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Pastor Steve Marquedant | Ontario, California
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Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
1168 East G Street
Ontario, CA 91764
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Steve Marquedant
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A Doctrine Hated Even by Most Christians
Series:  God's Absolute Sovereignty  · 1 of 3
6/11/2006 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Romans 9:10-24
        SUNDAY - PM
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Positive Truths regarding Predestination – or the Absolute Sovereignty of God

1. God – from all eternity has ordained whatsoever comes to pass.
2. God's predestination is unchangeable.
3. God's Predestination of all things includes both the election and reprobation of individuals.

What God's Sovereignty and Absolute Predestination Does Not mean

1. God's Predestination of all things does not mean God is the author of sin.
2. God's Predestination of all things does not destroy the contingency of second causes.
3. God's predestination does not deny or destroy human responsibility.
4. God's predestination is not based upon “looking ahead” and forseeing what would take place.

Truths Regarding Election and Reprobation

1. The goal of both Election and Reprobation is ultimately -- the glory of God.
2. The number of the elect AND the reprobate is absolutely fixed and it can not be changed.
3. Election and reprobation are both decreed by God before the foundations of the earth – or before time began.
4. The means of election is God's free grace and the love of God in Christ.

Some Practical Considerations Regarding Reprobation

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Steve Marquedant
A Doctrine that is Hated

God's Absolute Sovereignty
Sunday - PM
Sovereign Grace Reformed
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Steve Marquedant
A Doctrine that is Hated

God's Absolute Sovereignty
Sovereign Grace Reformed
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Abundantly Blessed (11/5/2014)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”

H Hudson (10/21/2014)
from Deerfield Beach, Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
While this message covered many difficult topics, I had no hesitation in accepting the truth of them all even when I didn't totally understand them altogether. The best of it all was near the end when I felt blessed that as a 75 year old man, I now am a saved sinner and have the Holy Spirit directing my life. I have peace and joy every day.

Sinner Saved (1/10/2013)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
May God open the eyes and ears of His people to see Him as He is, to hear and believe in their hearts what is true of Him, that we may worship Him in spirit and in truth.

lbcf1689 (8/23/2012)
from Eastcoast
“ refreshingly honest Exposition of the Word of God ”
I used to hate this doctrine, but now that God opened my eyes and gave me a new heart to believe His revelation about Himself, I have accepted it and worshipped. I need to set aside my emotion and traditions, and receive the facts that is recorded in the Bible. Many pastors do not preach the truth. Don't they fear God? I'd rather stay home than attend a church where the Truth is not preached. And, if, according to many professing Christians, that the Bible is not clear on this topic (I believe it is VERY clear), then what can we believe if the Bible is not taken at face value? Why do we even do "church" if the truth is not boldly preached and proclaimed? Thank you for posting this and thank you for taking a biblical stand on this doctrine Pastor Marquedant!

Living Stone (7/2/2011)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
What we believe about God is everything. This quote fromt the messge is something to think about. "You can't believe in God's sovereginty without believing in election, and you can't believe in election without believing in reprobation, these are necessary consequences of one another."

Rejoicing in Christ (11/19/2010)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wonder how many Christians really believe in this doctrine? I believe it.

Mike JeshurunContact via email (12/12/2008)
from India
“ Strong Meat! ”
Finally a preacher who doesn’t try to explain away the doctrine like John MacArthur Jr does while explaining Romans 9:13. Here’s a quote from MacArthur – "With regard to Esau, I say, nowhere in Genesis does it say that God hated Esau, it doesn’t say anywhere that he hated Esau. It was only after Esau had chosen sin and abandoned God, for many many years, over a thousand years, before God would look back and say "Esau have I hated". By that time it was clear to all where Esau stood. So once the sinner is inexorably, and finally identified with his sin, then the sinner feels the hatred of God.( GC Audio Tape -70-11). There is nothing offensive about God hating a man after he has lived out his sinful life. But the scriptures under consideration do not teach that God hated Esau after he had chosen sin and abandoned God but long before that. The College professor who warned Pastor Marquedant was right – “Calvinism is true-but never teach it-because it will kill your Church!” Reprobation is strong meat which only regenerated souls will receive, the rest who are playing Church will trample it under their feet and turn around and rend you. A man pleasing, ear-tickling preacher can never preach Reprobation as revealed in Scripture. God give us more preachers like Pastor Marquedant.

Rejoicing in Christ (7/20/2008)
from CA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Sermon says it all. Thank you Pastor Marquedant, may the Lord be magnified.

Joy (11/12/2007)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
Learning the truth of God's absolute sovereignty over all things has blessed me beyond belief. When I finally understood that the question wasn't, will I accept Jesus but will He accept me! It was then that my relationship with our great God forever changed because now I'm worshiping the one true God as He is and not the god of man's making. Thank you Pastor Marquedant for an excellent message!

Sheep Dog (9/13/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Joseph (5/29/2007) wrote: “ Amazing Truth! ” "How amazing it is that Christians, who love God so much, could hate this doctrine." I for one don't think true believers hate the doctrine. I take Matthew 7:14 quite literally.

Abundantly Blessed (9/3/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This really is a great sermon, thank you Pastor Steve.

Joseph (5/29/2007)
“ Amazing Truth! ”
How amazing it is that Christians, who love God so much, could hate this doctrine.

Sojourner (5/3/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
May man be humbled and God be exalted. Salvation is His plan, His work, His righteousness, His victory, His choice, His mercy, His grace extended to His people who can do nothing of themselves for they are dead apart from His love. I love this sermon and hope many will hear it.

Patrick (2/15/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Re-listening to this excellent sermon as an exposition of Romans 9 v 10-14 has served to remind me that "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov 9 v 10). As someone brought up to despise what is commonly known as 'Calvinism', I can only praise Him whose ways are past finding out, especially when regarding what now passes for Christian belief and practice in the liberal/Arminian churches. May this sermon be a source of comfort to all God's children.

Tolga Aktar (2/6/2007)
from Turkey
“ Human Responsibility? ”
How can a depraved fallen creature like a man can respond to a Divine Calling, The Gospel of God's Grace? ı dnt remember the chapter and verse but Paul Says 'If it is Grace it is no more works and it it is works then it is no more grace' Why cant u just accept this Truth?

R. D. (1/26/2007)
from Oklahoma
“ Let Truth Prevail! ”
This was so awesome I can't began to explain how it bore witness in my spirit, except by that of the Holy Spirit. I thank God he chose me for such a time as this. God continue to bless you Pastor Steve.

crownedgrace (10/25/2006)
from La Mirada, California
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very challenging and humbling sermon. Thank you pastor for reminding us of the amazing sovereignty of our God!

Faithful Remnant (9/18/2006)
from The Protestant Church
“ Important Doctrine full of comfort ”
There was a time when I hated this doctrine, but it is full of comfort to the tormented soul and a Christian who wonders if God will take care of them and the matters which come at us.

SC (9/18/2006)
“ Recommend with reservation ”
We agree doctrinally with what was said, but this can hardly be described as a sermon, because it had no text and the scriptures were not being expounded. For the truth to be convicting, we must have it brought forth from God's word, and not from a confession of faith, as valid as confessions of faith may be. Genuine Christians who have not been brought to see these truths are hardly likely to give credence to the doctrines of grace presented in this manner. The speaker, it seems to us, was speaking to those who already hold to the doctrines of grace. We need clear scripture exposition to counter the arguments of those who deny the absolute sovereignty of God if we are ever to convince doubters!

Annette (9/18/2006)
from Ontario
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon clearly teaches the absolute Sovereignty of God and I believe that all who hear this will be blessed and come to know more about God.

Walt (9/17/2006)
from Michigan
“ Very Well Done Sermon ”
For the arminian baptists and non-denom. believers out there, I would encourage you to play this sermon as it is very well done. Although I prefer more of a biblical exposition during sermons, as texts are used in the support of preaching the Gospel, the minister tells you upfront he will not be using Scriptures to outline his arguments to walk the listener through this difficult doctrine. He does a great job and although we would disagree on the doctrine of baptism and form of church government, I can give the Lord glory for our unity on this doctrine we hold called predestination and the total sovereignity of God. What a great sermon for the independent or baptist Arminian believer who would never listen to a Presbyterian or other Calvinist preacher. Here you be...go get'em JD, Yamil and DB! Let's role...

Dessie YatesContact via email (9/17/2006)
from Williamson WV
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Brother Marquedant for teaching this difficult yet truthful doctrine. I, for one, love this doctrine because it represents the absolute sovereignty of God. How worthless I am and how thankful to be a recipient of God's Grace throught the Lord Jesus Christ.

DSContact via email (7/28/2006)
from CA
“ Offensive Sermon! ”
This sermon may shock you, I've heard it said that "the Gospel will offend those who are offensive to God." I hope that people won't be offended but be brought to a true knowledge of God and repent. The doctrine presented in this sermon is true to the Gospel and needs to be studied, not causally dismissed because it offends a persons sense of who they think God is. We all need to be careful that we are worshipping the one true God and not an idol of mans making. Gal. 1:6-10

DSContact via email (7/18/2006)
from CA
“ Beyond Great ! ”
I can't help but make another comment on this sermon because it is SO good. I hope and pray that everyone that comes to SermonAudio will hear it. God will not share His glory with another. We really need to see if we are stealing the glory due only to Him. When I realized that I was doing that, stealing God's glory, it deeply grieved me and still does. How rich and unsearchable (Rom. 11:33-36) is God's grace, in Christ, to forgive such sin as that. Praise to God, for He alone will receive the glory, because His word is settled forever.

DSContact via email (7/2/2006)
from CA
“ Shocking Sermon! ”
I can't help but make a comment on this sermon, this message is needed in every pulpit around the world. I praise God for this Pastor's faithfulness to preach the truth of the one true God in all His glorious sovereignty. I hope other Pastors will find the same courage and love. May the Lord be pleased and exalted and may He bless this message to all who hear.

DSContact via email (6/17/2006)
from CA
“ Shocking Sermon! ”
I hope this sermon sends shock waves through Christendom, to the saving of God's people, and the glory of His unsearchable love with which He loves us.

DSContact via email (6/13/2006)
from CA
“ Super Great Sermon! ”
This message is needed in every pulpit around the world. I praise God for this Pastor's faithfulness to preach the truth of the one true God in all His glorious sovereignty. May the Lord be pleased and exalted and may He bless this message to all who hear.

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   Modest, Gentle and Quiet • 5/29/2005 | 6 posts
   Engaging in Spiritual Warfare • 11/6/2005 | 4 posts
  Steve Marquedant
Pastor Steve came to Christ at the age of 11. He graduated from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College in 1979 with a B.A. in theology as the Valedictorian of his class. He joined our church in 1978, came on staff, full-time in 1980, was ordained as an Elder in 1982, and became...

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   Modest, Gentle and Quiet • 5/29/2005 | 5,700+ downloads
   The Unequally Yoked Wife • 5/22/2005 | 3,500+ downloads


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