Great Sermon! Too right,Ian Paisley of Ulster is a very good man who tells the truth not only in how bigoted the Cult of Rome really are,but how subhuman Sinn Fein/I.R.A. really are.Ian Paisley of Ulster has recently been sworn into Her Majesty's Privy Council,but I personally
reckon that he should have been made a hereditary Lord years ago! I admire the guy,because he is also the fiercest Royalist in the entire British Commonwealth,& the most honest politician both Ulster & Great Britain has ever had.
His most famous saying,"The democratic train is now leaving the station without
Sinn Fein/I.R.A." sums up why this guy deserves to be made a Lord.
Aidan John Work,retired constitutional ally to former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie-Boys.
Great Sermon! This is a very searching sermon, there is so much he talks about, that shows us that we shall never start a revival in that way. It was truly blessed to me!
Great Sermon! Outstanding sermon from Dr Paisley. Its been a long time since I've been to the Martyrs but this was vintage stuff. God bless Dr Paisley, God's man in God's time.
Great Sermon! The power and HOLY SPIRIT that is present in this awesome sermon is overwhelming! I LOVE this sermon. Pray that the nations of the world would understand this message from God. Pray that we would long for revival. Pray that humankind would crave Christ's blood and redemption, and that we would receive the salvation and awakening the is offered freely to all!
Great Sermon! I wa utterly blessed by this sermon. I have listened to it at least 3 times and each time more is revealled to me. God has stirred a great revival in my life, my home, and my church...I am blessed to have heard and recieved the Word through this message on revival...Thank You and Be Blessed!
I thank the Lord! Wow. I just discovered sermonaudio and this is the first sermon I have listened to. I thank the Lord for providing on the internet, the edification, exhortation and real preaching my soul longs to hear from the Word of God that is so hard to find (in a church) in this time. I praise God for the boldness, the truth telling and the burning of the Holy Spirit of this man of God and for his service unto the Lord in preaching to the saints. Thank you Lord for providing your Word for the thirsty souls of your little children.
Great Sermon! Dear Sir,
This is an offer not made every day. Everyone should hear this sermon. People are waiting every week to try and win the lottery. What trifles! The gift from Christ of pardon for our sins through his sacrifice and everlasting life is what she should all hope for.
Robert Smith
A Most Powerful Gospel Message This message by Dr. Paisley is one of the most powerful, most beautiful gospel messages I have ever heard him deliver. He speaks upon the lowliness of Christ, the loneliness of Christ, the loftiness of Christ, and the loveliness of Christ. Paisley cries out to lost sinners to come to Christ.
Great Sermon! This is one of the best sermons I've ever heard. Ian Paisley's words ring truth and pierce my own soul, convicting me. I thank God for this man and men like him who stand for Biblical Righteousness.
Great debate! I REALLY like this guy! It seems like no matter where I find this guys' name in this website, his name is always connected with exposing of the truth about the catholic church. Dr. Paisley really inspires me to stand up and defend the Christian faith. God bless him.
Great Sermon! Dear Brothers and Sisters, may i plead to you that while we are thankful for The Lord for saving us, and that we are privileged enough to Know and worship the One True God, and that we know and agree without a shadow of a doubt that RC and whatever it stands for is wrong, I beg us to have sympathy for the lost souls that are still ensnared and trap in the lies and deception of RC churches. Pray for them, that they too may be delivered, condemn the sin of misrepresenting God and His word, but condemn not the people. I praise God for people who dare stand up and speak the truth, but i think God will be so much more honoured and glorified, if we dare pray for these misled ones that they too, may be walk in the true path of righteousness by having a true personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. God bless.
Great Sermon! Dr. Paisley has certainly made it so plain what's needed today! We must consider our ways and get back to what God says. Praise God for the blessed truth shared by this dear Brother!
Great Sermon! Needed words for these days of apostasy! We need in our day more courageous and zealous preachers like Ian Paisley and less compromising, Rome-embracing, Pelagians like Billy Graham. Praise God for raising up men to defend the truth in this evil age!