Great Sermon! not all young men in the GREAT DEPRESSION were unemployed.. my dad was hiring MEN at 16 and getting paid good money in an agricultural area.. and also driving a produce truck.. in CA
perhaps, this may have been the EAST COAST of the US
I love your radio program! I'm a big fan of the radio program. I wish we could get something like it in Canada. I have tattoos and they are just art to me, and no one I have met thought it was anything but. By your same reasoning of your proof text christian men shouldn't have gotees or eat rare steaks. Thank the Lord my righteous standing isn't from keep the old commandments. God bless!
And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
Great Sermon! I knew the church was weak, but not this bad.
It seems like the strongest churches at this time are the independent Baptist who use KJV ONLY
Sermon He changeth the times and the seasons; he removeth kings, and setteth up kings.
(Daniel 2:21) AV.
By me kings rein, and princes decree justice.
(Proverb 8:15) AV.
The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord,as the rivers of water, he turneth it whither soever he will.
(Proverb 21:1). AV.
Great Sermon! just found out.. about how many books of the bible, which had a 3:16 within it
and found out there are 49 BOOKS... GENESIS -REVELATION ---
which make Kapernick so sad to me--being the only NFL TEAM with a number
also the state of CA on 9/9 would be 166 years old
Great Sermon! Well Christians need to get stronger again, or else ISLAM MAY TAKE OVER and enslave women.
These Islamic people are practicing taquiyya UNTIL THEY GET POWER
then they will cover up these tattooed women in burqas
Great Sermon! Dear Mr. Swanson, you are absolutly correct in warning us about the republican turning out to be a democrat, and the democrat turning out to be a socialist. This is actually the way it has been for some time. The problem is that most Americans are just now starting to wake up to this reality. Most of us have been guilty of idolizing, worshipping and making a religion of our political parties and preferences. The truth is, the democratic and republican parties, have become two branches of the same party, with their most effective strategy being that of keeping us divided and polarized. Anything to keep us from setting aside our petty, insignificant differences and uniting together to throw all of them out.
Thank you Thank you for having the boldness to speak the truth about the current state of US politics. I am completely disillusioned by the blind following my Christian friends are engaging in with this year's election. Donald Trump is not a conservative, and an (R) next to your name does not a conservative make.
Great Sermon! wow.. THE LGBTQ is VERY RACIST.. since there are BLACKS WHO ARE HOMOSEXUAL--and its WHITES using this meme
i knew the group, 'could be'
not necessarily people caught into homosexuality
Great Sermon! I thought something was wrong when girls started to tattoo half of their bodies at times.
Especially forearms where they have no hair
It either looks like hair or a skin disease
Great Sermon! Its the 'flipping' of the sexes.
while men are starting to wear bright colors, women are starting to get forearm tattoos not wear jewelry like pearls and 'paste', wear black, and be more masculine
this isn't new..
Great Sermon! Isaiah 4:1
independent women sharing a man?
Women may have created polygamy by default.
Not insisting in marriage before children, etc
Great Sermon! ITS POSSIBLE.. that the BABY BOOMER GENERATION for this reason is one of the MOST SELFISH ONES EVER..(Pushing daycare, without grandparents, or INTACT FAMILIES)
and many kids born between 1965-1980 are really feeling it now, since the women are no longer young, but not OLDER either
they were the first LATCHKEY GROUP
Great Sermon! well... if this continues.. it will be POLYGAMY for most of the western women..ESPECIALLY those who are small, and are being BORN NOW... along with clothing which will cover up most of their TATTOOS....unless THEY BRING BACK ARRANGED MARRIAGES for CHRISTIANS
Great Sermon! What about missing the fact that Trump is the only presidential candidate who would openly appoint SC Justice who are pro-life? Also, he is apparently a born again Christian; so I guess we should just not vote and let Hillary win who will destroy this nation. I am not a Biblical scholar, but I know the Lord is pro-life! And your rhetoric is the same as the MSM, Melanie Trump didn't plagerize, it was a mix-up with her speech writer. It was only about 6% of the whole speech. Not a "majority." Will not listen to you again, no offense.
Great Sermon! its time to leave the college campuses and go to TRADE SCHOOL.. until further notice
check the trade schools as well
not all are created equal
24 TVShow facts incorrect The 24 Show doesn't have 15 seasons, only 8. If you watch the TV Show the female president is featured in less then half of the seasons. The character has little to no similarities to Clinton besides being a woman.
Great Sermon! IMO, i see this as HARRY POTTER part Deux
and its just as dangerous...
I believe this Y2K generation has been hammered with the occult, especially with the shooting in Dallas of the 11 cops.
5 died, and the boy who did it was named MICAH- (his parents may have allowed HP books)
the 33rd book of the bible.. similar to JFK and the date he was shot in Dallas
its time to be taught Ephesians 6:12 even if its one scripture--we don't need to be wrestling with demons unless its on our KNEES