Thank you, Pastor Steve Today sin is more rampant than I ever remember, yet nothing happens that is not in the plan of our Father. Pastor Steve's msg is a good reminder for me that regardless of where we are or what is happening in life, our Father is in total control. I am grateful that our Savior is seated at the right hand of our Father making intercession for us. This msg is another reminder for me and my lack of faith. May our Father continue to remind me/remind us to study and increase our faith.
Great Sermon! Great sermon! I read the Bible verses and was not sure and then I listened to your sermon and it cleared things up! Thanks! You are a very good teaching pastor!
Great Sermon! This is the most Christ-exalting and Gospel-centered messaged I’d heard from this place. This lifts up imputation of Christ’s righteousness alone as man’s only righteousness. Man has nothing and can do nothing apart from the atoning death of Christ. You don’t hear this message in most places. Man-centered, works based religion is loved and abounds these days, but not this one by Jeff Garland. It’s a must-hear. Thank you.
The 'Be on time' needs to be said :) “Within the duty of a good churchman, consider punctuality. There are plenty of reasons that we should be on time. But the most important I would submit to you today, is the appreciation to our Savior, thanking Christ for what He has done for us…. We know it takes 30 minutes to drive to work, so we leave 45 minutes early. How much more should we treat the household of God? ...Yes God is not your employer, and that is true, He is so much more than that though. And your brothers and sisters in Christ are not your coworkers. They’re not people that are going to give you a hard time if you’re late. But there much more than that, they’re your family. Therefore effort and consideration should be much more than that of a secular job right. That is something we should consider as a church. That is something that we should hold each other accountable for. This is a part of our reasonable service. This is a part of a service as a bride of Christ.” - Jehad El Karaki
Great Sermon! I listened to this a couple hrs ago this early morning and was deeply blessed. It so moved and warmed my soul. I was caught up in the majesty of that glorious event. Thank you.
Great Sermon! My reading for this morning was Psalm 20 and I usually go and find a sermon that elaborates on it. Very good and interesting. A huge problem for sure and really appreciate the quote by Matthew Henry.
Great Sermon! Imo, if a man isn't ready to love a woman selflessly it is best to wait until that time comes or remain single otherwise we will only make a poor woman's life miserable and ourselves unhappy.Marriage is a serious commitment to love your bride and a very hard thing to do if we remain self-absorbed. I have seen so many unhappy marriages in churches. This shouldn't be the case. It should be different for the church but unfortunately not.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this sermon. I am sharing this with a new Christian who has experienced sad loss. Jeff has a calm soothing voice and a clear, approachable, teaching style. Good application.
The God-Man Ascended A Man, the Man, is seated in the place of highest honor in the entire universe. Jesus, fully God and fully Man. What joy and peace this brings to my soul to have one like us reigning at the right hand of our Father. Great Sermon.
Great Sermon! Everyone would benefit from hearing this sermon, I have. There is so much misinformation out there concerning these verse but there shouldn't be. Check out the PDF File you'll see what I mean. We need to have a proper response to those who worry about the sin against the Holy Spirit.
Great Sermon! This sermon provided comfort to me as I needed to be reminded that no matter what I am experiencing at work, God's in control. Thank you.