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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Steve Marquedant  |  Ontario, California
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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
1168 East G Street
Ontario, CA 91764
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"Very clear"
James Grant from Queensland
Short, sharp and to the point. Excellent.
Steve Marquedant | Difficult Verses Explained
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Sermon9/6/07 7:06 PM
Sojourner  Find all comments by Sojourner
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“ Note Worthy Sermon! ”
I think pastors are hesitent to preach sermons like this one because they can be taken the wrong way. No one wants to get up and say this is the way I need to be treated. But, this is the way God says we are to treat our pastors and many of us will do well to learn what God desires of us. I don't always do what God would have me to do but I can't even make the effort if I don't know what it is. I love the sincerity of heart and life experiences Pastor Curley brings to this sermon. It really is important to the health of the church for Pastors to receive the proper respect, encouragement, prayer and help they deserve.

Sermon9/5/07 1:42 AM
Sojourner  Find all comments by Sojourner
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
You have to hear this sermon! I heard it some time ago but it came to my mind today, I don't think I'll ever forget the image painted by Pastor Dan of his father, I'm sure I won't. Justice and mercy met at the cross, I'm so very grateful for both. Thank you Pastor Dan for being so straightforward in your preaching.

Sermon9/3/07 4:06 PM
Abundantly Blessed  Find all comments by Abundantly Blessed
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This really is a great sermon, thank you Pastor Steve.

Sermon8/28/07 11:04 AM
Deborah  Contact via emailFind all comments by Deborah
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“ Best Ever Sermon! ”
This exposition on Rom. 11 is the clearest most understandable teaching I've ever heard. It's a difficult chaper but Pastor Steve meticulously breaks it down using Scripture after Scripture to show how God saves His people. I now understand what it means when Paul says "...that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved..." There is a lot of confusion about how God works with Israel and the Church. I hope a lot of people will hear this series of sermons, there is nothing better than knowing the truth about God and the way He deals with His people.

Sermon8/25/07 7:38 PM
Joy  Find all comments by Joy
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“ Amen to that Great Sermon! ”
What a needful sermon this is. Pastors can never have too much love and encouragement. Pastor Curley has hit the nail on the head with this one. Thank you Pastor for exhorting us. 1 Tim. 5:17 "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine." I sure am grateful for my Pastor and I'm encouraged to let him know it as much as possible, he is indeed worthy of double honor as well as our other Pastor and Deacons.

Sermon8/24/07 2:40 PM
Sojourner  Find all comments by Sojourner
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I wanted to make a comment on this series of sermons titled 'Difficult Verses Explained' not just this one in particular. There are 7 so far and they vary in length from 3 to 19 minutes. These are indeed difficult verses so it's nice to have a resourse available that is quick and to the point to refresh my memory, I really appreciate the way this is set up.

Sermon8/20/07 8:27 PM
Joseph  Find all comments by Joseph
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How to Handle Religious Disputes
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
I appreciate this teaching as I've gotten into some pretty heated disagreements over the years. Really good Biblical advice here. Thank you Pastor Steve.

Sermon8/16/07 8:07 PM
Deborah  Find all comments by Deborah
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a good study on the divinity of Christ. I especially like that I can go to John 5 and make a case for the truth. Thank you Pastor Steve.

Sermon7/30/07 2:13 PM
Deborah  Find all comments by Deborah
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was blessed by this study on the sovereignty of God and very much appreciate this work by Pastor Marquedant. "A Doctrine Hated Even by Most Christians" is a powerful sermon. God's sovereignity makes some people very uncomfortable as it should, Philippeans 2:12-13. To others it's a great comfort and joy.

Sermon7/26/07 1:48 PM
Joy  Find all comments by Joy
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Ready for Christ's Return
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
I love this sermon, it was a great encouragement to me to press on and stay the course, to standfast, be sober and watch. Also, to be about every good work, for the glory of our awesome God! I hope the Lord will find me ready because I'm SO excited for His coming and just can't wait! Thank you Pastor Steve for encourageing me and thanks be to the Lord our God, who through His Spirit, makes His word come alive in our hearts.

Sermon7/23/07 3:17 PM
Joseph  Find all comments by Joseph
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A Case Study in Covetousness
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Covetousness - It is a secret sin. It does lie deep within our sinful hearts. It does twist and warp everything we do. It is hard to recognize. It does grow like a cancer and springs up to destroy us from the inside out. These truths and many more are brought out in this excellent sermon. I pray the Lord will continue to show me my sins and strengthen me to repentance.

Sermon7/11/07 1:26 PM
Joy  Find all comments by Joy
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Warning against Worry
Steve Marquedant
“ Encouraging Sermon! ”
How very often I'll catch myself worrying and/or complaining and need to look to God for grace and mercy. I like what Pastor Steve said about the "worry" in this passage of Scripture "don't get all worked up, or anxious" (paraphrased). There is a difference between concern and worry, sometimes it's a fine line, so hearing worry translated this way is very helpful and encouraging for me. His teaching about prayer is very good too. Heeding this warning brings great joy and peace to my heart for my God is willing a able to care for me. This sermon is a blessing.

Sermon7/4/07 10:17 AM
Joseph  Find all comments by Joseph
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Tough Love
Steve Marquedant
“ Must Hear Sermon! ”
It's so important to have a proper understanding of what our Lord is telling us in Luke 6:27-36. These verses are misunderstood by many of us today. I've listened to this sermon three or four times and will listen to it again so that I don't get pulled into worldly thinking. Excellent Sermon.

Sermon7/2/07 2:11 PM
Deborah  Find all comments by Deborah
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Exposition of Psalm 73
Brandon Wilkins
“ Great Sermon! ”
I fear for the future of the church when God's people, born of His Spirit, think lightly of Sunday worship. This is a very good sermon, a great encouragement to not let the world pull me away on the Lord's day but to devote myself and family to a special time of worship and fellowship in obedience to our Lord in love. I'm thankful for this young man called of God to preach forth His word. May the Lord use Him in a might way for His kingdom and glory. And I'm grateful for the Sabbath rest we enjoy each week, it is a gift from the Lord that I treasure.

Sermon6/29/07 1:02 PM
DS  Find all comments by DS
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Testimonies almost always glorify God and bring encouragement to the hearer. I love to hear testimonies. I love to hear how God has worked in the lives of others. Praise to God that He called Pastor Steve to be His son I'm especially grateful because he's my pastor. He is a very humble servant of the Lord and the most Christlike person I've ever met. God granted him a tender heart at a young age; that's an encouragement for those of us who are parents and look for sign of spiritual life in our children. This is an encouraging testimony in many different ways and has been a blessing to me.

Sermon6/22/07 2:19 PM
Deborah  Find all comments by Deborah
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God's Watchcare for His Children
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is alarming in that we are all hypocrites to a greater or lesser degree. I like what was said "When God gives a warning it's a gracious call to repentance. Words of warning are some of the most gracious words we could ever receive." That's so true and yet when someone comes to me and says "Watch out you don't fall into the sin of hypocrisy." I become offended and angry instead of being humbled and repentant. This is such a good sermon there is so much to learn. Another saying I like is "If you fear God you have nothing else to fear." God does comfort His people, what a great blessing! What GREAT love for sinners!

Sermon6/20/07 2:43 PM
Joseph  Find all comments by Joseph
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
I hope everyone will hear this sermon, it's so very important to the health of the church and our society that men be doers of the Word and not just hearers. Pastor Steve says "The key to the home is the man." of course that's true because God has said as much in His Word. Some questions raised are so relevant: "Are there godly men who will stand in the gap? Men who will dare to turn the tide? Men who will be men in the midst of an age of ungodliness and selfishness?" Pastor Steve says "Our homes are crying for men who will take the lead, who will stand up for God. Our churches and courtry needs Godly men." Amen to that! The examples of Abraham, Christ, Eli and God are good and perfect examples given for our benefit. It will be hard, very hard work to lead the home in godliness, I hope there are men who love the Lord enough, men who are willing to make the sacrifices needed to be the leader in their homes to the glory of God. Sometimes I wonder if the problem is just plain laziness or too much dependance on the woman to manage the home. Thank you Pastor Steve for an excellent sermon.

Sermon6/20/07 1:05 PM
Annette  Find all comments by Annette
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The Dangers of Sign Seeking
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
A very informative message that brings more of what Jesus faced to fulfill His purpose here on earth. I recommend this sermon.

Sermon6/15/07 1:57 PM
Joy  Find all comments by Joy
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David under Stress and Pressure
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
I can't get this lesson about David out of my head. I hope that the Lord will bring it to mind when I feel like there is no hope and no one to turn to. I especially love the last sentence of 1 Samuel 30:6, something I need to do everyday :) This is a great sermon.

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