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"Melissa McCarthy as Satanic Ursula"
Anonymous Name
It is rather tragic how comedy icon Melissa McCarthy (born 26 August, 1970) was cast as Satanic Ursula, the cephalopodic sea...
Kevin Swanson | The Disney Machine
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Sermon2/27/17 10:32 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have met Elizabeth Johnston and she's absolutely lovely. They've trained their children to sing and they sound like angels.

Sermon2/24/17 2:07 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i think.. the beginning was the GOP going towards FEMINISM.. which is 'almost' homosexual 'light' seeing women in mens positions and thinking nothing.. as well as female anchorettes looking like 'high class call girls'

Sermon2/22/17 9:06 AM
Audy from Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Audy
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon2/9/17 5:23 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I didn't know Bill Hybels was this weird We are indeed falling away... I also think ISLAM may have been spread by women going for Sharia Law, and why Paul was adamant not having women teach over men 1 Timothy 2:11-15

Sermon2/4/17 12:31 PM
Kathryn from Buckeye state  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The pink hats (called a vulgar term) represent in large a huge swath of abortions, whether committed by themselves or complicit in them, that go unrepented for. That includes abortifacients. Without the saving grace of Jesus Christ, these post abortive parents have nowhere to go with their guilt but to lock arms with those also involved in abortion, who bless it. This assuages their guilt temporarily. But when they get home, they still have to deal with it alone. Some of them will ultimately get saved, repent, and live for Christ.

Sermon1/31/17 7:15 PM
Michael A from Cypress, TX  Protected NameFind all comments by Michael A
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“ Clarifying Question ”
Kevin, I've heard you say on a few occasions to eliminate the prisons. I'm intrigued and curious at the same time over this statement. What would a prisonless system look like? There are many dangerous people that can't function in society without continually committing crimes against humanity. Do you advocate for the OT system of the death penalty for most crimes? I'm not well versed in what you are advocating and I seek clarity. You mention restitution, if the person doesn't pay the restitution what then? Thank you for your show, I listen everyday.

Sermon1/30/17 4:19 PM
Heather Brandon from Pontotoc MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Heather Brandon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I posted your sermon one year ago today to try to get Christians to consider who we might push forth to represent our nation. Obviously it fell upon deaf ears in the Bible belt where I live. He is heralded as savior from Hillary. What do you think one year later of this man? Obviously we are to pray for our leader & 2 Chron. 7:14 still acutely applicable.

Sermon1/24/17 2:20 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was wondering why these women at the March seem to have a 'mental illness ' Perhaps they did just that and have no where to put their guilt... And these silly pink hats?

Sermon1/20/17 8:16 PM
Lottie from Ohio  Find all comments by Lottie
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“ A Very Good Interview! ”
It is the root problem with the modern Christian worldview. Also, a person may have correct theology and yet, not know God.

Sermon1/16/17 6:17 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW Wayne! i haven't watched much regular TV since the early 2000s--i didn't KNOW the homosexuality was that bad in PRIME TIME TV --although, many rockers from Britain, and rappers have homosexual tendencies.It could why the female hate is RAMPANT in their lyrics---and FEW LOVE IF ANY LOVE SONGS (not sex songs) --male to female--are even out there, and even fewer straight male vocalists outside of country music....

Sermon1/15/17 6:34 PM
Wayne from Morpeth  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Possibly a major concern is that too many professing believers possibly watch too much TV? 'The Voice'; 'America (Britain's) Got Talent'; 'The X factor' and the soaps and virtually any thing on TV must have an influence through 'eye gate'. It is hard not to switch a TV on and see some vain celebrity or half dressed female or homosexual or Lesbian. The Passion crowd watching pro-homosexual Carrie Underwood are probably already desensitised and influenced by the celebrities they see on TV (many homosexual or lesbian) and often dressed inappropriately (if measured against the word of God), to care much about and discern sound doctrine at all! Yet they will know 'much' about the rock gods and vain celebrities and fashions of this world that they love ...yet,'For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is ***not of the Father***, but is of the world'. There was a time when homosexuality was unacceptable, even in the world. Now it is seen as a glamorous life choice. Is it a surprise the day is here that we have 'the life of pride' gay pride homosexual and lesbian 'Pastors', who are treat like glamorous celebrities? But what of the churchy crowd who put them on a pedestal? Can they be true believers?

Sermon1/13/17 6:39 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon1/13/17 1:26 PM
Phillip  Contact via emailFind all comments by Phillip
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“ Think you forgot something ”
All the mentions of the reformation but not one mention of the papacy's influence for evil?

Sermon1/1/17 5:14 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The first recorded professional tattoo artist in the United States was a German immigrant, Martin Hildebrandt-1846. The first professional tattooist in Britain- was in the 1870s. Californian Ward regarded as "the founding father of modern body piercing". In 1975, Ward opened a home-based piercing business in West Hollywood, which was followed in 1978 by the opening of Gauntlet Enterprises, "the first professional body piercing specialty studio in America." Also Ladyday it was 'The Village People' 1977 to 85 and the openly gay New Yorker Felipe Rose (the Red Indian) each one playing a different gay fantasy figure; he was an openly gay pop artist, as in the UK no one came out until the 80’s. (The openly gay founder Morali was infected by HIV in the mid-1980s and died of AIDS in 1991). The most openly gay 70’s pop star was American ‘Queen of Disco’ Sylvester, he attended the Castro's 1988 Gay Freedom Parade in a wheelchair dying of aids that same year. So America first exported sodomite music entertainers to the UK and particularly flamboyant Liberace back in the late 50’s, with Sylvester “an openly gay man throughout his career, Sylvester came to be seen as a spokesman for the gay community.” (Sylvester was brought up a Pentecostal).

Sermon1/1/17 10:51 AM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Warning against 'Pop Culture' ”
In the UK another influencing for evil sexual deviant 80's pop 'star' also died this year-Pete Burns Beware of the influence of trendy TV... "Doctor Who returned to the BBC 2005, the latest project of homosexual Russell T Davies writer of 'Queer as Folk' who introduced explicit gay sex to prime time TV, in charge of a kids show?"  Then replaced by "From Sherlock to Doctor Who to Wolf Hall, Homosexual writer/actor/director Mark Gatiss is 'Mr Television' at the moment...his fingerprints all over the biggest and best shows on television". Gays are recreating the meaning of 'lurv' and normalising sodomy whether pop culture or other mediums, so be careful what we watch and what songs we sing, as it is the Devil's handiwork that provides the above 'finger prints all over TV'. Philippians 4:8 Gays should never be our entertainment and in every UK soap. Here's a few from the UK top 25 '(Gay)Pride power list 2016' to be wary of in 2017. The top 2: Ian McKellen actor Stephen Fry actor and also: Angela Eagle First Shadow Secretary of State, Labour Party Alan Carr comedian Phyll Opoku-Gyimah Co-Founder, UK Black Pride Rosie Spaughton & Rose Ellen Dix British vloggers who regularly vlog about sexuality and LGBT issues. Peter Tatchell LGBT campaigner & activist

Sermon12/30/16 2:37 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
ROSH HASHANAH 5777 FEAST OF TRUMPETS? TRUMP Pence? IDK.... It's very odd, this is happening this year, but looking at the numbers and names?----TRUMP also hasn't taken the OATH OF OFFICE YET..

Sermon12/29/16 3:28 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was listening to this, and found out: what is odd, except for PRINCE.. the other four are BRITISH! {like the FAB FOUR} also, in the 70's, Britain started the PIERCING & TATTOOING as well, going to US and worldwide.... George Michael, was the one who started MEN PIERCING BOTH EARS as well, and I've always connected that with homosexuality, even if the guy was not (before 1984, men would pierce only one ear, or no ears)

Sermon12/23/16 2:32 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
100% right about BAPTISTS BEING OBESE since liquor and sugar are very SIMILAR.... they just replace one, with the other Gluttony, although bad, doesn't seem to cause the same effect to the BRAI

Sermon12/17/16 6:54 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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“ An encouragement ”
MJuney. Sounds like you need to talk with the leadership. Do you know if anyone else had voiced concerns? If they won't change find another church. Don't waste your time staying there if they do not repent immediately or if the congregation does not put a stop to it. One or both need to happen. So many churches are worldly and not really serious about the gospel. Not satisfied with scripture and preaching the Word. Be prayerful about it. Remember, don't stay at a church where they are not commited to the preaching of the Word. We have to record of The Apostles using Greek or Roman Theatre during worship services. He stressed preaching of the Word. Hope this helps. I will pray for you.

Sermon12/14/16 12:20 PM
Chris in Vancouver from Vancouver,BC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris in Vancouver
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My beloved 90's diesel (runs on any edible oil) benz with manual transmission and a mechanical fuel pump and injection pump with a needless ECU wouldn't mind at all!

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