About Ron Paul This program makes the point that we may have to wait to see how today's homeschooled generation governs tomorrow before we get godly leaders. And while I'm not saying Ron Paul is 'godly,' your radio listeners may be interested in this quote:
Ron Paul lives his family values. Unlike Christian "leaders" like prophecy guru Hal Lindsey, who is on his fourth wife, and adulterous Republican politicians like the thrice-married Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Paul has been married to the same woman for fifty years, and has five children and seventeen grandchildren. He also opposes same-sex marriage, and has voted to prohibit federal funding for the joint adoption of a child between individuals who are not related by blood or marriage.
Source is http://www.lewrockwell.com/vance/vance127.html
Go Ron Paul! Kevin's likes a lot of things about Ron Paul, but has his reservations about other things. Kevin's looking for a candidate with backbone that can stand up for principles. Ron Paul isn't out to flatter anyone, least of all himself, but he's got more backbone than all the other candidates laid end to end. He's not the Christian's perfect candidate, but he's almost ther and he's the only one that will restore Constitutional Government to the USA. All the rest on both parties are big government statests. Vote Ron Paul or you'll see almost everthing that hasn't been trashed yet, get trashed in the next 5 years. www.ronpaul2008.com
thanks Kevin & Dave After reading Pilgrim's Progress this year to my 7, 5 and 4 year old, I thought it would be a good idea to read it every 2 years because it was fun and so instructive. Your program encouraged me to be faithful.
Ron Paul's faith Haywood Family: Ron Paul is on record as saying: "I have never been one who is comfortable talking about my faith in the political arena. In fact, the pandering that typically occurs in the election season I find to be distasteful. But for those who have asked, I freely confess that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, and that I seek His guidance in all that I do." www.covenantnews.com/ronpaul070721.htm Given the discusting way most politicians 'tickle the ears' of evangelicals by constantly talking about their supposed "faith", I respect Ron Paul's stance. Also, compare Ron Paul's understanding of Economics, Politics, Foreign Policy, etc with experts on Biblical Law like Rushdoony & North, and you'll find a huge overlap. Far more so than Huckabee or Keyes etc. Don't just look at the superficials. Do some research on the bredth of God's law and I think you'll find you can vote for Ron Paul with a clean conscience. Hope this is helpful.
Producer Of Award Winning Christian Film Interview A free copy of _The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women_ (1558) by John Knox, as well as the world's largest collection of free books by John Knox, are on the web at http://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/jknox.htm (we have also linked this interview by Kevin Swanson at the URL above).
Question for Rob Rob, we have considered Ron Paul and I really do like and appreciate the positions he takes but here is my problem... Where does he actually talk about Christianity? I have looked around his website and can't seem to find any referance to it. If you have, please do share. And by referance, I mean more than a passing profession of faith. It takes more than a profession of faith to be qualified to be a leader in both the civic and ecclesiastical governments. Where does he speak about the law of God?
What about Ron Paul Interesting program. I know that Kevin Swanson went to the Values Voters debate and didn't like Ron Paul. I'd be interested to find out more about why not. After all Ron Paul is a born again Baptist who has been married to the same woman for over 50 years. In over 20 years of being in Congress:
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Have you ever heard of any politician with this level of integrety?
If elected he will:
Bring the troops home imediatly.
Abolish the IRS (with the money saved from ending the war, it won't be needed any more.)
He is very pro-homeschooling and will abolish the federal department of education.
Why are Christians ignoring a true "Elder" with this level of integrety?
More wanted! Sure, not voting is an option, but I doubt Swanson is advocating Christians take a back set in the cultural bus. The points his co-host makes about the law God -- listen very closely to him -- actually HITS THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD. When do you ever hear the question of God's commandments in public debate? The only point I'm making is that I wished he would have developed this point further. Maybe next time!
Not Voting is an Option "The only logical conclusion a thinking, conservative Christian can reach listening to this program is: don't vote for anyone in the coming presidential election!"
I am not sure why some don't see this as an option, but it certainly is! I don't know enough about certain candidates to say whether or not they are biblical qualified to lead the nation. Certainly most of them are not. It would be far better to refrain from voting, than to give our support to those who are not qualified. God will do as He is pleased in the coming elections and will set up the rulers He has chosen. Our only duty is to obey.
Voting for the lesser of the two "evils" is not an option for God-fearing Christians. Voting out of fear of man (or woman as the case may be) is sin and God will not bless us.
Thought provoking! If someone wants to know if Christians should be concerned about the candidacy of a Mormon seeking the White House, listen to this radio program. But the program becomes less helpful when one then asks the inevitable question, Which candidate has a Biblical worldview? Which presidential candidate believes that the law of God is applicable in every part of life especially, as the co-host states, the Old Testament law (whatever that means)? Not a one, to my knowledge.
Swanson says do what's right in the voting booth and trust God for the consequences. Fair enough. But President Bush campaigned as a conservative Christian, and in this program Swanson points out that Bush is representating a polytheistic point of view. He suggests Bush is not much better than Bill Clinton. So, then, would it have been better for those Christians who voted for Bush to have not voted for him at all?
The only logical conclusion a thinking, conservative Christian can reach listening to this program is: don't vote for anyone in the coming presidential election! That's not what the hosts say, but it's the only logical outworking of the arguments they present here.
Interesting Program! Kevin Swanson leaves one question unanswered -- if not a Mormon in the White House, then who among the candidates represent the same values/beliefs as he does? There aren't a lot of great choices out there if we judge the candidates by whether they're Reformed Christians or even non-Reformed Christians but social conservatives. Alan Keyes, for example, would make a good choice if we're judging him based on how close he comes to the values of those who visit this Web site. But he's Roman Catholic and we're Reformed Christians. But here's the real problem: When one says Christians ought to do what is right in this election and not what is practical, then that person must define what he means by doing what's right. Any answer, I suspect, will leave a lot to be desired. These are big issues being discussed here, i.e. Christians role in politics. I'm sure Swanson will pick this topic up again as we near the primaries.
Great Program! Parents care more about their children than any professional out there. The fact is, the professionals are failing our children, too busy debating things like what method of reading they should use in the public schools. Meanwhile, homeschool families aren't sitting down debating with staff about which teaching method to use, they are too busy educating their children.
Swanson here reminds homeschool parents -- and I say even parents who are not homeschoolers -- that your child's education is their responsibility ultimately, not the professionals.
Very timely! This is a good response to Newsweek's article on Patrick Henry College and its student body of homeschooled students (see the Sept. 3, 2007 issue of Newsweek). It's also a good program to hear in light of the recent government report about job losses in August, which shocked economists who were predicting job increases for that month. Why are we in a good mood? Listen to this program.
Great Sermon! Great program, as always!
I think you missed the mark a wee bit with the peanut allergy thing though. Its not a public school novelty to go peanut free. I have a 6 year old who is severely peanut allergic. There are many kids out there who quite simply might die if they ingest peanut products. I'm thankful that our current church on their own initiative, and not upon our request, went forward with a peanut free policy at any given church function upon hearing of our peanut allergic child.
Evolutionists Stab Themsleves in the Back I like the part where Dr. Humphreys describes how they used a world-renowned non-creationist experimentor to conduct their testing. Evolutionists stabbing themsleves in the back... classic!
First class Sermon! Never heard Kevin before but it won`t be the last. Great expo-say of the Fake Christians. we`re tripping over them in this mad & crazy Age.
Great Sermon! Another great book Ray's written, for parents and children's workers, is "How to Bring Your Children to Christ...& Keep Them There (Avoiding the Tragedy of False Conversion)." I highly recommend it.
Great Sermon! I'm glad this is still available online! I had it in my iTunes and lost it. I appreciate the book and author so much and it was such a joy to hear Cathy interviewed. Great book and a helpful interview! Thank you for making this available.