Precious Treasure Wow! God is so good in His sovereignity. Thank you Tom Beck for your comment which led me to listen to this precious, helpful and practical treasure on how to read our Bibles better. It is my prayer that God would use Brian Borgman's message in countless lives to make the personal reading of Bible a life changing joy in the lives of God's people, and even in the lives of those He is leading to salvation. I so agree with Tom Beck this is a message so good it will be a joy to share with others and have to give to new believers or people who might be new to your church.
Very helpful and practical Probably the most helpful message I have heard on Bible reading. A real discouragement to me early in my walk as a believer was that I was expected to read the Scriptures, but nobody showed me how. A good message to share with whether someone has been saved recently or for years.
Great Sermon! I really felt i had to mention what this sermon meant and still means to me. It is unreal how it is pertanent to how I am feeling right now. I lost my fiance and have been in termoil. God has now blessed me with these words. They were all so important. There are no explanations that can express how much i appreciate the man of God who blessed us through Christ with the truth. Thank You!
Very Helpful Sermon! Brian's understanding of Pelagianism was extremely helpful. While I lean towards the Arminian side, and have not changed, Brian's evaluation was extremely helpful.
Brian also had some insights about semi-Pelagianism which are worth considering. My one criticism would be the absence of prevenient grace in Brian's discussion of human will.
A MUST Listen to! This is one of the BEST sermon series out there. In today's society & culture, Christianity is counter-cultural. Worse yet, God has been increasingly forgotten by so many of our friends, neighbors & co-workers. Pastor Borgman does an EXCELLENT job of laying out what we believers need to not only KNOW but to DO and SAY as we engage the world around us for the purpose of bringing glory to God and pointing humanity to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Worth listening to time & again.
Excellent. Presentation of the development of the creed, of it's role, explanation of its content and interpretation of the hard phrase - "He descended in hell". Very instructive message.
Battle for orthodoxy. A short presentation of the important heresies before the Arian one and the difference between those and this. Rich in information, the message analyzes the background of the controversy, the Arian teaching, the events leading to the Council and the response of the Council.
Useful. First par of the message covers a thousand years of Church History, from Chalcedon to the Reformation. After that, a presentation of the background of the writing of these confessions, their content and importance in Church History.
Very good introduction. Interesting presentation of the advancement of the Reformation in the Netherlands and of the persecutions the Protestants faced there. Excellent the presentation of the Confession and of the Catechism, the highlighting of the principal teaching of both. Very good introductions to both. The message convinces you to go and seek to study them.
To God Be the Glory! The Lord talked to me through this sermon and it really reminded me and touched my heart to trust HIM more and believe that HE is in control! All we need is to just believe in HIM.
Great Sermon! The sermon that the lord used you to preach really bless me. I am trying to become a young minister for the lord and I have suffered from anxiety but when I begin to listen to the audio sermon it really encouged me when you talked about the love and soverinty of god and how he is in control of all things. And also when you talked about timothy being a young man like my self in the ministry and paul encouraged timothy to be strong and to trust in the lords word even though he had fear the lord was in control. So once again i thank the lord for this sermon and god bless. P.S fill free to email me with any new sermons.
Clear. Good arguments for the necessity of having creeds. It is the responsibility of the church to deposit the truth. And it is a historical necessity, to define the truth when the faith is attacked by heresies.
Useful. Useful presentation of the 39 articles and the role of Cranmer in the English Reformation. Excellent the comparison between the 39 articles and the Continental confessions of the Reformation.
Defending the faith. Athanasius was ready to fight and suffer for the orthodox teaching of the Council of Nicea. Useful and interesting presentation of Athanasius' life and labors in defending the faith against arianism.
4 heresies. Refutation of heresies: Apollinarianism, Nestorianism, Eutichianism and Pelagianism. Good and useful introduction in the controversies around those teachings.
not just a good sermon A sermon that helps get us back to where we as believers belong: on our knees & faces. In wanting to "humanize" God, we have diminished Him & His holiness instead. Brian Borgman's 2 part sermon is worth the listen to over again.
Great Sermon! Nestor was not a is held that Mohamed was helped to start his religion by an eastern hermit or catholics.
(if you study carefully church history specially the councils it shows,though his adherents distorted his teaching,Nestor was not a heretic)