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Generations Radio
Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Darth Vader: Compared to Jesus"
Anonymous Name
If there is one thing that we know to be true about Darth Vader, he is most compared to Jesus. This is because he, Darth Vader,...
Kevin Swanson | America Awakens to Pantheism
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Sermon10/24/15 3:57 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
OMGOSH.. I THOUGHT, back in the late 70's, that it was ok for women to do 'guy things' but thinking about it in 2015, and why many people back then were saying things that ladies wasn't supposed to do.... LEAD TO THIS!! NOW, MANY YOUNG PRETTY GIRLS are having a hard time finding husbands... ITS TIME FOR WOMEN TO DRESS MORE FEMININE AGAIN....and doing more domestic things to attract strong CHRISTIAN MEN... since its MARRIAGE which creates civilization

Sermon10/23/15 10:14 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
If the Huffington Post slung arrows at you, you're doing your job. Here is something positive: I used to consider myself a "liberal feminist." Yes, public school and university degree in the arts played a big role. Then came the Internet and information from sources I had never heard... I started to listen and realized I wasn't all that liberal after all. I became a born-again Christian and am hold a devoutly Christian worldview. I follow the KJV Bible and try to lead a life that honors God.

Sermon10/19/15 8:34 AM
mock the moronic from armour on  Find all comments by mock the moronic
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Eze 16:36 cf v8 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them; Eze 16:37 Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness. Ez.22:5 "therefore have I made thee a reproach unto the heathen, and a mocking to all countries. 22:5 Those that be near, and those that be far from thee, shall mock thee, which art infamous and much vexed." Nah 3:5 Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame. Ps.2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.

Sermon10/16/15 3:08 PM
mhp from nc  Find all comments by mhp
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“ Disturbing ”
I found it a little disturbing, although the announcers may have been embarrassed by the topic of public nudity, that they were too gleeful and amused at this sad development in public behavior around the country. Thanks for the news so we can pray intelligently, but it's so grievous how our nation continues in its downward spiral of immoral and rebellious behavior with no conscience or fear of offending God or man. May God have mercy on our nation!

Sermon10/7/15 10:55 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I feel sick that anyone with an inkling of a conscience would support this depraved organization. Not only should it be defunded, it should be criminally investigated. What a racket--making the tax-payers pay for their abortions and abortifacients, then giving them out for "free"--I am also onto them and their con job. In these End Times, the evil is really ramping up. I detest PP and everything they stand for.

Sermon10/7/15 8:27 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
...and this guy has a KIDS SHOW? it makes you think who is teaching them

Sermon10/6/15 3:25 PM
Christian from Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The "full-frontal nudity" thing is a joke... That has been made clear. Kermit is almost always totally naked, so they're making a risqué joke out of that. To my knowledge, there are no expressed plans to have genitals added to the Kermit puppet. The whole point of it is to emphasize that the show will feature adult humor and adult relationships. Obviously, that is still repulsive to Christians. But I think it's dishonest and unfair to report that the Muppets are being promoted to an NC-17 rating, or the TV equivalent, because of a passing joke. There will be no nudity, just a ton of inappropriate humor. I understand the point about allusions to beastiality. However, I still don't think that is the intention behind the series. Yes, they are making a slight allusion that's intended to be humorous. So it's still repulsive. But beastiality is still a very taboo topic even in our perverse culture. So I doubt that the references will go very far. Bottom line: I would prefer more accurate reporting, not unfair speculation and blowing things out of proportion based on a single inappropriate joke.

Sermon9/22/15 6:37 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
its not that people aren't speaking with guts.. ITS MEN WHO ARE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT!! like this 13 year old spoke out. Women have to when men become weenies. as far as abortion, GOD IS TAKING CARE OF IT by allowing the illegal aliens to fill in the spaces the American citizens would have filled in for 42 years.... just my opinion, but its just weird how this is happening now

Sermon9/22/15 10:26 AM
Justin Bernal from 66203  Find all comments by Justin Bernal
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Spot on podcast thanks guy's, only issue in question is about king James, much has been written about him and by him and when you start to really dig we find he was a family man of one wife and many children his love letters to his wife continued until her death and are available to the public, read them and you'll have no question on his sexual preference. Did men sleep in his bed? Yes, they were his body gourds (not uncommon for the time). Did he kiss other men? Yes, in public as it was the custom of the culture to certain leaders of that time (those cultures still do it to this day).

Sermon9/11/15 5:58 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hmmmm. With homosexual marriage getting positive reviews, POLYGAMY ISN'T FAR BEHIND. It may also be the granddaughter of feminists who may want it

Sermon9/10/15 8:27 PM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What do you think of this, from judge Napolitano: - The Free Exercise Clause guarantees individuals the lawful ability to practice their religion free from government interference. It does not permit those in government to use their offices to deny the rights of those who reject their beliefs. That is the lesson for Kim Davis.

Sermon8/31/15 10:15 AM
Ronald Antcliff from Williamston, Mi  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ronald Antcliff
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“ THE question to ask all politicians!!!..... ”
Mr. Swanson, I think the ONLY question to ask ANY politician is this..... "Do you believe, that CHRIST died for ALL without exception, or ,did HE die for his elect? This question, if answered(and it most likely won't be) This will expose them, as weather they are, or not one of GOD's own!!! Because if they believe HE died for all to have an opportunity to be saved, but have to "decide" for HIM, of their own "freewill" then they are not true believers, and they are nothing more than "ravening wolves in sheep's clothing" And these politicians are nothing more than "man centered, works based, freewill religionists', who trample under foot the blood of CHRIST, and will be dealt with, by a HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, SOVEREIGN LORD in the LORD's due time!! Until then, the elect children of GOD's only concern should be, the preaching of the gospel of sovereign grace in CHRIST ALONE!!! And we should NOT concern ourselves with the affairs of this world, and its depraved, vile affections!! (1 John 2:15-17 KJV) Respectfully, Ron A.

Sermon8/27/15 4:34 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
THE SHEMITAH CURSE!! PERHAPS.. especially for Christians who want to do for trump

Sermon8/26/15 4:02 AM
Carolyn Davison from Wales, UK  Find all comments by Carolyn Davison
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“ dubious at first ”
When I saw the title I was very dubious about the content! As a former home schooling mother, with grown up sons, I thought oh no another Christian who doesn't agree with Christian education but I was wrong! I'm in the UK so didn't know anything about Kevin Swanson and didn't know he home schools! Good points made!

Sermon8/25/15 5:35 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
silly college kids are grieving their aborted siblings, subconsciously its also a reason IMO, that they are wearing BLACK YEAR AROUND.. and possibly tattooing and piercing prophets of Baal?! with Jezebel--- and why the occult also leads to this

Sermon8/25/15 5:30 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
they had DRUGS back then too but since we have more media, they SPREAD LOTS.. especially after 1966 That was also the year Anton La Vey started SATANISM.. etc... they are CONNECTED

Sermon8/18/15 12:58 PM
Stephen Alligood from Atlanta, Georgia  Protected NameFind all comments by Stephen Alligood
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“ Great Message! ”
I don't mean to bash anyone as politics may sometimes paint unfair pictures, but Ben Carson's statements on the campaign trail seem to contradict his record. See the article published 8/18/2015 in Politico titled, "Ben Carson's Perplexing Stance on Abortion." Mike, I would agree that Ted Cruz stands out with his positions in favor of life, biblical marriage, and religious freedom.

Sermon8/13/15 3:07 PM
Mike from Michigan  Find all comments by Mike
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Cruz is defiantly on my list, but the more I hear Carson speak, the more I'm impressed with him

Sermon8/13/15 11:34 AM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver, BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Regarding the EDA - worse than a mistake, a crime:

Sermon8/12/15 3:10 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
BEN CARSON for PRESIDENT or else we are done..... at least HE wasn't buffaloed into this he would have a strong cabinet as well not like OBAMAS..

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