Comments on 40 Days 40 Days is a good organization, but they cannot take all credit themselves for baby saves.
Many other Christians are out there, especially Baptists, week in and week out--taking the most vile of harassment. Some of the 40 Days people simply pray a rosary and do not engage those going in any way--when the moment is so critical.
I suppose it's good ANY TIME people are out there offering hope and help--as it's needed 52 weeks a year.
Some do and some do not. I thank God anytime there is a baby saved.
Great Sermon! The evangelical collapse is not coming. It already came long time ago when spineless evangelicals no longer wanted to fight the battle for the faith and decided to pussyfoot around with liberals and Catholics instead of calling them to repentance and faith. Francis Schaefer's last book pretty much tells the sad sorry story of an evangelicalism that to this day, is evergrowing in unfaithfulness to her Lord. Even the reform camp nowadays is nothing but a sorry mixture of Calvinism and worldliness. Babylon is alive and well in the reform camp. We sent our "millenials" to their worldly "passion" conferences/concerts/whatever, and gave them their own i-phones and said "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law." It would not surprise me if this generation will be the first in America to pick up weapons against Christians.
Birth control What about those of us who have no fertility and virility problems - are we to have a child (or more) every 9 months?
Kevin, you've been married, what, over 25 years? Why do you only have 5 children?
Rethinking the church Frankly, the church is filled with "so called christians" who really are not christians at all! Divine life will, I repeat will produce divine life. We need to continue to reach the people in the church. We never lost those who were never the church's to begin with.
? Frankly, the church is filled with "so called christians" who really are not christians at all! Divine life will, I repeat will produce divine life. We need to continue to reach the people in the church.
Great Sermon! I wonder if the church has begun to ask the question why they lost the working class yet a candidate can speak their language? I hear a lot of judgment coming against them from established, mainstream leaders, perhaps those 'left behind' have missed something valuable that God was trying to do through them? We are the deplorables..... apparently.
Great Sermon! WOW... using those lyrics to THAT song.. GOTTA LOVE MILLENIALS rescues the song... OH BLA DI, OH BLA DA IS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS GETTING MARRIED!! back in 1969!
saw the sheet music.. but the BEATLES tend to slur the message when they sang it
didn't know what it was as a little girl..oh well....
Great Sermon! At UN sponsored "Year of the Woman"--which was my formal introduction to feminism and "pro-choice"--(I was @ 15), where bus loads if us public school kids with malleable minds were bused in for "social studies" classes, Betty Ford was there. Betty, a Republican, gave a speech promoting the ERA.
Today, I have saved out of all I have been indoctrinated into.
I am pro-life from conception to natural death. I won't as much as take a flu shot (for many reasons)--uppermost, that it may contain diploid cells from aborted babies. That bothers me greatly.
With many Republicans, I can't see a scintilla of difference on the social issues from hardcore leftist Democrats. I have to remind myself daily that God is sovereign over all of this and thank Him for pulling me out of this.
False dichotomy Racism is a sin so I don't understand the point you're trying to make with this sermon other than to deny the problem is as bad and deep rooted as it is.
Excellent Sermon! Thoroughly agree with your views on Judge Moore and on pro sports. My explanation to those who question my lack of interest in pro sports has long been that "I feel secure enough in my own masculinity that I don't find it necessary to derive vicarious masculinity from the exploits of a bunch of guys that I wouldn't want my kids hanging around with."
Great Broadcast! Thank you for the Biblical exhortation to "come out from among and be ye separate" from sports and worldly entertainment! The night cometh, when no man can work. We must do the works of our Savior while it is yet day and redeem the time.
Great Sermon! this is what i CANT STAND!!
HOMOSEXUALS USING CIVIL RIGHT LAWS FOR SODOMY... and equating it with mixed marriages
BLACKS SHOULD BE MARCHING AGAINST THAT.. not a cop shooting a person....
Great Sermon! this is SCARY--when CHRISTIANS or those who respect the church get this many abortions...2 Chronicles 7:14 comes to mind... and we ARE on the edge of a disaster politically
Great Sermon! I know, there are pastors like Mark Gungor who brings this issue up often on his radio show.
People email him questions which he uses on the show.
He even said, this causes impotence in young under 40 males
Great Sermon! Its possible, that the way these European countries are acting, could be a reason why Islam is making inroads.. and they are VERY AGAINST SODOMY..
also, i still see strong churches out there, but they tend to be the independent baptist types, where men and women dress gender appropriate... women in dresses/skirts and men in suits/ties/short hair NO PONYTAILS
and they are KJV only as a rule
Thank you, Mr Swanson The shaving of the beard was a very pagan practice, associated with the worship of various gods. Would you ascribe unrighteousness to every clean shaven Christian man today? Could it be that today these things don't have the same meaning?
Great Sermon! TATTOOS ONLY CAME OUT.. when the people starting acting more PAGAN...
it was the JEWS.. and then CHRISTIANS who stopped the practice.....
its paganism creeping INTO THE CHURCHES
and women look HORRIBLE with them.. although GUYS 'could' wear them on forearms, since they GROW HAIRY FOREARMS.. but on women, it looks like SKIN DISEASE from far away