Great Sermon! This request is not really related to the topic of this particular podcast, but was wondering if you'll could speak on what a Christian should do when the pastor starts showing clips from Hollywood movies in Wednesday night bible study as well on Sunday during church service. I have also been informed that some of the deacons belong to Freemason. Should I be concerned?
Great Sermon! i was thinking... IF we had an EMP BOMB
it ''may' push us back to the 1970s but no further.. and it would make the world.. LARGER cell phones... computers, etc...
get land lines... TELEVISION, RADIO and HAM RADIOS......
Great Sermon! THIS IS SCARY.. especially with the OBERGERFELL DECISION of 2015
polygamy may be just around the corner, with women wanting marriage, and men don't..
Great Sermon! SUICIDE FOR 10-14 YEAR OLDS??
heck.. my husband and i still believed in SANTA until 11 (we didn't know each other then).... and when our friends told us it was no big deal
since the BIBLE was missing for around 54 years, perhaps it may come back...
Great Sermon! i've thought, even before this movie, was that too many young boys were conditioned for homosexuality when they were raised by too many SINGLE MOMS and their friends doing the same thing..........NO MEN AROUND..
Great Sermon! I Googled the film, and was horrified by the summary on Wikipedia. What is going on in the cinema? Thanks for the warning about this, Pastor Kevin.
Great Sermon! Interesting and though I agree with just about everything I miss the Muslim issue....As you can see I live in Europe and we have a big problem here.....Yes sin is a problem but so is a religion that openly says theirs are the only true religion and there will only be peace once we all bow our knees to allah.... The Bible does say, without a doubt, that those living in a country should not mistreat "strangers" that live among them. However, just as sojourners in Israel were required to obey God's laws before receiving his blessings, the strangers among us should also be required to obey the laws of the land before receiving the same benefits and privileges that come to citizens. If God's commands in the Bible regarding illegal aliens were observed by governments, they would avoid many of the problems they currently have regarding immigration.
Great Sermon! The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God.
(Psalm 9:17) AV.
When the righteous are in authority the people
rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule the people mourn.
(Proverb 29:2) AV.
Great Sermon! I enjoy the show. However, I listen to Faith2Action's Janet Porter, who has been on your show. She recommended voting for Trump.
Why? Because she has been in the thick of the pro-life cause all of her adult life. She knows how horrible it would be for the Supreme Court if Hillary Clinton won, and the thought horrified me.
Is Mr. Trump perfect? Obviously not. Are any of us? My main reason for voting for him was the Supreme Court... I don't want babies eviserated live, commodified and parts sold. Not to mention the walking wounded: the mothers and fathers.
Again, I enjoy your show. But I respectfully disagree because the cause of life is the most important to me.
Great Sermon! it makes me think.. that WOMEN TATTOOING their skin.. as well as their dress, 'may' have an effect on their swearing....
i also notice, fewer women wearing jewelry which is becoming.... and dressing either slouchy, or slutty---(basic non saved women)
its also possible, that Mrs. Trump, 'may' have an effect on the clothing styles in the coming years...
Excellent Broadcast! Thank you for taking the time to explain from the Scriptures why God created marriage and that "loving each other" is not a Biblical prerequisite for it. How I wish more of God's people understood this! Marrying should be first and foremost about obeying God, which those of us who love Him--because He first loved us--want to do. If we love Him, we will keep His commandments.
Sermon I charge thee therefore before God, and the LORD Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead. at his appearing and his kingdom.
Preach the word; be instant in season. out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears from the truth, and be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
(2 Timothy 4:1-5) AV.
Great Sermon! this could be why GOD may be allowing the islamocrazies to attack their nation... as a nation...many people in europe are getting attacked... by immigrants----for this reason
if the europeans got married, and had children.. the islamists, would NEVER HAVE GOTTEN this far
Great Sermon! Babies may hear it in the womb and be affected by violent music but after they emerge they're immersed into a world that glories violence, rampant sex or suggestions of it, revenge, and the garnering of earthly treasures at any cost. My wife and I haven't watched network television in years because that's all that's found there.
Great Sermon! its possible millennials are this way.. because of the POUNDING from some of the music they may have had in the WOMB... babies hear most things their mothers do..