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Brian Borgman | Minden, Nevada
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Grace Community Church
2320 Heybourne Rd
Minden, NV 89423
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Brian Borgman
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Mortifying Ungodly Emotions: Fear, Anxiety & Worry
Series:  Biblical Emotions  · 8 of 20
2/9/2003 (SUN)
        SUNDAY - PM
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Brian Borgman
Fear, Anxiety & Worry

Biblical Emotions
Sunday - PM
Grace Community Church
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Brian Borgman
Fear, Anxiety & Worry

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Grace Community Church
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deer (5/31/2024)
“ Listen ”
The other 31 comments said it all. Everyone deals with these issues. Psalm 46:10.

Gay M Allen (3/16/2021)
from Wisconsin
“ Great Sermon! ”
what scares me most is when I am fearful, being told is that very fear will get me cast into hell, what gives me courage is God's promises and examples of people in the Bible who have also had fear but were not cowards and how God dealt with them, and learning to still act even though I am in fear. As a woman I doubt I will ever stop fear or worry from occurring, and learning to conquer them is the hardest thing in the world for me, I can lessen their blows act and not be a coward, but completely dispel them I can not.

Gay M Allen (3/16/2021)
from Wisconsin
“ Great Sermon! ”
coward and fearful are not the same word because fearfulness can lead to cowardice, but still doing the thing that we fear is not cowardice, crossing a rickety bridge with shaky legs is not cowardice, refusing to cross that bridge because of shaky legs is cowardice, even King David had fearful times but he did not shrink away from that which he had to do. Jesus's agony in the garden is another example that fear itself is not forbidden or a sin, but refusing to act because of fear is. we are fallible humans with a range of emotion but were not to let our emotions or our heart which is exceedingly wicked make our decisions. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Colleen BondesonContact via email (11/10/2020)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thankyou so much for this biblical and practical sermon on this topic.I have listened to it often and all the sermons in this series. Gods promises and prayer are powerful in tearing down these ungodly emotions.Praise God for His truth and your faithful preaching of it.🙂💖🙏

Sam RafContact via email (7/28/2020)
from tx
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for such a Godly sermon. I am planning to listen again to this sermon, write down all of the verses in the sermon to read them often and memorize them to run them through my mind as I need them.

Dominique (12/5/2019)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! I’ve been struggling all my life with worry, fear and anxiety... this sermon spoke to my heart and mind tonight! So glad I listened.

Jayson (8/23/2019)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanking God for your faith

RuthContact via email (7/6/2019)
from San Diego, CA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for the Arsenal against the evil one. I know this scripture but fail to use it, especially when anxious thoughts fall upon me. Thank you and God bless you for His words in your sermon.

Shane (5/31/2019)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
For about 15 years, I’ve struggled with seamingly uncontrollable anxiety. It waxes and wanes. My desire of late is to destroy this fear bug. This sermon is an excellent exposition of the root of fears and how they are to be mortified. For those of you who struggle with the sin of fear and worry, add this sermon to your arsenal. AND DONT LISTEN TO THE WORLD, that fear and anxiety are simply chemical problems. What a lie!! Immerse yourself in God’s truth and cling to Christ, His church and the means of grace.

RayContact via email (1/21/2018)
from UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thankyou for this sermon.

Manny (12/15/2017)
from Northern Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Such a beautiful and powerful message. Thank you brother. This sermon needs to be shared world wide. Thank you for the strength.

Elizabeth (9/20/2017)
from Singapore
“ Great Sermon! ”
How I need this message.Thank God.

Nicole (5/7/2017)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesome sermon, I am going to try and make it a daily habit to listen to this sermon. Biblical and practical.

MattContact via email (3/18/2017)
“ The Spirit at Work ”
Found this message during a very stressful week. Not only did it put my fears and recent events in perspective it reminded me of how much my Father loves me - and the lengths I go to ignore Him. Thank you for this faithful message.

EllenContact via email (9/15/2016)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Old habits die hard, I needed this tonight, thank you for this timely message, God bless your faithfulness.

Joe Hart (4/30/2016)
from Sacramento
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! I needed this.

Ken (12/14/2015)
from Toronto, Canada
“ It boils down to the fear of having to suffer.. ”
If our fears were to become realities, they would all cause some form of suffering--injury, pain, illness, starvation, exposure, homelessness, isolation, etc. And in my opinion it is having to live through this suffering that we dread the most.

bill B (6/17/2015)
from New England
“ Great Sermon! ”
Anxious? Listen here. This is an excellent place to start. May the Lord work in our hearts.

KenContact via email (6/7/2015)
from Henderson Nevada
“ Great Sermon! ”
I really really really needed to hear this today.

Bob R (12/3/2014)
from S TX
“ Great Sermon! ”
I think I will make IS 41:10 my life verse. Thanks for taking us through scripture to see the insanity of fear.I battle my feelings in the midst of anxiety and need to dwell more in God's promises.

Janine ElizabethContact via email (3/6/2014)
from Louisiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent. Excellent!

Claire (3/5/2014)
from Washington DC
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a gifted speaker you are and how your words touched my heart today. How scary are the days we live in and how assuring to know that God will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for your message and the peace and calm it brought to an anxious soul. May God bless you and your ministry!

Jumpqbert (2/11/2014)
from Wyoming
“ Wow. ”
I needed to hear this. I need to hear this again. Struggling with fear of man, anxiety and panic attacks, and PTSD over recent deaths of parents. Thank you for presenting God's Word without condemnation but with His Truth in His mercy. Even though these were preached 11 years ago, please do not withdraw them, I can only think that they are a tool for God to free many people from fear and other bondages that bring torment that is not from God. Thank you and God bless you.

Karen LeroContact via email (11/8/2012)
from East Bethel, Minnesota
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is just what we need to hear, with the world being in such an uproar. Fear tends to grip people. Especially when there are no clear answers being given. Trust in the Lord is the ONLY answer. Not looking from our eyes, but, from Gods perspective.

Eric (10/6/2010)
from Virginia
“ Great Sermon! ”
I really felt i had to mention what this sermon meant and still means to me. It is unreal how it is pertanent to how I am feeling right now. I lost my fiance and have been in termoil. God has now blessed me with these words. They were all so important. There are no explanations that can express how much i appreciate the man of God who blessed us through Christ with the truth. Thank You!

Ivy Ruth GabiloContact via email (5/12/2010)
from China
“ To God Be the Glory! ”
The Lord talked to me through this sermon and it really reminded me and touched my heart to trust HIM more and believe that HE is in control! All we need is to just believe in HIM.

antaveis j smithContact via email (4/25/2010)
from savannah ga
“ Great Sermon! ”
The sermon that the lord used you to preach really bless me. I am trying to become a young minister for the lord and I have suffered from anxiety but when I begin to listen to the audio sermon it really encouged me when you talked about the love and soverinty of god and how he is in control of all things. And also when you talked about timothy being a young man like my self in the ministry and paul encouraged timothy to be strong and to trust in the lords word even though he had fear the lord was in control. So once again i thank the lord for this sermon and god bless. P.S fill free to email me with any new sermons.

Brewa ContehContact via email (11/20/2008)
from Kathmandu
“ Sermon with substance ”
"To God be the Glory" I've learnt that fear, worry and anxiety accompalish nothing and leads to other sin rooted in unbelief in God as being the Omnipotent,Omniscience and Omnipresence.Now I'm greatly challenge, blessed to face all ungodly fears,worries and anxieties.Please God, bless the man of God with more divine wisdom.

Sophie (9/15/2008)
“ Great Sermon! ”
was very encouraged from this sermon, ty

cc (5/13/2008)
from Georgia
“ Thank you for helping me! ”
Thank you so much for this message. I struggle with anxiety, not for me, but over my loved ones. I now have several wonderful scriptures to help me, and I will keep this sermon and listen to it again. God Bless you.

Thomas DavisContact via email (5/7/2008)
from Galveston Texas USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon!!!! This is the perfect cure for anxiety attacks!! Thank you god for this sermon!!

Lori S.Contact via email (10/17/2004)
from Ohio
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was an OUTSTANDING sermon on fear, anxiety and worry. These are things I have struggled with for years. Now, thanks to your message, when I struggle, I will go immediately to the Word of God. Thank you for reminding me that God is truly Sovereign in all things, especially our future and that we are to have perfect rest in Him. Wonderful message and thank you and God bless.

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   Fear, Anxiety & Worry • 2/9/2003 | 32 posts
   Reflections on Brain Surgery • 4/24/2016 | 13 posts
   Ungodly Emotions: Depression • 2/16/2003 | 12 posts
   Testimony of Dr. Brian Borgman • 4/6/2014 | 8 posts
  Brian Borgman
Brian Borgman is the founding pastor of Grace Community Church. He earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University (La Mirada, CA), a Master of Divinity from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (Portland, OR) and a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Seminary...

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   Fear, Anxiety & Worry • 2/9/2003 | 48,300+ downloads
   Ungodly Emotions: Depression • 2/16/2003 | 28,200+ downloads
   There No Longer Remains a Sacr • 1/17/2010 | 12,000+ downloads


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