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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley | Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
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The English Reformer William Tyndale
Series:  Paisley CD Series  · 2 of 16
3/1/1965 (MON)
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Reformer William Tyndale

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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Reformer William Tyndale

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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
AmandaT (10/26/2022)
from Newstead VIC Australia
“ Powerful sermon! ”
Yes at times he is very loud but it is because this man is so very passionate about the Bible (as we all should be). I wonder what he would think of the flippant way the Bible is handled so often today. We need to treasure God's Word ad the only truth and realise, yes every page is stained by the blood of precious Christians vwho paid with their lives so everyone could have a Bible in their language. A tremendous csetmon that is needed to be heard in these days loud and clear.

Victor OmanContact via email (8/1/2021)
from Hopedale, Massachusetts
“ Great Sermon! ”
“And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free”!!!!!!!!!! When you hear the big man expose the true word of God you can feel the promised Holy Ghost liberating your soul from all the abomination and perversion of that old scarlet Harlot Church of Rome that has always thwarted God’s truth and propagated the Devil’s lies. Amen and Hallelujah, Jesus!!!!!!!!!

Duane LinnContact via email (7/28/2019)
from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
“ Fantastic Sermon! ”
Paisley can really bring it, can't he? It is a real treat, to be able to listen to the preaching of the man who shouted down Pope John Paul II publicly. My wife said I reminded her of Paisley and I can wholeheartedly agree with that. 13 years after regeneration and listening to Paisley now; I get it. Oh, how I cannot wait to be living in the UK and be able, Lord willing, to preach to the people as unabashedly as the good doctor did. DAL SermonAudio ID digitalpuritan

Richard Peterson (2/17/2018)
from Worcester, MA
“ Could be good ”
Why the yelling? Does he tell when he conversate with his family? I would like to listen but can't.

LisaContact via email (8/18/2015)
from Wales
“ Great Sermon! ”
Never been a big paisley fan so when I say this is awesome preaching - that's a huge thing for me to say- breath taking preaching of the gospel through the history of William Tyndall.

Florin MotiuContact via email (10/13/2013)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Great call. ”
Giving the people the Word of God even with the price of our lives.Isn't this our task also?

Pastor MarkContact via email (7/19/2011)
from Ks.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Man does old Ian know how to back the dumptruck of truth up and unload. That is a refreshing message...

m.g (6/25/2010)
from Phoenix
“ Bad form, Geus! ”
You would do well, Geus, to check your information before you start calling people liars. You are fortunate that the good man who runs this site does not have the time to read and filter all public comments, for if he did, it would be your slanderous comment that would be removed, and you who would be blocked, not Cy. Beside which, your quarrel is with scripture itself. If you were to read I Thesalonians 2 you would see quite plainly that the inspired, inerrant Word of God calls the Jews killers of the Lord Jesus. It may have been through the instrument of the Romans, but again, if you were to read the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion, you would see that the order came reluctantly from Pilate. Only at the Jews' blood thirsty cries of "Crucify him, Crucify him!" did he finally relent. I believe you owe Cy an apology, and you ought to be much more careful about accusing people of sin in the future, lest you commit it yourself.

Geus (2/27/2010)
from Netherlands
“ Very informative Sermon! ”
This sermon is as a song all the way. The previous commenter, Cy, is lying. The Romans killed Jesus Christ. You can check this in the Bible, even on the Roman Catholic paintings portray a Jew being killed by the Romans. Romans, the lying Roman Catholics, it looks the same to me. The enemies of God. Any ways, I came here back again to mention that I uploaded this file to mediafire, but it was deleted there. While I do this one file in order for people to order the whole CD, DVD, or books by Dr. Paisley, I see no reason why such removals are done with copyrights infringement as an excuse to censor Protestant Preachers. Currently Martin Luther's book on Satanic backgrounds of the Pope is censored here on the mainland, how far is people to stay being deceived? And why was Cy's comment added here? I would block such a liar and deceiver on every website that I'm a webmaster of. IP?

Cy (10/13/2009)
from midwest
“ Great Sermon! ”
As the Jews murdered Christ, the Catholics murdered Tyndale, Christ's servant.

GeusContact via email (7/15/2009)
from Netherlands
“ Greatest Sermon! ”
I've been listening to this sermon for many times now. It keeps on touching my heart. If you seek for a great sermon, this is a one that I liked very much. I also liked the John Calvin sermon, but this one is so very much carried by Holy Spirit. In this great loud voice of the younger Dr. Paisley the Holy Spirit is all over, both in content as in the sound of it.

geoff (3/31/2005)
from UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
Mr. Paisley at his absolute best,telling us what the Reformers(Tyndale)have done in there day to preserve the gospel for us all, a very thought provoking sermon.(RECCOMENDED TO ALL)

Wayne MarrContact via email (11/30/2003)
from Pflugerville, Texas
“ Fantastic Sermon ”
Should be heard by all.

Ben WatsonContact via email (7/29/2002)
from Omaha, Nebraska
“ Great Sermon! ”
Challenging sermon, not only to faithfulness to death but to faithfulness to a task. Also good information on some of Tyndale's writings.

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  Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Dr. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, the son of a godly Baptist pastor, for many years was a controversial but effective politician and has held electoral seats for many years in the British and European Parliaments, he currently sits as Ian Lord Bannside in the House of Lords in the...

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