically trained approach.
If i had intruders i would send Dr Paisley to check it out. All darkness and he hates the lot of them. What sounds a bit like the grumpy old man speach at times, is quite impelling. It is a message for all, and draws attention to a high point in Christianity. Why dont we always kick the enemy into touch? What are we afraid of?
If God has sent Dr Paisley to do the wake up call, we may as well give up on the idea of sleep !!!
Maybe we should all be praying for the same backup as Dr Paisley - THE LORD - so that we stand very firm and dont fall asleep.
God bless,
Great Dialog! Dr. Paisley has a gift of Bible knowledge we all need to "SURVIVE". It is not what our church leaders say, but what the sword of God reveals....(the Bible)
Awesome Debate I only wish more pastors in the United States had would tell the truth with regard to the Roman Catholic Church. Also, Dr. Paisley truly shows class when he states that the abuses are those of the papacy and not "day to day" Roman Catholics. I know many Roman Catholics in the United States have no idea exactly what the papacy means.
God bless you, Dr. Paisley.
Great Sermon! You can argue the points of the erroneus thinking of the Roman Catholic Church but they will never change their traditions/beliefs until enlightened to do so and only the Truth/divine Love will force what will best promote the growth of the individual and the idea of true church. . . .thank you Dr. Paisley
Who is on the Lords side? Oh that this message was preached from every pulpit in America! The liberal preachers of today have the message of peace at any price rooted in their perverted definition. of love. I imagine the "lovie dovie" Christians that Dr. Paisley speaks of would say that even Christ was not very Christlike. There is a reason Paul exhorts us to "take on the armor of God". May we all heed Dr. Paisleys admonition to fight for the truth.
Praise the Lord God Almighty Praise the Lord God Almighty for setting up a Standard of Truth such as this message.This message calls Gods people to stand up for Truth in the mids of the darkness that is surounding us daily,put up a Banner of Truth and proclaim the Truth in the face of darkness that light may abound.
Praise the Lord for servants of Christ such as Ian who can proclaim the glory of the Lord with such boldness.
Great Sermon! Apparently the modern day "soft boy sissies" have not heard this sermon. This one needs to be sent out to all the "pulpit ornaments" that profess to be representing Christianity. I'd love to watch these false teachers as they listen!
Great Sermon! This is awesome! I can't wait to hear other sermons/debates by Dr Paisley. This was done over 14 years ago, but it is still for today.
I don't believe that a Pope will be the Anti-chirst(a political figure), but rather he will be the False prophet, the religious arm of the unholy trinity to come. Dr Paisley is correct about the false teachings of the Catholic Church. We need more voices like his. I see him as a godly man, earnestly contending for the faith. Thank you for this site. God bless you.
Great Sermon! A great sermon; praise God for a man
that is willing to confront sin with God's word and call sin for what it is. As one pastor told us years ago; no confrontation-no transformation. Keep up the good work and may God continue to guide you and keep you.
The meaning of Those of us who are truly Christ's can learn a lot from our dear brother Paisley about the meaning of the word "backbone" as it applies to a believer's steadfastness and courage. When I listen to his messages such as this one, I am reminded of Isaiah 50:7 "For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed."
God Give us more Soldiers like this I pray that all true believers will have their eyes opened to show only Black & White. It's time we all saw things in this way as our dear Brother Paisley. His testimony and the grace given him to continue in this fight is a tremendous encouragement to myself, who feels so isolated here in the north of Canada. Praise God
Great Sermon! Finally...Praise God...A Man of God with a Spiritual spinal column.
I am encouraged to stand and fight already for years...but hearing the battle cry message that has been eliminated from seminaries and from pulpits is the sweetest sound on Earth.
It's ok to hate sweet smelling lies, and I do hate them. Praise God and His Holy Pure Word.
Enough already...let's STAND.
Great Sermon! In an age when many Christians spend their energy in fuitless controversies of little significance Dr Paisley shows us where the real battle-lines are drawn. We neeed to stand against the Apostasy of the day!
Great Sermon! This message is very very good for all christians as we all need to be continually revived before His glorious coming. Sir thje Holy Spirit did a great job through you through this sermon. May He continually refresh you for His work.