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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley | Belfast, Northern Ireland
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MyChurch Code#: 06571

Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
1,385 sermons
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Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy
Series:  Paisley CD Series  · 13 of 16
3/1/1969 (SAT)
  |  Bible: Jude; Genesis 1
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy

Paisley CD Series
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy

Paisley CD Series
Sermons of Dr. Ian Paisley
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
The Best Way to Go to Hell
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
40th Anniversary Conventicle

  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
micronmustardseed (9/29/2024)
from West Yorkshire, UK
“ I am quite happy to be called a Fundamentalist ... ”
..and to sit under a Preacher of such uncompromising power! What a saint: certainly no pulpit ornament. I look forward to meeting him on the day the LORD calls me Home - hallelujah.

“ Thank you! ”
How we need this kind of preaching for today!!!

“ Greatest Sermon ”
This is my Greatest sermon in the entire world!!!!!!!

Randy Hall (5/13/2018)
from Tennessee
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You ... For the intro to Mr Paisley , and what a great sermon to start with ... There is little courage like that to be found in the pulpits today, I sadly confess

ladybug (11/17/2017)
“ message for today ”
Yes and amen! So many are apathetic towards error, like 'free will' or 'decisionism' preached by B. and F. Graham. They think it 'unloving' to challenge error, and stay on the sidelines while error takes over. Preaching like this is a must in this day of apathy and compromise. This was a powerful message, to God be the glory.

Kenneth (7/22/2015)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon, and I got to it 46 years late! I was feeling the impact of this powerful preacher less than 30 seconds in! Generation of Vipers... Wow! Keep that Sword of the Spirit sharp!

B. McCausland (4/21/2015)
“ Worth listening ”
This sermon stands as a contrast against the relapsed attitudes, practice, strategies, and approaches of the today's contemporary church and leaders.

Dave BlackContact via email (4/20/2015)
from Northern Illinois
“ Great Sermon! ”
Quite possibly the greatest preacher of my time. Makes me want to jump and Shout! I didn't hear anything I didn't agree with 110%... Remember when he rebuked the Pope publically a few years ago? Thank God for an example like this.

Florin MotiuContact via email (10/12/2014)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Blessed message. ”
I listened to this sermon in 2008 and I was impressed. I listened again today and I praise the Lord I can say I liked it more. I identify with this message.

Ernesto Ezequiel MármolContact via email (12/27/2013)
from BA, Argentina
“ Beautiful Sermon! ”

kelly (10/3/2013)
“ Great Sermon! ”
We need more true men of GOD not afraid to tell it like it is.

Ernesto Ezequiel MármolContact via email (9/23/2013)
from BA, Argentina
“ Great Sermon! ”
I've enjoyed this sermon very much. I think of fundamentalism vs. apostasy is a today's matter that needs to be preached among different denomination of christians. Thank you.

Matthew Maxwell-CarrContact via email (2/8/2013)
from United Kingdom
“ Brilliant Message ”
This sermon is just AWESOME! What a man Paisley is! Finish well, brother, finish well! Lord, help him to finish well!

BoyinChrist (12/8/2012)
from Ontario Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Only by the Grace of God, His Son and the in dwelling of The Holy Spirit, can Bless us with a Great Preacher like Dr.Paisley!!! Godly men like him are hard to find!!! Most of the Preacher's today are too worried about the numbers for "THEIR" mega Churches. Sad Really.... One of the BEST SERMON's I've heard!!! Praise God!!!!

Jimmy (12/5/2012)
from Texas
“ Greatings from Texas!!!! ”
Hey great sermon!!!Love it!!! I hope ya'all will be blessed in the Lord!!All should hear this!!!

Samuel (9/27/2011)
from USA
“ Great Holy Ghost Preaching! ”
One of the best messages I have ever heard on biblical separation ! I recamend every one to listen! thank the Lord for a preacher that will stand aginst Billy Graham and the apostasy in this world !!!!

Mr. Prince (8/20/2011)
from Virginia USA
“ Great Holy Spirit empowered Sermon! ”
Awesome man of God that is not afraid of what people thinks about him. Speaks the truth about the pope billy graham and others concerning apostasy! Great man of God and I aspire to be like him concerning truth and boldness.

Frank G. (10/8/2010)
from USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Where are the Ian Paisleys' in America? May God in his Mercy send us one or raise up such a one for these confusing, soggy and messy ecclesiastical times in this nation. Preach on, Preach loud, Preach clear. Preach strong. By the power of the Holy Ghost. Preach the Word, Preach the Gospel, keep on opposing the false bretheren, the apostasy, and false unifiers. Thank You brother.

nealon lesseyContact via email (9/8/2010)
from grenada
“ Great Sermon! ”
he is a great speaker and a man which earnestly contend 4 d faith

Kailash AgnihotriContact via email (5/21/2010)
from Noida, U.P.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sir, I had heard of you on the BBC. I am glad you got to explaining fundamentalism and apostasy. I confess, the Irish have made some distinctions in the mind of some Indians who are likely to be apostates if the English overrule them. A matter like this tells of some invisible influence on the Indians seeking Christ with the aid of the Devil and only to find they have run into accusings on names and such ills that do not but show some form of contmpt on the belivers where God's grace can mend them into a respectable silence. If only we had more self-control then all the ills made from the pandora's box of the modern mouthpiece might have more music to hum than recall bouts of irritants that can solve no problem Thanks for sharing Fundamentalism and Apostasy. I might require prayer for saying things I could never got out of. But it so happens, they were all inside, Luke 12:2-3 and my rooftop has a sky opening to it. Psalm 19:1.Thank God.

Nathan Ham (8/25/2009)
from Independence, KY
“ Holy Ghost Language! ”
I'm praying for Holy Ghost language! Every preacher needs to listen to this message.

Charles Richardson (6/1/2009)
from Bloomington springs, TN
“ Powerful message! ”
This is a strong message that calls out the pretenders. Also some of the best of Bro. Paisley's stories in this one. Stay quick with the sword!

Dennis (2/18/2009)
from Northern California
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! May continue to strengthen us with such powerful preaching! To God be the glory for ever and ever. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Genti (12/28/2008)
from Albania,eastern europe
“ Great Sermon! ”
A great message to hear. It will encourage any-one to stand and defend the Faith and how to stand against apostasy. A highly recommended sermon!

Florin MotiuContact via email (4/25/2008)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Men of God today. ”
I praise God for lifting in our days preachers with so a courageous standing for the Lord and for the old Gospel! We need them!

Cassandra (10/21/2007)
from Tn
“ Great Sermon! ”
Oh, how I long for the good old days and old meaningful hymns. Sadly, apostacy is more and more prevelant. But, thank God, this very apostacy will bring the Rapture and we will meet him in the clouds as we enter our real and everlasting home.

Curt Ashburn (10/3/2007)
from Washington, DC
“ Great Sermon! ”
Anti Billy Graham, but "contending for the faith" fire!

Curt Ashburn (10/3/2007)
from Washington, DC
“ Great Sermon! ”
Anti RC elements, but 'challenges the darkness'

Luc AubeContact via email (3/20/2007)
from Ottawa Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
I would highly recommend this sermon. Well worth 30 minutes of your time. Very powerful and anointed preaching.

Dessie (3/18/2007)
from WV
“ Excellent! ”
Thank God for this precious sermon and Dr Ian Paisley.

Michael J. McGovernContact via email (2/1/2007)
from New York
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and men who dare to fear God, fall under conviction for their sin and then rise again to preach the truth, in season and out of season. Am I a Calvinist? No I am not, and in Christ, it matereth not.The truth transcends manly issues, blessing the speaker and the hearer,without regard. It's wonderful to hear men preach as men, a characteristic found less and less in our American Pulpit. Preach on, Dr. Paisly, may there be 10,000 more, and then ten times that.

Tracie Hall (8/10/2006)
from Wilmington, NC
“ Great Sermon! ”
Lord, we need more men like Dr. Paisley in America! He surely sets the standard for Godly preaching from strong conviction. So needed is this message today; so needed for ears to hear what thus says the Word of God for this age. May this sermon reach the ears of many, and open the eyes of the sleeping professing church of Laodicea.

Aidan McDowellContact via email (7/8/2006)
from Las Vegas, Nevada
“ We need 1000 more like him! ”
Back in the 1980s (I believe) Dr. Paisley was a prominent figure in the news. Unfortunately, I accepted the caricature of Dr. Paisley that the media offered us. But this is not the Ian Paisley that comes through in the sermons I've heard at this site. Nowadays we could use a few Paisleys in America, as an alternative to the tired, shopworn, spiritually-threadbare, politically-correct stuff that goes by the name "Evangelical Christianity." It's this "Christianity," whose preachers take their cue from contemporary self-help gurus, which poses an even greater threat to Biblical religion than Romanism. I wish Dr. Paisley could find time to come to Las Vegas and give a sermon. It would be an historical event. Aidan McDowell

myra (5/15/2006)
from China
“ My First Time ”
Wow...what a sermon...very strong. Indeed he is a man of principles!

JanContact via email (3/31/2006)
from alberta canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
i listened to his message several times and will continue to do so. We need more preachers on fire like Dr.Paisley, not afraid to preach. May God Bless him and others like him.

Laurel (10/26/2005)
from CA, USA
“ I thank the Lord! ”
Wow. I just discovered sermonaudio and this is the first sermon I have listened to. I thank the Lord for providing on the internet, the edification, exhortation and real preaching my soul longs to hear from the Word of God that is so hard to find (in a church) in this time. I praise God for the boldness, the truth telling and the burning of the Holy Spirit of this man of God and for his service unto the Lord in preaching to the saints. Thank you Lord for providing your Word for the thirsty souls of your little children.

Paul ThompsonContact via email (8/22/2005)
from Nebraska
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is one of the best sermons I've ever heard. Ian Paisley's words ring truth and pierce my own soul, convicting me. I thank God for this man and men like him who stand for Biblical Righteousness.

David GunnContact via email (8/6/2005)
from Kentucky
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank God for men that aren't afraid to stand on God's word without compromise.

Marcel (6/17/2005)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Needed words for these days of apostasy! We need in our day more courageous and zealous preachers like Ian Paisley and less compromising, Rome-embracing, Pelagians like Billy Graham. Praise God for raising up men to defend the truth in this evil age! http://www.timeforchri

Audi Steinwand (5/8/2005)
from HayRiver,NT. Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
More relevent today than ever before, God's people are asked all throught scripture to be seperated from unbeleif of this world, and as we see the atack against GOD's WORD as never before. God Bless you Pastor in proclaimation of GOD's WORD! TRUTH can burn,for it is HOLY FIRE.

Geoff (3/31/2005)
from uk
“ Great Sermon! ”
A fantastic sermon as much for today as it was for 1969

Michael GrayContact via email (12/7/2004)
from London
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a sermon!! We must praise God for the men who are willing to make their stand in this evil day. These comments were a real inspiration to fight the battle with renewed vigour and zeal.

Jason McIntyre (4/30/2004)
from Chatham, ON Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Solid Biblical teaching is too hard to find now days, Dr. Paisley's sermons are a blessing. Download them now!

Brian Foster.Contact via email (3/10/2004)
from Brit.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi there, to seriously listen to Dr Paisley is to be half afraid. Do we draw closer or do we run away? Should we have this amount of determination and agression as a Christian. For sure, there will not only be me that feels a confused wimp in comparison to the master. What he must do, he must do, and he exhorts us to do likewise. It is obviously a case of being sure of your backup. This is not smug certitude, but a biblically trained approach. If i had intruders i would send Dr Paisley to check it out. All darkness and he hates the lot of them. What sounds a bit like the grumpy old man speach at times, is quite impelling. It is a message for all, and draws attention to a high point in Christianity. Why dont we always kick the enemy into touch? What are we afraid of? If God has sent Dr Paisley to do the wake up call, we may as well give up on the idea of sleep !!! Maybe we should all be praying for the same backup as Dr Paisley - THE LORD - so that we stand very firm and dont fall asleep. God bless, Brian.

Angela ClumContact via email (8/29/2003)
from Michigan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful!! Praise God we have preachers who serve the Lord and not the apostasy of this world!!

MichaelContact via email (7/29/2003)
from Louisiana
“ Who is on the Lords side? ”
Oh that this message was preached from every pulpit in America! The liberal preachers of today have the message of peace at any price rooted in their perverted definition. of love. I imagine the "lovie dovie" Christians that Dr. Paisley speaks of would say that even Christ was not very Christlike. There is a reason Paul exhorts us to "take on the armor of God". May we all heed Dr. Paisleys admonition to fight for the truth.

Steven McDougallContact via email (6/3/2003)
from Faifley Clydebank Scotland U.K.
“ Praise the Lord God Almighty ”
Praise the Lord God Almighty for setting up a Standard of Truth such as this message.This message calls Gods people to stand up for Truth in the mids of the darkness that is surounding us daily,put up a Banner of Truth and proclaim the Truth in the face of darkness that light may abound. Praise the Lord for servants of Christ such as Ian who can proclaim the glory of the Lord with such boldness.

DanContact via email (4/24/2003)
from Ohio
“ Great Sermon! ”
Apparently the modern day "soft boy sissies" have not heard this sermon. This one needs to be sent out to all the "pulpit ornaments" that profess to be representing Christianity. I'd love to watch these false teachers as they listen!

Dean GagneContact via email (12/28/2002)
from Toronto Ontario- Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
A great sermon; praise God for a man that is willing to confront sin with God's word and call sin for what it is. As one pastor told us years ago; no confrontation-no transformation. Keep up the good work and may God continue to guide you and keep you.

Jeff PetersContact via email (12/19/2002)
from Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
“ God Give us more Soldiers like this ”
I pray that all true believers will have their eyes opened to show only Black & White. It's time we all saw things in this way as our dear Brother Paisley. His testimony and the grace given him to continue in this fight is a tremendous encouragement to myself, who feels so isolated here in the north of Canada. Praise God

Chuck AndertonContact via email (12/13/2002)
from Roanoke Rapids, NC
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr.Paisley has truly cointinued to contend for the faith. God bless and keep men like him for a time such as we have now!

DonContact via email (11/30/2002)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Finally...Praise God...A Man of God with a Spiritual spinal column. I am encouraged to stand and fight already for years...but hearing the battle cry message that has been eliminated from seminaries and from pulpits is the sweetest sound on Earth. It's ok to hate sweet smelling lies, and I do hate them. Praise God and His Holy Pure Word. Enough already...let's STAND.

Rev. Stephen HamiltonContact via email (11/24/2002)
from Allentown, Pennsylvania
“ Great Sermon! ”
In an age when many Christians spend their energy in fuitless controversies of little significance Dr Paisley shows us where the real battle-lines are drawn. We neeed to stand against the Apostasy of the day!

Dr. David SilvaContact via email (8/18/2002)
from Bible Baptist Church, Lake Katrine, New York
“ Great and timely sermon! ”
A powerful and much needed wake up call for the minister of the gospel and the flock of God. That God would grant me more boldness and determination to preach His counsel without fear of men. May my tombstone read as John Knox's does: "Her lies the man who never feared the face of clay" Praise God for His servants who would rather offend the world than to offend a Holy God. This very morning I preached about lying in bed and under the covers with the world and all the apostate churches and organizations. May God use us to bring about reform or die attempting this great and priceless endeavour.

Vicki BivinsContact via email (11/17/2001)
from KY
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wish that every church pastor and congregation could hear this sermon. It hits the very issues that have distroyed the churches in America, today, through the infiltration of those who belong to the "Secret Sociaties" bringing with them the destruction of the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Keep running the good race, fighting the good fight till the end dear brother in Christ, for your rewards will be great to be laid at the Saviors feet. You have given me great encouragement to stand fast with boldness in Jesus Christ to go forward in the calling in which the Lord has called me! Thank you, Vicki

Michael HubbardContact via email (11/14/2001)
from Hartselle, Alabama
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon, the apostacy of the modern church should be preached against in a hard manner and that is what this sermon does.

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  Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Dr. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, the son of a godly Baptist pastor, for many years was a controversial but effective politician and has held electoral seats for many years in the British and European Parliaments, he currently sits as Ian Lord Bannside in the House of Lords in the...

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