Great Sermon! i knew it
the OBERGERFELL DECISION OF 2015 is going to hurt children.. and unless something happens, they will all be affected..
don't forget, too many people have to let DAYCARE raise their children
Great Sermon! ever since the late 80s, we and the soviet union may have changed places in some ways...PUTIN DOESN'T WANT LGBTQ in his country, but we do??
Great Sermon! Thank you Kevin Swanson for speaking up. I whish to confirm that Jesus can and will set you free from this terrible addiction as was the case with me. He has restored and renewed me! This was not easy but a long and hard road. To those still caught in this black hole, read ps 107 and submit to God.
Great Sermon! I'm not surprised, that the homosexuals are making inroads on states who legalized THC the same as alcohol....
CO and WA, are making lots of inroads, with a 4 year old boy not wanting to have homosexual gatherings..
My testimony If link to above testimony does not work, here's another way to read it:
Google: my only child (graphic) + abortion it is not easy to read.
My. first exposure to "pro-choice" (no baby should ever be a "choice"-so I detest this Madison Avenue created term), was in my public school, through U.N. sponsored social studies class "Year of the Woman" field trip. How easy it was to brainwash and indoctrinate a 15 year old. Always presented through euphemistic language, which makes me cringe.
I am about to get real here. ("I am the way, the truth and the life.")
I crave hugging this baby I love so much. I thank God for His mercy
for even this sin and daily healing.
Great Sermon! also, the sad part, is that these kids don't have parents, but PARENT(s)
since the mom may not be even married to the dad, and she is already tired.
This could work, IF the children's married (male, female have to say that these days ) grandparents were around, so the kid isn't just around the two parents
Great Sermon! I would highly recommend watching "Reasons to Endorse Trump" by Kevin Swanson from Thursday, March 17, 2016. It's a very good message on the reasons we ought to endorse Trump.
Of Pollywogs and Monkeys... Kids from the public schools are taught (like I was) that what exists in the human womb, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, is pretty much pre-human primordial life. I remember very primitive and minimalistic line drawings that represented such life. Pro-life censored. Then, we descended from apes... All manner of abortifacients & abortion as an option were taught. Christianity was mocked & chastity considered old-fashioned. They pumped some pretty lurid Rock n Roll into the halls. At age 15, I attended United Nations "Year of the Woman" rife with feminists. Came home with "pro-choice" literature & a condom. Parents unaware. Lost my way in art school & college. With respect to transparency, here is my story if you care to read it:
I don't mince words. It gets graphic to fight the euphemistic language of the abortion cartel. I am a highly repentant post-abortive mother. I have a story to tell. In one instance, I spoke to a group of pro-life Christian kids, who go to the clinics in Ohio. The leader's wife was reading "Tatooed Jesus" (in my library). I gave the kids my extra copy of book about the men who destroyed the West.
I care deeply about this issue--more so than any other issue.
Thanks for the show.
The LGBTQ & Abortion Biz Are they one & the same? Why do I ask? Have deeply cared about the pro-life issue for years, but I almost always see this fellowship between lesbians, etc. & those who run the clinics.
NARAL + accompanying "clinic" near me rented out a bowling alley for a fundraiser for abortions. As a business owner, if I owned that bowling alley, I could not rent for their purposes. The group looked very LGBTQ. What would happen to me if I declined their business because it violates my deeply held pro-life convictions? Can they use the LGBTQ card?
Also, you gave made many comments on Donald Trump, which I desperately need to try to discern this election through a Christian lens.
What are your thoughts about what he said to Chris Matthews of MSNBC about the scenario where if abortion were illegal, should aborting mothers bear some legal complicity, & thereby be in part punished?
I deeply struggle with this question. Especially coming from my hardcore leftist public school/university "pro-choice" indoctrination. I believe many who commit abortion (not all) are woefully misinformed of the gravity & reality of the act until too late. Suicide rates skyrocket.
I am in the grey area. No punishment at all diminishes the act, while I am not convinced stringing them up is an answer. Thoughts?
Great Broadcast! It is a sad commentary when even professing Christian parents raise their daughters to prioritize education and employment over marriage and motherhood. Training to be a keeper at home is curiously absent from the upbringing of many of today's women. This makes a woman on her own extremely vulnerable to being used and exploited rather than provided for and protected. It may also cause her parents to be grandchildless.
Great Sermon! These people must be on drugs!!
Jesus said "in the beginning he has made them male and female "
and marriage is about that... Homosexual wedding, simply isn't, and even THEY know it.. Homosexuals that is
Great Sermon! I have been to about 100 churches trying to find one that preaches and teaches the proper male/female roles found in the Bible. I teach a group of women that are learning the proper roles. We have to keep it secret if we want to have a peaceful group. Keep on teaching Gods word as it is. Thank you.
Christian Unity Why are you so willing to divide gospel believers for the sake of a political agenda? Using Clinton faith against Trumps non existent faith? I don't get it!
Great Sermon! David Bowie benefited society in one way. And that was in a statement he made in a 1976 issue of Rolling Stone when he stated
"Rock and roll will destroy you. It lets in lower elements and shadows. Rock has always been the devil's music." When he said this he wasn't speaking metaphorically. These were simple facts from the horse's mouth.
Alas the only good he did was ignored by society at large, and rationalized away by the vast majority of professing Christians.
You're doing your job. If the Huffington Post attacked you, God bless you. Thank you for having the courage the speak out on these issues. I think you also qualified for some "right-wing-watch" hate groups, if I am not mistaken.
Early last summer, my pro-gay marriage PresbyterianUSA brother approached me for my opinion on the gay marriage issue. Using what I have learned from the Bible, and referring to all sexual sin (humbly including my own as a saved Christian, I told him that I did not agree). He and his adult child he had brought with him had implied that churches that didn't agree with them are basically bigoted. When I gently disagreed with him when asked. He didn't know what to say or do and packed up and left immediately.
Because I made a few posts about said incident on SermonAudio on another pastor's site, a Presbyterian website is now creeping and copying every remark I have ever stated on SermonAudio.
My crime? I disagreed with leftist ideology. I came out of extreme leftist indoctrination. Got saved. I told my husband recently: I refuse to lie and I discern everything for truth and righteousness. I am also an ex Girl Scout, which I no longer support.
Great Sermon! 3/9/16--
Husband just bought gas and texts me that woman in line in front of him just won 40k in Lotto.
He seemed a little miffed at this--at how easy this seemed.
I reminded him that this goes against Biblical teachings. That we are to work for our living. Also discussed: how much did this woman have to gamble to get the 40k? That the $ goes to government schools which teach anti-Christian doctrine as well as grease a number of other unsavory palms on the take, that by the time the government ransacks the "40k"-she'll probably have half. Thinking she has some "lucky windfall"--this winning will likely stoke an adrenaline-based gambling addiction. They can have their Lotto winnings. Have not played in about 20 years and will never again.
Unite around Cruz Listen Swanson's sermon on "Why does Trump support GLSEN?". We must be united to stop Trump. Liberals are trying to twist anyone they can against Cruz because he is the most conservative and has integrity. Is not Cruz the only conservative left standing? Listen to some of Bryan Fischer's (of AFA) reports on Trump.