Thanks for the Information! I've listened to and read about church history. You were the first person I've run across that has given details about the division between the eastern and western churches.
Great Sermon! This sermon is awesome. Love truth dispensed in an uncompromising and passionate way.
This preacher is en fuego! Keep bringing it friend.
LITTLE G AIN'T THE ONE IN CHARGE! Excellent reminder of the sovereignty of the LORD GOD. He is in absolute control over all things, which includes the enemy of our souls.
Great Sermon! Very good. You were very brave to take on this text, and did a great job. I've never taxed my brain on that text, but those two options give a wee bit more clarity on its mystery.
Interesting Nice compact history of these two evangelists. I wish you had had time to expose Billy Graham for how he has done more harm to biblical Christianity than any other man in history. He has done more to build the one world apostate church than anyone else. Jason Cooley, Gregory Miller, Sam Adams, Ian Paisley and many others have exposed this dangerous deceiver. "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you."
Great Sermon! I think I will make IS 41:10 my life verse. Thanks for taking us through scripture to see the insanity of fear.I battle my feelings in the midst of anxiety and need to dwell more in God's promises.
Great Message! 1 Peter 2:11-12 urges us, as sojourners and pilgrims, to abstain from those things that war against the soul, conducting ourselves in an honorable manner. Thanks, Jason for expounding on and giving examples of what these verses mean.
Our God, the living Being! My previous comment is such a trivia comment when I think about what I really understood with this message. Pastor Brian, it started with your “Genesis” series. You showed that the Bible was not proving God but presenting God. And I found my spirit giving a shrill whistle, clapping and hollering, “Yay, God!” But something about God was in my “peripheral” thinking that added joy without fully knowing why. Then I heard your “Holy Spirit” sermon. “Right, right, Holy Spirit, the PERSON,” I said. Then came this message…and illumination of a too familiar truth. The Judges passage you used, Pastor Brian, said as it brought God front and center, “Behold your GOD!” Wow! Our holy, righteous, sovereign God is not a thing or a force. He is the living Being Who has emotions! He thinks AND feels!
Excellent Sermon Very clear on the warnings and exhortations on the book of Hebrews. This sermon is a blessing! I will now see Hebrews in a new light. Thank you Pastor Borgman