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Generations Radio
Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Foul Language ..."
... is a sign of end time lawlessness and lack of self control (= lack of the fruit of the spirit).
Kevin Swanson | Why the F-word Is Wrong
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Sermon3/3/16 8:34 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ California AB 154 ”
Governor Jerry Brown passed this to expand abortion "care"-non-physicians can do this now before 13 weeks... But-it's ILLEGAL to burn firewood in the Bay Area--with fears of being turned in with fat fines... "Because it could cause reproductive harm." No wonder Ben Shapiro got mobbed. These are the fascists who is running California and the universities. I came out of this environment, undrank the Kool-Aid and now feel like a dissident in my own country.

Sermon3/3/16 8:14 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Liked the remarks ”
I didn't think I would actually laugh listening to the title of this broadcast, but I did. It was great what you said California Christian pregnancy resource centers. Use unreadable fonts... Put a lot of other graphic "noise" on the wall to compete... Another suggestion; Use a filter on the font so it's light grey :-)!!! Interesting thing about California: bought some firewood recently. On the tag it mentioned some law in California about how it's illegal to use it. I looked it up. Sure enough: in the Bay Area right now, I can be fined for having a wood-burning fire, with a $500 fine per occurrence. There is also a special Gestapo type line you can call to report your neighbor, and they'll come out and investigate! Why? It's considered toxic and can cause reproductive harm. Yet Jerry Brown made it super easy for non-doctors to perform abortions... FYI: have "The Witch" playing in theaters everywhere right now.

Sermon3/3/16 8:31 AM
Ellis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ellis
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Jason I hate to break it to you but there is something seriously wrong with Cruz the fellow Christians I speak with feel the same's cool you like Cruz but there is something really not right about that guy.

Sermon3/1/16 2:15 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's possible TRUMP may get CARSON for vice president, if CARSON doesn't win the top spot

Sermon2/29/16 1:38 PM
Jason123 from Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jason123
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Ellis, It is because of ignorant Christians and others Trump is winning. Ben Carson is a light weight moderate candidate with no chance of winning. Quit following liberal media narratives such as Fox and others. Cruz, who has the stongest biblical worldview we have seen in a long time, is the only one with a chance of beating the Trump who's beliefs are anti-Christian. A vote for Carson is a Vote for Trump. Exodus 18:21 English Standard Version (ESV) Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. American Family Association Lastest polls show: Cruz +15 over Trump in Cruz's home state of Texas and Rubio losing to Trump by 20 in his homestate of Florida!

Sermon2/29/16 8:04 AM
Ellis from U.S.  Find all comments by Ellis
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“ one big reason trump is winning ”
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hello Mr. Swanson, I have been listening to many people not understand why trump is winning. I have come to a conclusion - He is winning simply because he is not in the government. Some will claim because he is an entertainer...(doubtful) many like me have never seen his show....I do not support trump.....however by the time the primary gets to my state I probably won't have a choice (per usual) just thought you might want to consider this I believe it is the number 1 reason trump is winning ( I plan to vote for Carson if he is still in it). Thank You , Ellis

Sermon2/26/16 7:09 PM
Sneaky  Find all comments by Sneaky
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It was a fascinating sermon. Everyone should listen to it!

Sermon2/22/16 3:09 PM
Neo  Find all comments by Neo
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“ Well... ”
People seem to miss the point with Piper's message. I think the core of what he's saying is the mindset many believers have of putting their trust in guns and not in God, and having no reluctance to gun down some dude who breaks in just to steal a few things. I'm disappointed by some of the vitriol that Piper has been receiving about this.

Sermon2/21/16 9:08 AM
FG from USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful! Franklin Graham has Samaritan's Purse. But why hasn't he separated from the Roman Catholic Church yet??

Sermon2/18/16 1:14 AM
PS from USA  Find all comments by PS
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“ ”
The word stranger in the LXX in Lev 19:34 is the word proselyte

Sermon2/17/16 6:58 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i don't trust THIS pope

Sermon2/16/16 5:08 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
ITS OBAMA.. AND THE POWERS THAT BE alongside him(alinskyites)...i don't think he alone could have pulled this off, and with SCALIA DYING, we are going for a long 'ride'. I knew we would, in 2008, and thought he would last only one term, but in 2012, it just got worse....

Sermon2/11/16 7:05 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
it also matters, that we give our daughters feminine names as well... no more 'unisex' lite....or 'surnames'. i always thought this was a trap, and gave my daughter a feminine name. The bible makes a big deal in what names we give our childen

Sermon2/11/16 6:36 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
this sounds crazy, but i'm not surprised.. its time we GET OUR DAUGHTERS INTO DRESSES, PANTYHOSE, etc. I've noticed ever since 1990, that women stopped wearing dresses/skirts as standard wear and drifted more into pants, and are not wearing pantyhose at all, but tattooing their legs.. Its also trite, but clothing is a good FIRST IMPRESSION....AND OPPOSITES ATTRACT

Sermon2/6/16 1:23 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Check the names they are given. The more outlandish the name, the more chance they have a single mother Names mean things.. Especially Y2K generation.. either, they have surnames as given names OR they are MADE UP. There is something for giving a boy Jr, and 3rd etc. Girls should get names of songs??since there were many songs like that before 1970

Sermon2/3/16 4:49 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
the '27' club separates ROCK from ROCK N ROLL even the early rockers didn't die the same way as these people DIDN'T Amy Winehouse start the tattoos with women... on the arms.??

Sermon1/25/16 9:25 PM
D. Brown  Find all comments by D. Brown
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you soooo much for pointing out Trumps blatant non Christian characteristics displayed thus far. I feared only I saw him in that light. enjoy your show.

Sermon1/24/16 3:27 PM
Scott from England  Find all comments by Scott
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“ Not so sure you are correct. ”
I don't believe you are very well informed on London churches or indeed 'Justin Welby'- a very poor choice to represent anything ‘Christian’-a strange ‘evangelical' on record as celebrating ‘the riches of Benedictine and Ignatian spirituality’ and is ecumenical in his praise for the pope. (note the 39 Articles of the Church of England!) He worshipped at Holy Trinity, Brompton, where the Alpha Course was pioneered. These sort of ecumenical/charismatic/Pentecostal type churches may be growing and attracting immigrants, but are they really the work of God? It isn't always the Biblical gospel that is being preached, but rather the ‘Jesus’ of ALPHA portrayed more as a ‘Solver of human problems’ rather than as a ‘Saviour from sin’ You should examine the solid churches in the UK on SermonAudio who represent those who are faithful to God’s Word. Few are large in number, but they evidence the work of God’s grace. One such church would be Spurgeon’s old church: The Metropolitan Tabernacle-Dr Peter Masters. I would submit that outside of London there is far less than 1% attending church and in some areas you can travel many miles before you find any faithful Christian never mind a church!

Sermon1/20/16 2:44 AM
Stephen Crawford from Northern Iteland  Find all comments by Stephen Crawford
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“ Where did the previous message go? ”
Where did the message on the rise of vampirism and paganism go? It was there literally a few minutes ago then I find it replaced by this current message on London churches

Sermon1/6/16 7:17 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's possible that when they stopped preaching out of the KJV, this happened. Most young kids go to churches that use everything but!! It may be ok to have other translations but not at pulpit

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