Great Sermon! Millennials were CREATED IN BROKEN HOMES.. as a rule, so they never seen 'normal' so its ok to have homosexual marriage, and abortion
Leviticus 18:21-23---and i wouldn't even be surprised if their children start bestiality
i'm HOPING more boomer grandparents stay CLOSE to their GRANDCHILDREN....
Great Sermon! So TRUE.. GOD HATES LGBTQ and what it does to his creation.. but COULD IT BE POSSIBLE.. that what we did actually lead TO IT?!
the pornography, abortion, and homosexuality of 1973?
israel did something similar--and GOD allowed Deut. 28 to be written telling the blessings and curses of such nations
Yes, many parents are ignorant! I think you are spot on about so many parents these days. I think they're ignorant about the gay agenda. They have little conscience awareness or concern about how it has managed to worm its way into the educational institutions of our nation from K-12 and the college level. Ask them about they're favorite celebrity, TV series, or athletic sport or star and they're acquainted with the intimate details of it all. Knowledge about God's rules for life? They'll look into it when they have the time.
Observation May we take into consideration the weaker meaning of Ephesians 5:11 quoted here from a modern translation.
KJV ‘And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.’
NKJV ‘And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.’
The word ‘reprove’ implies stronger connotation than the word ‘expose’. One can expose something without reproving it.
Great Sermon! of course KIDS ARE THE VICTIMS... remember when you were a kid, you could GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY after chores until the sun went down?
now, with so much divorce, open homosexuality, abortion, and since so much divorce, there are SHACK UPS when many kids have no roots...
now, kids are INSIDE the house, not getting their vitamin D for their bones, and could be weaker than the baby boomer generation when they become that age
Great Sermon! i've read somewhere in an article that millennials are called GENERATION POO
And use this as a mascot
also having boys looking like 18 month olds with a cloth diaper that needs to be changed, and using crayons to write on moms wallpaper and ink pens on his skin.. well that could be the problem
Great Sermon! Swift did what the BEATLES DID in the 1960s
when they started they were quite beningn and was similar to BUDDY HOLLY even did songs from the MUSIC MAN 'Till There Was You" and SHE LOVES YOU, buy the time they left, they were into LSD.. "lucy in the sky with diamonds' WHICH was homosexual marriage OH BLAH DI OH BLAH DA
Great Sermon! HI Kevin
I'm a Christian lady and have a friend involved in Yoga. I'm concerned about her becoz I don't believe its of God, I think its got demonic influence. Anyway, I wanted the facts from a grounded godly perspective hence I listened to your podcast. I thankful that you are candid about what yoga is and how its opposed to Christianity. My only concern is the mode of delivery of the message - its so brutal Kevin, its like hitting those in error over the head with a bat. I don't mean to discourage you from teaching truth I'm just asking for a spirit of love. I totally appreciate godly anger against what the enemy is doing but even as a Christian who disagrees with yoga; it sounds like you're telling people off - I usually like to send links to my colleagues who are into this sort of stuff to warn them but I would hesitate to send this because they would be put on the defensive. I believe you could deliver the same message and not be so emotionally charged. State the facts of God's word by all means but the end of the commandment is love. I hope you wont think im asking u to change the message, no. Rather systematically outline what yoga teaches and how its opposed to scripture - in a spirit of kindness. Again, thank you for teaching on this
Great Sermon! imo, it may have come around the 1920s and really after WW2 when Sinatra came out
youth used to go with the older ones of the same gender to learn how to WORK....Etc..
Great Sermon! America is the COMPLETE REFLECTION of ancient Israel especially with the constitution, John Adams mentioned the BIBLE also.. complete with Civil War, AHAB &
also, look at how REVELATIONS was written especially 7:4-8 also 3:7-13 and the first CAPITAL is PHILADELPHIA
3's and 7's are all throughout the BIBLE-especially the KJV
Confused huh? I'm confused. Did the lady say in the middle that she committed adultery with a married man and that she ended up marrying him. Wouldn't this be an adulterous marriage? Why wasn't this even explained and why wasn't it mentioned that a man and women shouldn't be having lunch together at work, because adultery can happen, like it did for these people. I don't like the way adultery was glossed over in this talk. It's about covenant so what happened to this mans real (first) wife???
Great Sermon! You may be correct in thinking that a majority of Americans would prefer a Muslim worshiping president over a follower of the Christian god. Could it be that 51% of the voting public are just that spiritually lost; after all Barak Obama won the '08 & '12 elections with their help. We may be living in a time when more and more of "us" will turn from the Lord and just like Israel God's protective hand was lifted and they suffered military defeat, invasion and occupation over and over again.
Powerful Message! Thanks guys for a such powerful and inspiring message. Here in NZ we have a government like yours which hates Christ.
However, as a believer we have the sure faith that our God is totally in control.
Keep up the good work.
Great Sermon! 50 SHADES OF DECAY!!
if this becomes popular
just think, on how women were treated in the ancient world... ITS POSSIBLE that we forfeited our CHRISTIANITY
don't forget ISLAM is 700 years AFTER CHRISTIANITY!!