Paul preached only Christ. 5 things from verses 1 and 2: rejection of a kind of preaching; resolution and dedication of Paul; limitation of focus; Paul's one qualification and acceptation; consecration and death of Christ.
Great Sermon! A great message to hear.
It will encourage any-one to stand and defend the Faith and how to stand against apostasy.
A highly recommended sermon!
From church to hell. What a serious warning, what a direct message! A man can go to church, partake of the Lord's Supper, even preach, and go to hell, if he is not saved by the grace of God.
Great Sermon! On our Awesome GOD!! OUR AWESOME GOD!!Brother Paisley, You have brought another great sermon on our GOD. I was so moved over this sermon that I couldn't express in words what I felt as I listened to you but to shed tears over How I have caused heartache to God considering ALL HE HAS DONE FOR ME.I have missed so much by my unbelief and doubt, that I just don't know what to say, except Thank You, Brother Paisley.And most of all THANK YOU GOD! In Christ, A sinner saved by grace Bruce Lantto
Great Sermon! It is so impressive to see a church that reverentially worships the Lord, so unlike the vulgar familiarity with which we approach it in the USA.
Great Sermon! WOW!!!!! I have heard many sermons by alot of God's men and I must say I haven't cried, YES I CRIED while listening to this sermon. MY JESUS MY JESUS OH How I love HIM. A word of warning to those who would try to take my JESUS from me. You are my enemy and GOD'S ENEMY.My question to those who stay in dead churches, i.e RCC. WHY DO YOU STAY IN CHRIST REJECTING CHURCHES, Yes the RCC is a CHRIST REJECTING CHURCH and so are all who deny HIM or put someone on a par with my HOLY GOD. Shame on You!! Bruce Lantto SVG.
Great Sermon! The evangelical world can ill afford to lose the likes of Dr. Paisley. I pray that God will raise up several Ian Paisleys as leaders for the evangelical, fundamental and reform churches in America. Christianity in America is entering into an acutely dark stage in its history, and where are the the leaders that will stand AGAINST the ever abounding iniquity, and ever darkening apostasy of our time??? God BLESS Ian Paisley!!
Listen up! Sometimes, Dr. Paisley is hard to listen to because his voice is too loud. I've learned to wait for it to soften, because the substance of his message is always edifying.
This morning, I was going to jump on the treadmill while I listened, but I sat down, and listened intently when his voice softened, and I couldn't help but weep as he tenderly spoke of the Lord's lovingkindness to us in our afflictions.
Thank you Dr. Paisley. In you, God shows both His kindness and His severity as you faithfully proclaim His Word.
Very Encouraging Sermon I listened to this sermon when I was very much abused by people who owe me money. In spite of my age, the people who got our deposits refuse to pay back in time; and when we ask for the money they use very abusive language and we are helpless.
I thought there is no help from any one except God. Then I got a message that My People Shall Never Be Ashamed. I looked into the net to hear your very powerful sermon; and thank you rev. for this wonderful sermon. I now fully trust God Almighty that he will see that our money comes back to us without we being put into shame and helpless. May God Help me with this Blessing.
Joevalan Vaz
21 Raju naidu Lay Out 2
Gandhipuram, Coimbatore 641012
Tamilnadu INDIA
Great Sermon! Dear Mrs. Paisley
Thank you for your prompt response to my comment. I did not mean to attack or criticize the ministry of Dr. Paisley. I am a great admirer of his and have listened to most if not all of his sermons on this website and I have been tremendously blessed by many of them. Nevertheless I believe that no mortal man is above reproach or is infallible in all his positions. Moreover I presented only an honest observation as an avid listener to the sermons of Dr. Paisley. Why did my comment get censored? Usually comments on sermonaudio get posted even if they may not agree with the speaker unless of course they contain foul language which my comment definitely did not. Please remain receptive to well-meant criticism. We are all in need of brotherly exhortation.
Yours sincerely,
Christian Raas
16th June 08 Dear Friends, Thank you for your message. I can
assure you that despite all my husband's political
involvement, not just during the past year, but for
the past forty years, he has never shrunk from
preaching the truth of God. No-one has been left in
any doubt as to his stand on either Romanism or Islam.
During the past year especially, at every political
function which he has addressed as First Minister of
Northern Ireland, whether in North or South Ireland,
the United Kingdom or America, he has not failed to
uplift Christ. I have been with him on these
occasions and have seen how God has touched the hearts
of multitudes of people who had never before been
presented with the gospel. We have found a great
hunger for the gospel among rich and poor alike, and
from various religions whom we have met, and our
hearts have been stirred by the response.
Last night my husband had the joy of pointing a Roman
Catholic man to Christ after the evening service. I
am sure this will gladden your heart as it has ours.
You can be assured that my husband has never changed
his message, despite this charge being made against
him by those who are shooting from the sidelines but
who are doing nothing themselves apart from
Sincerely, Eileen E Paisley.
Truth!! Oh, that the truths of this sermon were
preached and practiced in our churches
There is not much love and forgiveness
in the churches of our day. Most would
rather believe and repeat gossip and
not ever give the offender a chance.
They forget what the Lord teaches.
Thank God for Sovereign Grace and that
precious Grace that forgave us our sins and we must remember to forgive
others and hold them up remembering
what we are.
Thank you and God bless you Brother