Great Sermon! Very good. I didn't know the Bible contained so many creedal statements. This is a challenge to memorize them as well as some of the early church creeds. We are what we think.
Great Sermon! It's all too easy to become so engulfed in a culture war that we forget that we're to love our neighbors. Brother Ching on the one hand does not deny that we may have to face legislative battles in the future, yet he has kept this message in perspective that we're not to turn our culture war into a war with our neighbors. A great message for such a time as this.
Really Good Word! Thank you for part 2 and the instruction to not be ear bound (a hearer only) of the Word but to have actions follow what I've heard.
Great Sermon! A thought planted and ringing through my mind from another sermon the other day has been reiterated and watered by this your sermon. "There is joy in obedience." very good message. Thank you. Revive me, O Lord.
Opposition. Opposition it never stops. The Opposition seems to not only never stop but intensifies. A faithful walk following The King is an absolute necessity. Life is a mine field. Thank you for pointing out several more mines.