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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley | Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
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What to Do With Life's Burdens
1/1/1971 (FRI)
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
What to Do With Life's Burdens

Galatians 6:2,5; Psalm 55:22
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
What to Do With Life's Burdens

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Cleo Rivers (11/15/2013)
“ What to do with life's burdens ”
As a matter of interest, his powerful sermon actually originated with Rev George W Truett. He preached it on June 12, 1917, in Fort Worth, Texas.

Florin MotiuContact via email (10/9/2012)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Great lessons. ”
This was a blessed message. We have to bear our burden in the service of the Lord, we must bear one another's burden and we must give to the Lord our burdens. Especially the story at the end touched and melted my heart, with its lesson.

Sharon Smith (8/24/2008)
“ Listen up! ”
Sometimes, Dr. Paisley is hard to listen to because his voice is too loud. I've learned to wait for it to soften, because the substance of his message is always edifying. This morning, I was going to jump on the treadmill while I listened, but I sat down, and listened intently when his voice softened, and I couldn't help but weep as he tenderly spoke of the Lord's lovingkindness to us in our afflictions. Thank you Dr. Paisley. In you, God shows both His kindness and His severity as you faithfully proclaim His Word.

Dessie (6/10/2008)
from WV
“ Truth!! ”
Oh, that the truths of this sermon were preached and practiced in our churches today. There is not much love and forgiveness in the churches of our day. Most would rather believe and repeat gossip and not ever give the offender a chance. They forget what the Lord teaches. Thank God for Sovereign Grace and that precious Grace that forgave us our sins and we must remember to forgive others and hold them up remembering what we are. Thank you and God bless you Brother Paisley.

catherine m (5/7/2006)
from northern ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an encouragement this sermon has been to me. I have been very down lately and have not confided in fellow believers in my church about my problems. I will do so now because of the encouragement i have gained listening to this sermon.

Aidan WorkContact via email (12/12/2005)
from Wellington,New Zealand
“ Great Sermon! ”
Too right,Ian Paisley of Ulster is a very good man who tells the truth not only in how bigoted the Cult of Rome really are,but how subhuman Sinn Fein/I.R.A. really are.Ian Paisley of Ulster has recently been sworn into Her Majesty's Privy Council,but I personally reckon that he should have been made a hereditary Lord years ago! I admire the guy,because he is also the fiercest Royalist in the entire British Commonwealth,& the most honest politician both Ulster & Great Britain has ever had. His most famous saying,"The democratic train is now leaving the station without Sinn Fein/I.R.A." sums up why this guy deserves to be made a Lord. Aidan John Work,retired constitutional ally to former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie-Boys.

Martin Steele (3/3/2005)
from Northern Ireland
“ Preaching is a gift ”
The lord bless Ian Paisly the man speaks the truth. He preaches fro the unaduterated bible and he is against the world council of churches. His sermon on Calvin was most intresting it just goes to prove how much the Protestant founding fathers did for us. Paisly is correct when he says that the church of Rome HAS NOT changed and that it still has the same desighns as always. The comming of the lord draweth neigh. This is the truth. Watch the signs.

Greg SalyersContact via email (11/1/2004)
from Richmond Va.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I listened to Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley's sermons on the Reformers; Martin Luther, John Knox, John Calvin and Wht I am a Protestant. This man is a man of God and he speaks the truth as very few do these days. He is doctrinally sound. He preach's the sovereign gospel. Most men to day preach another gospel that Paul warns us about in Galatian chapter 1. As I discern spiritually, I hear what the Holy Spirit has taught me about, "Salvation is of the Lord." Completely of the Lord Jesus. God does the saving or man does not get saved! I suggest listening to Brother Paisley, and ask Jesus to fill you wih His Spirit and enable you to preach Jesus and stand for Jesus at any cost. One of God's elect, Greg Salyers

Mark StreetContact via email (5/10/2002)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Sermon, Thank you so much for Dr. Ian Paisley's sermon entitled, "What to Do With Life's Burdens"! It really helped me a lot! I have been pastoring Keenburg Free Will Baptist Church for 15 years, and I know a little about shouldering,and sharing burdens. Here lately, I've been wrestling with what the Lord would have me to do concerning my ministry . In Christ, Pastor Mark Street

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  Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Dr. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, the son of a godly Baptist pastor, for many years was a controversial but effective politician and has held electoral seats for many years in the British and European Parliaments, he currently sits as Ian Lord Bannside in the House of Lords in the...

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