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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Steve Marquedant  |  Ontario, California
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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
1168 East G Street
Ontario, CA 91764
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"Great Sermon!"
Imo, if a man isn't ready to love a woman selflessly it is best to wait until that time comes or remain single otherwise we will...
Steve Marquedant | 1 Corinthians
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Sermon4/5/07 10:29 PM
Deborah from California  Find all comments by Deborah
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Dealing with Ignorance, Again
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
There's a lot of really good discussion going on in this lesson, it was very interesting.

Sermon4/3/07 12:55 PM
Joy from California  Find all comments by Joy
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Jesus is the Bread of Life
Jeff Massey
“ Bread of Life Discourse ”
It's interesting how little if any people have changed over the centuries. The people sought out Jesus because they wanted to satisfy their own longings not because they wanted to know Him. Our hearts are so deceitful and desperately wicked. Our Lord's compassion and longsuffering, as they pressed against him, making demands of Him, seeking to satisfy their stomachs, is a great example for me to follow. I wish I could be as wise and loving as my Lord. Our Lord's desire was to have the people understand God's will and to see that He is what they need. Pastor Massey calls this the Bread of Life Discourse. I think that's an excellent title for an excellent teaching.

Sermon4/2/07 8:10 PM
Joseph from California  Find all comments by Joseph
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Rejecting or Rejoicing
Steve Marquedant
“ Bold Sermon! ”
I think there are some things in this sermon some people won't like to hear. But if you really think through the things said I think you'll be blessed. I was extremely blessed by this teaching. What Jesus rejoiced over is amazing to me. Why Capernaum will be brought down to Hades is something I never understood before. When Jesus says "I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven." well, I had that wrong too. A great victory was taking place, it was and is cause for great rejoicing.

Sermon3/28/07 7:32 PM
Sojourner from California  Find all comments by Sojourner
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
I pray I won't forget what I've learned, Jesus was always saying much more than I realize. It's amazing really, Jesus says "It is I" and it means so much from just a few words! How very important it is for us to read the whole Bible so that we can see the beauty of all that God has done. I'm so thankful for this faithful Pastor, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. What great treasures and joy are hidden in His Word! Praise to God for His love.

Sermon3/26/07 3:37 PM
DS from California  Find all comments by DS
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“ Great Sermon! ”
There was some really interesting dialog going on in this lesson. It peaked my interest in knowing more about atheist, deist, agnostics and the differences between them.

Sermon3/22/07 9:23 PM
Joseph from California  Find all comments by Joseph
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I wish that all Christian men could hear this sermon. As I grow older I understand how important it is to be well taught, so much misery could be avoided if we listened and studied more, especially God's word. Women will benefit from this sermon also,. The teaching about the sin of homosexuality is excellent. Especially when we see there is a sin worse than homosexuality.

Sermon3/19/07 6:52 PM
Joy from California  Find all comments by Joy
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The Demands of Discipleship
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Some very good questions are raised and answered in this sermon. Like, why were Jesus' words hid from the disciples? Is there a condradiction between Luke 9:50 and Luke 11:23? Then, some solid, mature, balanced teaching on the danger of sectarianism, the evil of prejudice and the radical call to discipleship are all discussed. This sermon is a blessing. I thought it was interesting why the Samaritans would not receive Christ. I learned a lot from this sermon.

Sermon3/16/07 10:22 PM
Deborah from California  Find all comments by Deborah
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon and part two are excellent. Never would I have known the depths of what Jesus was saying in His response to the Jews if it weren't for these sermons. Wow! There is always so much more to know from God's word than what a surface reading can give. Praise God he commands us to gather each Lord's day to drink more deeply from His word. And praise to God for His faithful undershepherds who study so hard and prayerfully to teach us sheep.

Sermon3/15/07 1:34 PM
Sojourner from California  Find all comments by Sojourner
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“ Great Sermon! ”
There is a lot to be learned from these verses of Scripture. I didn't think the cloud had any significance, I thought it was just a cloud. I never though about why it was Moses and Elijah who appeared but that is an excellent question, I love the answer! Law and prophets, a picture of the entire Old Testament. Another good question was why couldn't the disciples cast out the demon? The answer is obvious now that I've heard it, but I always wondered about that even though Jesus gave the answer. Were they not fasting and praying enough? It was really a matter of who they were looking to. I loved to see how Jesus was magnified by their failure. The people were amazed, the Lord was glorified, how wonderful. There are so many good things I've learned from this sermon.

Sermon3/7/07 5:30 PM
Joseph from California  Find all comments by Joseph
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How to Handle Religious Disputes
Steve Marquedant
“ Great Sermon! ”
This lesson is a continuation of the lesson titled "Little-Faith" of which I loved, it helped me so much, and so does this one. I can't encourage others enough to listen to both lessons, you will be glad you did.

Sermon3/5/07 4:57 PM
Deborah from California  Find all comments by Deborah
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“ Encouraging Sermon! ”
Amen to those 7 reasons!! We sometimes comfort one another with these verses so much that they can become common and lose there strength to comfort, and encourage. May that never be because these verses also tell us so very much about our Holy Father, the great work that he has done and is doing through His Son. Oh, what wonderful truths these are, most precious to us who are called :) This is a great sermon. How very safe we are in Chirst!

Sermon3/1/07 1:39 PM
Joy from California  Find all comments by Joy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was corrected in my understanding of the "Kingdom of God" and it's appearance from this sermon. I think I'm not alone in having a wrong idea about the kingdom of God. Also, I was blessed to learn what exactly it mean to "take up your cross daily and follow Me" from Luke 9:23. I learned it's not our trials that are the cross, but that the cross is a way of life. It's good to have truth settled in my heart and mind. This sermon set me on right thinking and I'm grateful for that.

Sermon2/26/07 4:52 PM
Sojourner from California  Find all comments by Sojourner
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Steve Marquedant
“ Love this Sermon! ”
I love this lesson about Little-Faith. It has cleared up a lot of confusion I have in my heart towards professing believers who seem to be so unhappy and never growing in the knowledge of God and it seems even though they hear the word of God it doesn't bring them joy. I now have more compassion for others who struggle in this way. An excellent sermon that goes with this one is, well two that are good are, "Faith, Given and Grown by God" and "Faith Great, Apparently Absent, and Faltering" All of these sermons together give great examples of various kinds of faith. Another good sermon about faith is "The Shield of Faith" all by Pastor Steve Marquedant, he is an excellent teacher of God's word.

Sermon2/22/07 8:29 PM
DS from CA  Find all comments by DS
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very good sermon, full of information I didn't know. There is certainly a bit of Herod in all of us and that's a scary thought! This pastor has really brought it home on this guy, what a pathetic portrait of a man who wanted to be great but is now seen, through God's word, as an example of what become of a man left to himself. This is a very good lesson.

Sermon2/21/07 3:46 PM
DSs from CA  Find all comments by DSs
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an excellent sermon on Herod. We can learn so much from this mans life. I learned a lot, for instance, I thought that Herod really did think that Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead, but that's not the case. I also liked the contrast that was given between the two men from Mark 6:14-29. We sure need to be careful not to harden our consciences. The conscience is the tool with which the Holy Spirit teaches us and guides us.

Sermon2/15/07 3:43 PM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Re-listening to this excellent sermon as an exposition of Romans 9 v 10-14 has served to remind me that "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov 9 v 10). As someone brought up to despise what is commonly known as 'Calvinism', I can only praise Him whose ways are past finding out, especially when regarding what now passes for Christian belief and practice in the liberal/Arminian churches. May this sermon be a source of comfort to all God's children.

Sermon2/14/07 8:18 PM
DS from CA  Find all comments by DS
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“ Encouraging Sermon! ”
I love these sermons about the woman at the well from John 4! I love the picture that is painted of the Samaritans coming towards Jesus and Jesus saying to His disciples "Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" Wow, they look up to see the Samaritans coming towards them and many of them later when on to believe in Jesus! What a beautiful picture. I believe the Pastor is right about this. Even though it isn't stated it does seem implied. I didn't understand verses 36-38 and now I do. I love verse 36 where it says that He who sows and He who reaps may rejoice together. This is an encouraging sermon for us to press on to do our Fathers will just like our Lord Jesus the Divine Harvester.

Sermon2/13/07 7:16 PM
Reformed Believer from Southern California  Find all comments by Reformed Believer
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“ Eye Opening Truth! ”
I loved the explanation of Jesus as the Divine Harvester and The Father as the One who sows. I believe this text has been misused in its primary application to make the people of God feel guilty. This pastor puts the first things first, and shows the pre-eminence of Christ and God. Then he presses home our responsibilities as those who have the privilege to witness for the cause of the King.

Sermon2/9/07 5:03 PM
DS from CA  Find all comments by DS
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The Benefits of Justification
Steve Marquedant
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
There seems to be a lot of confusion over just want exactly justification is and how it is applied to the sinners life. Words like regeneration, faith, repentance, justification and sanctification sometimes are misunderstood in relation to one another, they were to me. This sermon is great, now the beauty of of my justification shines all the brighter to the glory of God. This pastor is an excellent teacher of God's word, I always learn a lot from him.

Sermon2/6/07 5:46 AM
Tolga Aktar from Turkey  Find all comments by Tolga Aktar
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“ Human Responsibility? ”
How can a depraved fallen creature like a man can respond to a Divine Calling, The Gospel of God's Grace? ı dnt remember the chapter and verse but Paul Says 'If it is Grace it is no more works and it it is works then it is no more grace' Why cant u just accept this Truth?

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