Great Sermon! I feel honored to have been able to hear and be a part of this moving and Christ-honoring message. I wish I had known this sister on this earth journey, and yet I feel like I do from your two messages. I look forward to meeting my sinner saint sister Diane, and feel like I will recognize her. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this with her precious family.
Great Sermon! Beautiful, Christ-glorifying Memorial. Sincere condolences with blessings to Diane's family, and her church family. I know she will be sorely missed by all. I imagine my mom Esther, who departed unexpectedly March 1, was in that glorious crowd welcoming this delightful sister in Christ. Earth's loss and heaven's gain.
Great Sermon! What a gifted speaker you are and how your words touched my heart today. How scary are the days we live in and how assuring to know that God will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for your message and the peace and calm it brought to an anxious soul. May God bless you and your ministry!
Fantastic Not a lot of pastors take the time to walk their flocks through the importance of our confessional centeredness, and these messages are excellent in that regard. More pastors should take up the helm in explaining why these are so needed today in a day of relativism.
Wow. I needed to hear this. I need to hear this again. Struggling with fear of man, anxiety and panic attacks, and PTSD over recent deaths of parents. Thank you for presenting God's Word without condemnation but with His Truth in His mercy. Even though these were preached 11 years ago, please do not withdraw them, I can only think that they are a tool for God to free many people from fear and other bondages that bring torment that is not from God. Thank you and God bless you.
Great Sermon! Wow, praise my King forever, I heard this sermon on Pilgrim radio, I listen everyday, I want to go to Multnomah Bible School in the spring semester. I am going to be a preacher of the Gospel.
I am now, we all are called to proclaim his truths, that set the captive free. I too was captive, I was a meth user, alcoholic, my captivity was just more on the surface than the just plain spiritually blind, the good people.
But God in his Sovereignty set me free and I left that life and am equipped to help those held captive in this terrible, dark, lonely condition.
That was 4 years 5 months ago, 2 years ago last Dec 8 I was hit by a car while assisting in freeing a man out of his car that had struck a deer. Well 7 surgeries later I am waling and preaching, or is that preaching and walking?
Anyhow, I heard this soldier today and so wanted to say hi.
In Christ, Michael
Great Sermon! I really really love love this sermon. It is rich meat and sweet drink to my soul and being I am overwhelmed. He IS our portion. I really love how God has gifted you to explain things and lay them out before us with such clarity. I'm also always awed how the Sovereign One's voice resounds to us through mere clay mouthpieces. I stand amazed at this God of ours. I rejoice at His gifts to His church of pastors and teachers such as you and others here at SA. I praise Him for SermonAudio. As shut in taking care of my Alzheimer mom I would shrivel up, but rather my soul soars at the hearing of His Word and voice because of this precious ministry of SA. I am made glad and strengthened and carried along in joy. Thank you from a grateful heart.
Great Instruction! I missed this message in person, but it is a wonderful, thorough explanation of Paul's use of this rem in Galatians 6!!
Thank you, Pastor Borgman, and thank You, Lord!
Great Sermon! Good lesson-message from John Scheffer. "The Great Schism" message was informative about what led up to and happened in 1054 A.D.. Please put up some more lessons about the beliefs and practices of the Greek & Eastern Orthodox groups. Agree with the "West" about the Filioque clause in the Creed. Seems that the "Eastern" churches are a bit weak on Christ's Diety.