Thank you Thank you Pastor Swanson for the opportunity to join you on your program. May the Lord continue to bless the various ministries you are involved in. Our God is great and sovereign in His dealings with the nations, and it is humbling to be His servant, through Christ our Saviour.
Humanism from the very beginning Humanism was the predominant philosophy since America's founding. Before colonization of the future USA, it was inhabited by Indians whose faith was in pantheism. Today, there is a growing push to revive faith in pantheism through international organizations, both political and religious, like the United Nations.
Great Sermon! I have not listened to the tape. However, I want to clear up many misconceptions about effeminate males.
Some of them have claimed to be gay.
In light of what women are saying about being raped, abused, etc. we know that many have gone from pillar to post with different sex partners. The seem somewhat whorish.
I have talked with many "gay" men who have said they were raped or abused by a man when they were very young boys.
Behavior displayed by both males and females who have been sexually abused are pretty much the same. But the male has been left to feel powerless; even over women.
Let's stop bruising them even more than they have been and engage them in loving dialogue. You will be surprised to find that you have given them hope.
Not all have entered this lifestyle voluntarily.
Instead of throwing the tablet of stone upon them to destroy them, bring them to the One who judges righteously. Pray for them and become their trusting friend. Above all, speak the truth in love and with firm conviction; for there is a judgment to come.
A Humbling Revelation to Every Human Being!!! I dare say that according to scripture, 100% of all human beings are GUILTY of SIN!!! Period!!! That includes "Christians", and all religions as well!! In Romans 3 , the LORD declares the state of man in the fallen flesh outside of CHRIST!, HE also rebukes the modern view of the "Federal Vision' ....a most horrid doctrine!! This may come as a shock to most "Christians" but, lust, fornication(both spiritual and fleshly) and homosexuality, lies at the doorstep of Free Will , Works Based Religion, that puts the salvation of man in his own hands, with his decision! Which makes man his own god, and God as nothing more than a hopeless beggar!!! This world is dying, and will be destroyed!! Only those, who by GODS grace, are brought to a saving knowledge of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, seek a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness! True preachers of THE GOSPEL of GODS Dear Son, teach those in CHRIST that we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth, and the TRUE TREASURE we seek is not on this wicked, reprobate world!! We seek our treasure at the feet of THE MASTER, The Lord Jesus Christ who is our light, and our salvation ALONE!!!!!
Insightful Another thing to note is that Captain Jack Sparrow and many other male characters in the POTC series like Will Turner and Hector Barbossa are men with long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14 teaches that long hair on men is a shameful thing.
Not to mention that the POTC series also focuses on the undead. There is no doubt that there is a spiritual war going on, but it is between the Kingdom of Light and the powers of darkness.
Manhood see also the Manhood Series by Mike Miller Free On SermonAudio
Where Are the Men?
What Is a Man?
The Marks of a Man
The Making of a Man
The Measure of a Man
The Enemies of Manhood
The Legacy of a Man
Great eye opener An eye opener into a group I otherwise know not much about thanks. Shame about the audio could hardly make out the speaker at times as he was breaking up (Expat)
Great Sermon! There was no need for another version of the Holy Bible. The King James is the o my version that is not copyrighted. The others are to make money and not inspired by God. They are man orchestrated and if you don't think God is capable of prsrnting us with a Word for all generations then He isnt God at all.
Great Sermon! After attending a traditional chirch for 30 years i sought out a home chirch for all the following reasons: a small group environmmet where the pastor can actually be a shepherd to his flock and KNOW me and others, where time is spent developing relationships during a shared meal and after the sermon where the pastor allows for questions and discussion, (not just a spectator) the entire church is reading through the Bible together and with each day’s reading we can text or email one another (gender to gender) what we learned or were encouraged by, there arent any programs that i feel the pressure to support, serve in or join in, my giving goes directly to local missions not paying salaries or bills,... the 2-3 hour service (which includes discussion on our reading, worship, teaching/sermon, discussion, communion accomplish more for me than any prior church service i have ever attended... i have tasted and it is good... could never return to a traditional church.
Great Sermon! Very informative, I appreciate your knowledge, but how can you build a Christian holiday on a satanic foundation? Of course it’s going to go back to its roots.
Great Sermon! I've heard from someone, that Said, 'when believers get worse than unbelievers" is when GOD will allow nation to go down
FAR from. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Something to think about. Although the POTC movies has an amazing musical score, they do contain objectionable content like the consumption of alcohol called rum. We must understand that pirates, including Captain Jack Sparrow, are sinful people in need of Jesus as their Saviour. Yes, even Captain Jack Sparrow is a sinner who needs Jesus as his Saviour.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this thought provoking broadcast, and especially for mentioning the white genocide taking place in Zimbabwe and South Africa. As for a black genocide in this country, the real problem is the sin of abortion, regardless of the race of the baby. While it is true that Margaret Sanger was an evil woman who should not be honored with a statue, and that she sinfully promoted abortion, especially among blacks in order to limit the number of black children born, it is also true that abortion providers today are only interested in making money, and are as happy to murder white babies as well as babies of any other race. Also, women who choose to murder their babies are morally accountable for their own sin, and cannot pass the blame to anyone other than themselves, and that is true for women of any race, including black women.
Hence, the idea of an ongoing black genocide in the USA is entirely false. The real problem at the root of the sin of abortion, which should be illegal, is the rampant violation of the seventh commandment. Adultery and fornication lead to unwanted pregnancies, which lead to a demand for abortion. Falsely blaming whites for black genocide will only stoke the flames of racial hatred, whereas preaching God's law and Gospel will sanctify a people.
Great Sermon! A genuine believer is not divided on such things. The Spirit of God is clear about sin. This is why our Lord Jesus Christ did not leave us orphans.
Great Sermon! Cities well fortified have broad walls, and so had Jerusalem in her glory. The New Jerusalem must, in like manner, be surrounded and preserved by a broad wall of nonconformity to the world, and separation from its customs and spirit. The tendency of these days break down the holy barrier, and make the distinction between the church and the world merely nominal. Professors are no longer strict and Puritanical, questionable literature is read on all hands, frivolous pastimes are currently indulged, and a general laxity threatens to deprive the Lord's peculiar people of those sacred singularities which separate them from sinners. It will be an ill day for the church and the world when the proposed amalgamation shall be complete, and the sons of God and the daughters of men shall be as one: then shall another deluge of wrath be ushered in. Beloved reader, be it your aim in heart, in word, in dress, in action to maintain the broad wall, remembering that the friendship of this world is enmity against God.
C H Spurgeon Evening Devotional Aug 20