Great Sermon! I will not defile myself by watching this soft core porn movie. I am in a daily sanctification/purification process, abiding by the KJV, I would not accept a million dollars or any amount to watch this because I have been taught to put no unclean thing before my eyes.
Before my conversion, I might have watched this. Not now and never again. Also, there is public nudity and sexual acts taking place in the good ol' United States.... Let's start with San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair, where all manner of lewd acts are publicly committed.
Then, let's go to the pagan Burning Man festivals. Next, the pride parades and Southern Decadence... Not to mention the depravity of what goes on during "spring break"--all in public...
"And such were some of you..." Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for your grace and forgiveness, which I certainly don't deserve...
Great Sermon! ..also, Kevin needs to do an article on 50 SHADES OF DECAY (grey)
this could actually CAUSE MORE RAPE and make it even worse than it is now
but if girls/women stay away from sexual anything before marriage.. and ladies dress properly
its highly unlikely that it would affect them
Great Sermon! hate to say this
but i think its at least 18% today (hope i'm wrong)
thanks to some of our clothing in the last 40 years---men and women BOTH wearing pants, converse tennis shoes, etc. and toddlers seeing the same thing with both genders--being near the floor
parents kissing babies on the MOUTH which should be left for their child's SPOUSE
men wearing pink and other flowery shades
Great Sermon! Why not an article about the Pro-Homosexual Bias of all the Media? Why just Fox news? At least Fox News will report some of the news fairly which no other media outlet 100% sold out to liberal homosexual bias even gets close to. I'm not defending Fox News but it is the lesser of many evils.
Great Sermon! this has been going on for a while...
EVER SINCE people who go to church or say they are CHRISTIAN
oh and the TATTOOED JESUS is getting more common with shows like INK180
the guy says he is covering up tattoos OF CHILDREN WHO WERE SEX SLAVES with....other tattoos instead of getting them lasered off
using 'christian' tattoos
Great Sermon! hmm What is the difference between TRANSGENDERISM and being ANOREXIC?
one gets HELP and the other DOESN'T
an ANOREXIC could be 50 lbs. and think they are 500----but the ones in charge will mutilate a young women or man..into something they are not
Great Sermon! c/RAp AND c/ROCK music actually is from BROKEN HOMES.. i've known this since the early 70's and was why, i listened to the music made before 1966 unless they have an older sound, or better lyrics
M&M and LiL Wayne
blame baby boomer GREED
Good Interview thank you for this helpful interview and thoughtful questions (especially about legalism in homeschooling circles).
Your description was unclear about what the "50 years into this new movement" meant? If you are referring to Sunday school and responsible gathering of youths, that has been going on since at least Calvin's Geneva (see: Brief history of Presbyterian and Reformed Sunday school at
What is new is the youth-oriented expectations and niche-marketing. And, what is often missed in these discussions, is plain old error in doctrine and practices in many churches. With such weak churches having weak educational programs makes sense.
Thanks again.
Great Sermon! little children are in DANGER these days because of this
from siblings, cant have sex anymore with wives...and notice, how many teens do NOT TOUCH each other with affection?