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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Melissa McCarthy as Satanic Ursula"
Anonymous Name
It is rather tragic how comedy icon Melissa McCarthy (born 26 August, 1970) was cast as Satanic Ursula, the cephalopodic sea...
Kevin Swanson | The Disney Machine
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Sermon4/18/17 7:57 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Silly CHRISTIANS will give kids names of Indian tribes like Dakota.. I also think, those are single moms doing this as well IMO, the best names for kids were those of baby boomers. I gave my soon to be 22 year old daughter a boomer name. She hated that most women who had it are over 40, but now, she doesn't care, since her generation has lots of odd names

Sermon4/14/17 3:23 PM
Penny  Find all comments by Penny
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“ Great Sermon! ”
why have we lost Hank Hanegraff? then listen to Mr Swanson lament that we've lost the respect for the Christian Sabbath, lost our voices, blending, the art of music in our tradition,"Trinity form of art".... we have become so sectarian, so "rationally minded" (as opposed to "spiritually minded") that we've lost the sacredness of all of these things. and as we've given away the sacredness of the Christian life in its fullness, people are having to find the alternatives in other areas of society.... out-sourcing ourselves into oblivion. a wholistic look at what the gospel really is, the whole thing, not just the PC or easy believism parts is necessary. I think people are thirsty for this...

Sermon4/14/17 2:35 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hymnals also show a score.. You could read the melody

Sermon4/4/17 12:47 PM
Diane from AL  Find all comments by Diane
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“ Oops ”
My first comment was meant for the broadcast on the four women writers of evil. This could be proof that women over 60 have trouble with technology. Haha

Sermon4/4/17 12:43 PM
Diane from AL  Find all comments by Diane
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I say this completely tongue in cheek, but these 4 women are a good argument for not teaching girls to read and write. I believe when women gained the right to vote it was an arrow shot to pierce marriage. Before gaining the right to vote a man and his wife and even children were considered one unit with one vote. Today husbands and wives vote against each other which is proof they have no regard for being one flesh in God's eyes.

Sermon4/3/17 6:00 PM
BG from San Diego  Find all comments by BG
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“ Heartbreaking ”
Heartbreaking statistics. This is what happens when a nation turns away from the Lord and chooses evil rather than good.

Sermon4/1/17 2:10 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i also say 1991, since that is halfway between 6-6-66 and 6-6-16 bible was removed 54 years ago

Sermon4/1/17 1:50 AM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i think..it may have started around 1991 not 2000 and the 'cutting' among women explains the TATTOOS-- and gender switching --since it seemed OK for women to wear PANTS AND DRESSES.. but after 1991, most women of all ages STOPPED WEARING DRESSES.. which were an average comfortable length.. the only ones doing this.. are mostly CHRISTIANS.. JW's. and LDS....

Sermon3/28/17 12:24 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is what happens when parents shack up past a few years with their children ALSO... I've noticed that 1991 was one of the first years in which women stopped wearing dresses or skirts as standard. Women Used to wear both

Sermon3/25/17 10:22 AM
Bill from Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bill
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great podcast. Did your survey include Wisconsin synod and Missouri synod Lutherans? I joined the Wisconsin synod last year. They broke away from mainstream Lutherans in the 70s. Both are almost exactly like reformed churches--stress on Bible, pro life, anti LGBT, etc. The only difference is that Lutherans put more stress on Lord's supper. And these churches are healthy and growing. I hear the beautiful sound of babies and young children during each sermon. There is hope for God's church.

Sermon3/23/17 9:47 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Your pro-life Christian voices are like a balm to me after listening to Dianne Feinstein regurgitate the old pro-abortion talking points, like "it's between a woman and her doctor." We know from the real voices of post-abortive women who deeply regret their abortions, whose voices are rarely heard, that the mother normally meets her masked abortionist while drugged as the procedure starts. Personally, I would like to see a federal Heartbeat Bill enacted. Thanks for your coverage.

Sermon3/22/17 1:06 PM
Whitney from Canada  Find all comments by Whitney
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yup. I'm 21, I grew up in moralistic hypocrit church. God saved me and now I go to reformed. But if he hadn't saved me, I would not be going to any church. I think it is because kids can spot hypocrites from a mile away

Sermon3/21/17 7:12 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ The Women's March Makes Me Cry ”
I look at those marches in horror. We know the Planned Parenthood crowd was there in force. I thought of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt--the atrocities they exposed. I watched the Center for Medical Progress videos and wept and wept. Sometimes, I needed breaks, because the evil they exposed was more than I could stomach at a time. I thought, at the time, finally people will see the truth and rejected abortion. Sadly, that was not to happen. They trotted out their pro-abortion, pro-abortifacient celebrities, who spoke in the most vile and vulgar ways--of course, using the accepted euphemisms to candy coat abortion. The overall behavior of the crowd was crude and hateful. The saddest thing of all for me, was seeing my own sister there. That broke my heart. She is in my prayers.

Sermon3/21/17 6:59 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My mother's cousin married a lovely Japanese woman when I was a child. His sister, his only sibling, who was supposedly a Christian, vehemently opposed the marriage. I didn't understand this. My mother, a Caucasian and Christian, loved and adored her cousin's bride. My nephew recently married a young woman who is a mix of races, and we all enjoyed seeing them get married.

Sermon3/20/17 4:14 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
the scariest part... is LITTLE CHILDREN are being EXPOSED TO THIS... and some could become GENDER CONFUSED in the process

Sermon3/8/17 11:54 AM
Michael A from Cypress, TX  Protected NameFind all comments by Michael A
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“ A call to discernment ”
Kevin, You are correct in your assessment of the entertainment industry. Far too many Christians spout the "It's only entertainment, what's the big deal." mantra. They are apathetic to the battle that is taking place for the hearts, mind and souls of our children. I too have been mocked, ridiculed and scoffed at for taking a stand against such indoctrination and evil. Mostly from fellow Christians. We are told to lighten up, don't be so critical etc... I like your analogy of the rat poison, it's 99% good right? So why don't you eat eat? Jesus didn't approve of a little sin, our spouses wouldn't be ok with us taking 1% of the year off from our marriage commitment, we'd be aghast if our children took 1% of their time to pursue evil. Keep fighting the good fight Kevin. Thank you for your show.

Sermon3/2/17 10:47 PM
Kathryn from Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen!!! At times I feel envious of children being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. How blessed are they! I am product of the leftist schools and universities. I got the whole nine yards and then some. Indoctrination to the hilt. I have since rejected all the secular humanism I was taught non-stop and am a Bible-believing Christian. I also agree that it doesn't look good for Obergefell v. Hodges with POTUS Trump, VPOTUS Pence and Neil Gorsuch.

Sermon3/2/17 7:37 PM
Lady Day  Find all comments by Lady Day
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“ Great Sermon! ”
50 SHADES OF DECAY also.. there used to be LOVE SONGS.. but NO MORE, not since the early 90s..unless young men start to write and perform them in a christian worldview--a la SONG OF SOLOMON

Sermon3/2/17 3:15 PM
Natalie from Oklahoma  Contact via emailFind all comments by Natalie
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“ Encouraging and convicting! ”
This was a great broadcast! I would recommend reading the booklet that Reb wrote "Solving the Crisis in Homeschooling...". He also has some great articles on his website.

Sermon3/1/17 11:39 AM
Elizabeth E Moon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth E Moon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have been warning everyone about The Shack for many years now. Just the idea that they made the GOD of the universe into a black woman raised the hair on the back of my neck! I didn't read it but someone told me ALL about it. It's enough for this Christian to pass out fliers at the theater! I should do something.

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