Great Sermon! I had no idea! What an eye opener this was for me. With out details: This was filled with awesome truths that brought some sins right up to the top, my tears poured out of the flood gates, and the truth set me free from the burdens that I carried. Thank you so much for such an honest, Biblical exposition. This needs to be heard, and I will definitely encourage my family to listen to it, a 2nd hearing would do my heart and soul some good too.
Great Sermon! Hi pastor Brian.
Your sermons end at the letter Tsade (vv.137 - 144). I would want to know if you had continued to teach up to the end of Psalm 119 or to the letter Tav. I have enormously benefited from your teaching that I would want to have the entire sermons. Please respond.
Blessed message. A blessed message: the Christ who assisted the faithful ones in the past is the same today, helping us to persevere until the end. He will be the same Christ for our children. And His message, which changed Paul and Peter, is the same message which changed our lives.
Moving. Very moving message about the need to empathize with those in prison and mistreated. The preacher gives many instances of Christians around the world suffering much for their faith. It is true, even for us, in Romania (who were persecuted until 20 years ago) that now we tend to forget about our brothers and sisters in the world you are still suffering for their faith. We must learn to remember them and to pray for them and help them...
Covenant. I liked Bonhoeffer's quotation from this message: "Not love sustains marriage, but marriage sustains love". God will give His children the grace to remain faithful to their marriage covenant.
Biblical and powerful. Blessed message! Marriage was instituted not by men, culture, traditions, but by God, as was sex. The preacher lists several ways in which we are to honor marriage, as well as several ways in which we can dishonor that. The teaching of the Bible is very clearly stated.
Great lesson. Christ accepted us and changed our lives: we must show this changed life accepting others in our houses. Great message about hospitality - it is an aspect of our lives in which many of us have failures.
Great darkness. Very good argumentation about the differences between the Catholic doctrines and those of the Reformation. The Council of Trent meant making official the heresy, the departure from Scripture, an advancing into darkness. Many quotes which illumines this thing.
Great study. God, through Christ, brought us in His family, so between us there is the bond of a spiritual love. Chapter 13 presents the manifestation of a life of pleasant worship before God. This life of pleasant worship consist not only in a vertical aspect - toward God, but has an horizontal aspect also - toward men.
Useful. Rich material, excellent presentation of the background of the Synod and the Canons of Dort, the theological and political consequences and implications of these. Very good the observation that the Canons of Dort were not a definition of the Reformed faith (they had the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism for that), but a response given to the Remonstrants.
Great lesson in unity. Good presentation of the context of the appearance of the three confessions of faith. Accent put on the fact the Savoy Declaration and the 1689 Baptist Confession has as basis the Westminster Confession of Faith - so they show the great unity in the Reformed faith, even if have differences in some points.
Fulfillment. Christ not only fulfills the words of the prophets, but he fulfills also the office of a prophet, as it was prophesied. The prophets spoke from God and about God, but Christ was God.
Great salvation. Those who stood in their Judaistic religion, who did not recognize and embrace Christ, did not partake from His sacrifice. Christ is the fulfillment of the sacrifice of Yom Kippur. He died that His people might be cleansed, set apart for God.
Great examples. The God who helped those who walked before us to live a faithful life is the same God who came help us to live faithful lives, in moral holy conduct and in healthy biblical teaching. We need models, heroes and we must become examples for those who are coming behind us. Excellent message, it encouraged me much!
Great Sermon! After I listened to the 1st sermon, I couldn't wait to listen to the next, and the next.
This series is so informative! And the recording is very clear. It helped sum up things that I realized, and things I hadn't realized.
Do you know what the difference is between a prophet and a priest?
Or why does the Bible often uses the phrase "Moses and the Prophets" when Moses was a prophet?
Do you know what unique thing each prophet did that made them into living parables?
All this and more was answered. I've emailed this web page to my friends. I hope they all listen to it!
Thank you so much for this series!