Great Sermon! All by themselves----single millennials
I am not surprised---but not all of them
I have never lived by myself, and neither has my husband, daughter, etc.
I thought they were going weird when pretty girls started to TATTOO 75% of their bodies
Good podcast This episode was brought to my attention. I must say I was pleased with tone and the avoidance of undue speculation. And I was very pleased that legalism within conservative and homeschooling circles was clearly denounced and Christ exalted. Keep it up the good fight!
Great Sermon! its been since 1963, when BIBLE was taken out of school-- and since its been 52 years---perhaps they would 'wake up' and saying this
a person could have a CRECHE on CITY HALL after THANKSGIVING
and bring back CHRISTMAS CAROLS
Great Sermon! this culture comes from SINGLE MOMS.. raising their children
along with having friends who, either have the same thing OR have boyfriends who are useless, and are chemically dependent--gambler ETC..
real men are NOT that common anymore WHO COULD RAISE AND PROTECT SONS AND DAUGHTERS-- along with being MARRIED
Great Sermon! I also wonder about Lindsay Graham.. since he has a unisex name and has a softer tone of voice
BUT WAIT.. Jenner didn't sound effeminante until he went in DRAG. so its a mental disorder.. one that could spread like ANOREXIA NERVOSA-- which didn't happen until KAREN CARPENTER died from it,,, americans didn't have eating disorders.. and since most scales went to 300 it was like no one would get that heavy NOW we have some teens getting this heavy--probably from BROKEN HOMES
Great Information Kevin, Good information today, it's good to know there is an organization to help parents with Social Services investigations.. If I might offer a little perspective of why investigations are at an all time high it might bring some clarity to the issue. Many years ago laws were passed to make health care workers, police, firefighters, school teachers and administrators mandated reporters of suspected child abuse in most states. These laws came about as the result of some legitimate cases going unreported where children were caused further harm or death. Ther penalties for not reporting include jail time, firing, and civil liability if you suspect abuse. They went so far as to mandate reporting if the child was home during a domestic dispute among the parents or guardians. This is the law of unintended consequences hard at work. Now the masses pay for the mistakes of a few. As you stated 80% of reports are unfounded. If the laws were written better and people didn't panic when a mistake is made we'd be better off. Unfortunately in a highly litigious society lawmakers run scared. Until discretion is given back to the professionals this will only get worse.
China Regarding China's "unsinkable aircraft carrier" in the South China Sea, it is the South ***CHINA*** Sea after all, though the USG and many Americans would like to keep the entire Pacific Ocean an American lake.
Hypocrites in the American military "worry" about China's intentions - GET OUT OF THEIR BACKYARD!
@;^D==if you have a PORN/GAMER problem
BOYS/kids need to be outside anyway
besides, you could still BUY CD's-DVD's and not need to download it
Thanks!! Thanks so much for doing this program! Our children aren't quite to that age yet, but this model is our heart for their future relationships. However, there are not local models in our community to gain wise counsel from on courtship. Thank you for letting these men share their wisdom!
Great Sermon! THIS IS SCARY..when CHRISTIANS start to do this
it is similar to 2 chronicles 7:14 especially when it talks about MY PEOPLE
and.... what kind of weather are we having lately? and when will it end?
drought in CA and too much rain in TX?
Great Sermon! i also noticed this when WOMEN STARTING SINGING TO MEN!!
i thought it was ok, for a while, but now there are too many female singers
and not enough MALE SINGERS..
since MEN don't need to be 'sung to'
who are these women singing to BUT OTHER WOMEN?
Great Sermon! I'm going to get 'in trouble' here
i've noticed, back until the late 70's
being a cowboy was MALE.. and the female would do stuff like 'trick riding' instead of being 'hard'
now, many women are into horses MORE THAN MEN since many of the men are into CARS nascar INSTEAD
unless guys TAKE BACK being the COWBOY AND SAVE THE CULTURE unless they are sitting back and letting the WOMEN take it
don't forget:
ISIS is at the GATE!!
Well Done... Another excellently done program, albeit on a sad topic, that puts its finger directly on the problem--sin. The gospel (I Cor. 15:1-4) is the answer and contains the power to effect repentance from fornication and subsequent fatherlessness.
Great Sermon! a reason we have so MANY HOMOSEXUALS (i think we have more than 3% because of BROKEN HOMES)
although we had only 3% of homosexuals THIS WAS WHEN marriage of male and female and NOT DIVORCE and or SHACK UP was the norm
it could happen to pastors kids IF they were exposed to PORN AT A very young age or molested
just look at what kind of leader, and his name
Barak--Barack who needed a woman to help defeat an enemy
also I THINK rampant tattooing could also be a judgement of a sort.. especially among the WOMEN
when women get tattoos on the napes of necks and forearms.. WHICH IS THE WORST PLACE .. since we don't grow HAIR there
Good information! But I have decided not to vote anymore. Let God bring the judgement that we will deserve because we don't have one decent choice besides Christ himself to rule!
Great Sermon! Kevin,
One can become "un-secularized"--like me.
When I look back on what I used to believe through the heavy dose of liberal indoctrination I received, I can barely believe it.
Then, I saw a video of an actual abortion online and cried for 4 days straight while repenting for having ever supported such a heinous crime.
I see the world now through a Christian lens with the scales torn off my eyes and and have ears to hear the Scriptures AND A MIND UNBLINDED. God bless you and your family.
Great Sermon! Dear Brother, your Generations with Vision site has been disturbingly hacked. A filthy porn site comes up when I tried to access today's message. The enemy is busy but The Lord Jesus is the Victor! Praise His Mighty Name!
Great Sermon! IMO, since she is only 21, its possible that she didn't know what she says
i'd give her a few years, around age 25 before she starts to 'panic'
some men are getting into a fad, called MGTOW. (men going their own way) and don't want to get married or have a girlfriend etc. but even they will eventually wait until their 50s to have a child.. (i know of a 58 year old who is married and has a 2 year old)
Sad... Another good program, but hearing the quotes from the young people makes me want to cry. It reminds me of Jesus' words about losing one's life when one lives for self but gaining it by serving Him and others. The quote from the 21-year-old woman was especially bleak. Why does she think a wedding HAS to be expensive? And to think she'd rather travel to Europe than be "inconvenienced" with a husband and children, because her life is all about her happiness?! Not minding if she's single forever as long as she's foolish! I pray the Lord opens her eyes and delivers her from her selfishness. She knows not what she says.