Great Sermon! I've heard that St. Francis of Assisi said the 112th pope would be a negative one...and what i've been seeing about Pope Francis, it makes sense
before someone says anything about St.s etc, they DIDN'T Have a printing press for 400 years
besides, St. Francis is the one who created the Creche that we have for CHRISTMAS every year
i think he many had something to do with All Saints Eve as well and that GOOD is over EVIL--and have All Saints Day to CELEBRATE
Great Sermon! Willie, I think they were talking about those who voted for him...
Well articulated discussion about abortion in particular. Why can't pro-life candidates shoot back with ads which show abortion victims? FYI: at the Gosnell trial, the media section was completely empty except for one journalist who claimed to be "pro-choice"--after the trial, that same journalist had a conversion and became pro-life. If Udall says he's for abortion and that this is settled, WHY NOT unpack exactly what he's talking about?
Great Sermon! Was a Girl Scout. Was extremely indoctrinated into pro-abortion feminism in my public school/university. I used to write notes copiously from my late modern art teacher, a pro-abort PhD feminist prof at my university. A whole section of the class was devoted to pro-abortion "pro-choice" artwork and art that dishonors/blasphemes God.
I believed all this, Kevin. Not anymore. Godly sorrow worketh repentance. It is so true about how the media destroys and indoctrinates. Thanks for having the courage to talk about these things.
Jesus is the Saviour While I agree with most of the things that were said, I must speak on the fact that not every African American or single mother voted for Barak Obama to his second term! I am African American & somewhat offended that you would call him or say that we look to him as our messiah! That really struck me odd that a person of your disposition as a Christian & supposedly my brother in Christ would say such a slanderous thing! I admire your bluntness in any matter but not to speak for all or on speculation!
Well This is an optimistic message, but not completely realistic, especially for those dealing with huge medical debts.
Likewise reminds me of the Dave Ramsey optimism which is easy for a millionare like him, a sterilized dude with 3 kids raised by a public school system, and how it's easy for them to say its something you work at, but honestly the way the economy is and the cost of food, I need more than this.
I Disagree Anyone calling this story garbage probably hasn't read the books. I haven't seen the movies yet, but the books go out of their way to emphasize how terrible the violence is. They're not intended to be a fun, entertaining series; they're supposed to make you think about things like political power and the effect that violence has on individuals. The fact that children are fighting to the death is not intended to entertain you, it's supposed to make you think.
CCM doesn't surprise me Did I understand correctly that both Margaret Becker and Kim Hill are in support of Vicky Beeching coming out as a lesbian? It wouldn't really surprise me, not the way things have been going. Can someone inform me of whether ANY CCM artist has publicly denounced gay marriage and/or the Roman Catholic Church? Any CCM artist?? ... That whole crowd is ecumenical, worldly, and loves imitating and supporting the wicked culture! In other words, wishy washy! Wow! What solid convictions! Can anyone add to this? ...
Great Sermon! welll
the way we are going with ISIS, and don't forget: many of them could be american and english TEEN BOYS, not necessarily arabic, but black and white who have no family, just a silly woman called mom and her silly friends (we still need to get to them before they destroy the nations) and start to MENTOR!!
ISIS may become their family, and
important, how Christianity was duped by Equality moement Yep, read Dabney and Thornwell online about who was behind Lincoln and his Radical Red Republicans and how abolitionists led immediately to feminists agenda and Egalitarianism! Big Government and socialism began with Lincoln and his Uncivil War which was a social and Constitutional Revolution!
Again, this is the result of removing the teachings of Scripture from the public (govt) schools -- replacing it with teaching the proven lies of Evilution. Chickens are coming home to roost all over the place. Check out Lies in the Textbooks" by Kent Hovind at his official YouTube page. I know these schools are still teaching the same lies he mentions in the video. Many have and continue to be brainwashed. More of this truth about lies being taught in public schools need to get out all across America and abroad.
Great Sermon! If we can't reverse this, i see POLYGAMY becoming popular--if our sons across the board become 'lazy' and unmotivated
i also know that many women want kids more than anything, even over a 'career' after a certain age, and even THEY know that their children need a father (even though they didn't have one)
Great Sermon! I've also read a book called THE BABY BOOM by P. J. O'Rourke
in his book, he said that POT mainstreamed in america on December 1966
it sounds right, since i was a little girl watching my extended family falling apart.
In 1965, no one smoked pot, by 1970, it looked like EVERYONE smoked it...
Great Sermon! IMO, a problem with them is 'when they are born'
i've also heard, that man who smoke or have smoked POT(THC) tend to either be lazy, or have babies who are lazy--when it is in the system at conception
i also don't think it affects women the same way=although i have never tried it.
Many millenial sons had fathers or grandfathers who smoked
Tara, I think the best thing to do is wait for all of the details to come out and pray to that end. People tioting and looting exasperates the situation and take away resources for getting to the real task at hand. If the officers were wrong and murdered, then justice should be carried out in a court of law. Emotions need to be in check and people need to keep themselves under control. Any loss of life is an unspeakable tragedy and sobering no matter the circumstances, but if folks don't get control f themselves more lives could be lost. Pray for the truth to be clear and for peace. I shall do likewise. Have a blessed day and wonderful week.