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"Darth Vader: Compared to Jesus"
Anonymous Name
If there is one thing that we know to be true about Darth Vader, he is most compared to Jesus. This is because he, Darth Vader,...
Kevin Swanson | America Awakens to Pantheism
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Sermon8/16/14 12:38 PM
Tara Diddle from Estiffanudle, Florida  Find all comments by Tara Diddle
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“ I thought it was about justice, not terrorism ”
I thought the issue was justice--why do the police kill a robbery suspect with his hands up? You don't see that on TV police shows, do you? Shouldn't Christians be asking for justice?

Sermon8/8/14 11:53 AM
victoria from Sun City center Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by victoria
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Atheist of the United states whether side with the Homosexuals then a Christian. Christians have freedom too we do not serve a Homosexual a cake for their weddings it's are right to refuse service it's a free country.

Sermon8/7/14 8:52 AM
Diane from AL  Find all comments by Diane
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“ ”
It does seem that evolutionary movies are coming out more frequently. I haven't seen any of the films mentioned here and don't plan to, except I have seen Rise of Planet of the Apes and it's new sequel. I didn't think either were evolutionary, though. The apes did not evolve into humans, they were given an injection of a new drug for Alzheimer's and it worked on their brains making them able to talk and reason. I guess I am missing how this is evolutionary rather than a freak thing.

Sermon8/6/14 4:48 PM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Regarding Ishmael, what is the evidence that he is the ancestor of Muslims, "Palestinians" and [all of that]? There were millions of people in that region during that time - what happened to them?

Sermon8/4/14 7:50 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe 'america is losing its middle class BECAUSE america is losing its MEN' YOU COULD blame cannibus for this as well since it doesn't seem to affect women the same way.(since women use both sides of brain at the same time) I believe, that men who smoke it, and then have small sons who have it in their system when born, are simply not as strong as the generations before. baby boomers smoked it, but they weren't CONCEIVED on it all of this leads to immature males, and females taking care of them like a mom, 'if they want a boyfriend' it is what it is... WE NEED TO REPENT...as a nation, even i need to for sins i have.

Sermon8/2/14 1:39 AM
V. Moore from Kansas  Contact via emailFind all comments by V. Moore
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for bringing this to your listeners - shame on Ohio State!

Sermon8/1/14 11:24 PM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amazing grace.

Sermon8/1/14 4:14 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
it just looks like "50 Shades of CHRISTIAN DeCay!! many of these girls are doing just that. BTW, i've read something about this silly book, and found out about the 'mans' first name....hmmmmm==I DON'T READ PORN!!

Sermon7/31/14 5:28 PM
Anna from Ireland  Find all comments by Anna
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“ Thought provoking! ”
It is truly amazing what God can do in a sinner's life. As I listened I was slightly uncomfortable with the idea that someone like Jeffrey Dahmer could be saved. I remembered his crimes and felt he didn't deserve such mercy. Then I was reminded that neither did I deserve mercy, yet the Lord graciously saved me, a sinner! What a humbling thought. Praise God for salvation and for His great love toward sinners!

Sermon7/30/14 5:49 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
speaking of 'names' the ones given by out of wedlock black women..(since i am one) tend to be worse, and sometimes made up. i notice in the old testament JOHN was a popular name, so popular that they had to tell what he did, for example, 'the baptist' 'of patmos' etc. we shouldn't forget, that when John the baptist was born, the people around him thought he would have been named Zach Jr. at circumcision instead of plain old JOHN. also, even though some unisex names are 'ok' the name GOMER in the bible was considered unisex since GOMER was also a 'european tribe' but the female GOMER was a bad girl... (something to think about)

Sermon7/25/14 12:29 PM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Agree, Lady Day.

Sermon7/24/14 9:37 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What people don't realize, is that the out of wedlock births BREAKS THE FAMILY LINE.. For instance, when you are a child, and have two parents, you wait to want to have a 'boyfriend' or husband later: The inlaws feel the same way; the become the family of your daughter or son..so, when your children are married, you continue your family, with two other parents your age... and you are on the other side of the family line (being a grandparent instead of a child) and since your parents are either in the rest home, or gone, you will have someone with you...grandchildren..great grandchildren. When you have a broken family, you could be 'alone' and probably on antidepressants.. but maybe not. my cousin had his 2nd oldest daughter get married and did it right. She has a little girl; the 3rd oldest daughter is becoming to find a fiancé and BOYS need MEN so do girls..as married dads ...(it also could have something to do with 'pheremones' from the father sorry for rambling too long, but I've just seen this Besides millenials give their children weird names like Connor, Cody Austin, Tyler, etc. (most kids with those names may not have full families) we need to get back to the bible for boys names (Joshua, James, Michael, etc) girls need more feminine names besides 'surnames'

Sermon7/22/14 10:30 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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“ whoops! ”
The post I made was supposed ro be for the Lincoln Marxist podcast. Don't know how it got here. Oh well.

Sermon7/22/14 10:11 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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“ Very Interesting ”
I would like to say as you know God has the heart of the king in his hand and uses the sin of men to accomplish his perfecr amd sovereign will. I am educated with a good job amd not in the field or massa's bed winch because of the slaves being released during his presidency. He was wrong about a lot of things and so was the south. Had the southern leadership not had the stain of slavery maybe folks who see them differently. Communists are opportunists and use tragedies and gross sins of a nation to further their agenda. Same old playbook and we keep falling for it rather than repenting and realigning our lives with scripture. Of course one has to be saved to do that. Had they repented of their sin of their sin of slqvery and made restirution the issue would be irrelevewnt to this day.

Sermon7/15/14 1:04 AM
V. Moore from Kansas  Contact via emailFind all comments by V. Moore
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very cool! I loved Emily's song & it was great to hear how Christians are helping the brethren in practical & spiritual ways.

Sermon7/11/14 2:10 PM
alana from wisconsin  Find all comments by alana
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“ Great Sermon! ”
God bless you both for not being afraid to speak the "truth" of what the Holy Bible points out to us hear on earth; to not only "hear" the word but "do" what it says!

Sermon7/11/14 11:43 AM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I look forward almost as much to Lady Day's insightful comments as I do to the show =)

Sermon7/10/14 4:48 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
IMO, American is similar to 'modern israel' and what happened to Israel when they forgotten GOD DEUTERONOMY 28 the first 13 chapters were blessings, the rest of the chapter were cursings ===and what is happening to America owing other countries from debts "the stranger who speaks in a language you don't understand will have more than you" AND sure enough, many americans who are making it in small business, DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH and don't have to

Sermon7/6/14 11:44 PM
a celiac from Canada  Find all comments by a celiac
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“ Interesting topic! ”
This gluten free fad is silly but it has encouraged the production of a variety of good gluten free products for those of us that have celiac disease. For that I am thankful - now when I ask for the gluten free menu in a restaurant the waitress no longer looks at me like I come from another planet! I agree though, most of us spend far too much time on our bodily health and not enough time on our soul.

Sermon7/5/14 7:19 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
ZOMBIES UNITE:!! i wonder if this was what John on Patmos saw when he wrote REVELATIONS with the MARK OF THE BEAST, etc. many kids under 30, are not learning on how to communicate... and could be a reason they want to go PRIMITIVE with its tattoos and piercings

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