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Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Sci Fi: Promoting Secular Humanism"
Anonymous Name
As noted, this podcast shows that science fiction is rooted in this denial of The Bible called secular humanism. The various...
Kevin Swanson | Americans Love Sci Fi Movies
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Sermon4/25/08 3:11 PM
Carol R from Bible Belt  Find all comments by Carol R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I had never heard of Kevin Swanson before, but now after listening to a few of his sermons, I want more! Replacing Harvard is the best idea/sermon I have heard in a long time!

Sermon4/1/08 3:01 PM
Mary  Find all comments by Mary
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have done many demonstrations in schools (not to do with Christianity, cookery and literacy workshops) before I was Christian. I have seen and heard what homosexual campaigners say in their workshops to kids of eleven. Pray for our kids... the UK is just as bad.

Sermon2/24/08 10:20 PM
Tristan from USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tristan
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The Day Conservatism Died
Kevin Swanson
“ Why conservatism isn't conservative ”
I am a former Republican. I had to leave the party because they became a party of fake Christians who hide behind Gods name while killing people, waging war, telling lies, taking from the poor to provide corporate welfare. I got into The Word and found that Socialism the party that lives out the way Christ tells us to care for each other, for the poor, and to live in love and peace with one another. I was ashamed that my friends who claimed to love God cheered when my son was sent to Iraq. I was ashamed to hear them saying they are pro life but defending tax dollars spent on war instead of health care. I think todays conservatism is what God warned us of in the end times...people doing evil in Gods names. We are know by our fruit and the fruit of Republicans is rotten. I wish my brothers and sisters in Christ would turn away from their sins, stop following the group and really live as Christ tells us to.

Sermon2/24/08 9:00 PM
brother Michael  Find all comments by brother Michael
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“ Good Primer on Times ”
I hope Christians wake up to the times we are living in as most are in a stupor hypnotized by the culture, entertainment industry and the lies of the controlled media. I will add that the indignation voiced in this message should not be at the IRS working to silence churches, the indignation should be towards churches that have voluntary shackled themselves to Caesar by incorporating into a 501c-3 for the tax (i.e. mammon) benefit$. As such, the IRS is fully justified in upholding the contract that these pastors signed enslaving them and their churches to Caesar. Just read Pub 1828 from the IRS - truly tragic. The church must unshackle herself from this unholy marriage and be free for no man can serve two masters...for you cannot serve the IRS and God.

Sermon2/20/08 3:52 PM
Truxter from US  Find all comments by Truxter
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The Great Depression of 2008?
Kevin Swanson
“ The worst economic and cultural crisis of all time ”
Don’t believe one optimistic word from any public figure about the economy. They are all part of the problem. Its like a game of Monopoly. The richest 1% of Americans now hold more than 1/2 OF ALL UNITED STATES WEALTH. That is more than the upper, middle, and lower classes combined. This is EVEN AFTER you account for all of this â€good will’ â€humanitarian’ BS from celebrities and executives. As they get richer and richer, less wealth is left circulating beneath them. This is the single greatest underlying cause for the state of our economy. Now, a recession is inevitable. The middle class can no longer afford to sustain their share of the economy. Their wealth has been gradually transfered to the richest 1%. But the rich won’t stop. They will do whatever it takes to get even richer. Leaving even less of the pie for the other 99% of us to share. This is going to end just like a game of Monopoly. A total collapse of the US economy. Probably within a decade. The richest 1% will live like royalty while the rest of us fight over jobs, food, and gasoline. SEND A "THANK YOU" NOTE TO YOUR FAVORITE MILLIONAIRE. Please copy and help spread the word.

Sermon2/19/08 3:51 PM
kntshrm from Montreal, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by kntshrm
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Please refer to this very recent timely article postulating how, starting with Canada at least, the Muslim world may try to leverage Shari'a law in the West via the banking/financial system here: http://dustmybroom.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1971&Itemid=2

Sermon2/8/08 2:05 AM
Mike in Kyoto from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike in Kyoto
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The Day Conservatism Died
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hey Kevin ! Kon nichi wa. Love your program, but don't forget Mike Huckabee Don't you think a guy who appointed a home school lady to his cabinet, who has always been pro life, who got his state to remove the marriage penalty from state taxes deserves SOME consideration? I will stand for principle, and stand with Huckabee, so how about other evangelicals? Or do they want only for their pocketbooks? Your local politics idea is a good one, too ! Keep up the good work and God bless.

Sermon1/27/08 8:31 AM
Sigrid Mattern from Germany  Find all comments by Sigrid Mattern
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The best message I have heard for months. Thank you. Sigrid Mattern

Sermon1/25/08 5:25 PM
Amy from Minnesota  Find all comments by Amy
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How the Pill Kills Babies
Kevin Swanson
“ Very important! ”
I just wanted to comment that it is definatly NOT common knowledge among Christians that the pill causes abortions. A good Christian friend of mine, who was raised in a very conservative pastor's home, was devasted to find this out. There are a lot of Christians who are surprised to find this out, and I'm very thankful that you mentioned it on your show. Keep up the good work!

Sermon1/8/08 11:59 AM
Marko from Ontario Canada  Find all comments by Marko
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Rockin' the Gospel
Kevin Swanson
“ Interesting ”
Hmmmm, a number of good points made. I especially agree with the general point regarding the nature of rock music being at its core fundamentally anti-God. Reminds me of some general points that Allan Bloom made describing the nature of rock music in his book 'The Closing of the American Mind'. I'm a little bit concerned about Dan Lucarini quoting negatively another reformed pastor: 'God is most pleased, when we are most delighted..' I'm familiar with the source, and it was quoted inaccurately. It should have been 'God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him'. Quite a difference, and quoted accurately would not lend itself agreeably in any way to what Mr. Lucarini rightly noticed that in CCM circles: 'The worship of God is tied to how much we enjoy it'

Sermon12/25/07 4:47 AM
Susan Miller from West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I pray that Christian people awaken to these issues. I also listened to the sermon referenced in the previous comment/link from John, Dallas, TX

Sermon12/24/07 4:46 PM
Susan Miller from West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I also watched the sermon at the link posted in the previous comment by John from Dallas, TX. I pray that Christians will become aware of these important issues. Immediately after President Reagan was sworn into office, he appointed a blue ribbon panel to review the federal government. It was led by Peter Grace and is known as the 'Grace Commission.' From the cover letter: "100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government." Think of this time line: In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was fraudulently passed by Congress on Dec. 23rd while most of Congress was at home for the Christmas Holidays. That same year, 1913, the 16th Ammendment was fraudulently passed. This ammendment is the closest thing to a law which allows the IRS to collect federal income taxes, although, the Supreme Court has ruled several times that it does not. In 1914 we have World War I, both sides financed by bankers. War is very profitable for many!

Sermon12/24/07 1:20 PM
John from Dallas, Tx  Find all comments by John
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good "Political" video from the Pulpit!!! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3051024550497129264&q=ohio+world+church+irs&total=1&start=0&num=100&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

Sermon12/12/07 2:51 AM
Candice Sparks from Honolulu, Hawaii  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candice Sparks
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“ Good Sermon, But A Little Confused! ”
Hello Kevin Swanson, it's me for the third time. In continuing my concerns & comments in regards to women's role in society, the feminist movement had helped destroy the God created family model though, but I'm sorry, more of the blame needs to be placed on a lot of men who were supposed to take responsibility in ensuring that society is runned in an equitable & righteous manner. I believe the Feminist Movement was more so a defense mechanism against the abuses and injustices of women in society in general. And if we look at the beginning, why did Adam not stop Eve from committing the first sin? On top of that, he also took part in that sin along with her. He ultimately knew better because God directly told Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good & evil. He was ultimately irresponsible for that since he was the man created before the woman. It's just like many other men being quite irresponsible of their roles. The freedoms and equitable rights of all individuals whether male or female are abounding in the Kingdom of God. My husband is an honorable and highly respectable man and I don't have a problem submitting to him as his wife. My last concern is about if women were only homemakers, how is she carry on the economy of the household if her husband leave?

Sermon12/12/07 2:29 AM
Candice Sparks from Honolulu, Hawaii  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candice Sparks
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“ Good Sermon, But A Little Confused! ”
Hello Kevin Swanson, it's me again. I do have some concerns in regards to some things that were said on the 12/11/07 episold in regards of women being too limited of roles in this world we live in today. I also was watching the episold in regards about The Monstrous Regiment of Women by Colin Gun & his brother as well and was a little troubled about a comment about the women such as Debra and some other women were only the exception and weren't really appropriate to do so. Now, Isaiah 3:12 "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." That particular verse is only a small part of the whole picture. I read the whole 3rd Chapter to hopefully get a better understanding of it. My understanding so far is that this chapter is really addressing a much wider issue in regards to how God will punish the evil & proud people; men & women alike. I don't necssary agree with the feminists' point of view, but they are not the whole blame for women being too domineering over men in society. The primary blame should first be put on many men abusing their authority over women such as them spiritually, emotionally, and physically abusing women throughout history. Another comment.

Sermon12/12/07 1:53 AM
Candice Sparks from Honolulu, Hawaii  Contact via emailFind all comments by Candice Sparks
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“ Good Sermon, But A Little Confused! ”
Hello Kevin Swanson, I enjoy listening to your shows on the Sermon Audio. I was just listening to your episold actually hosted by Mike Cheney and Steve Vaughan in behalf of your absence. However, I do have some cocerns and questions in regards of women's role in the church and world. First, my question is is it a sin for a woman to remain single or work outside the home as deemed necssary? My second question is that did God condemned the women in the Bible who held some sort of leadership position, especially in the world affairs? My last question is, are women only good for having babies and staying at home all the time or do women have some additional roles in the administration in society. I may have to write another comment to finish what I have to say. Please feel free to clarify these questions I have for you. I'm going to voice my concerns in my next comment. Thanks in advance.

Sermon11/30/07 9:56 PM
Jhawk44  Find all comments by Jhawk44
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The End of America?
Kevin Swanson
“ We're past ”
The end of America happened a long time ago. It ended the day we turned our backs on God.

Sermon11/19/07 1:01 AM
Grady from Trinity, FL  Find all comments by Grady
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“ Ron Paul 2008 ”
Ron Paul, without question, will best represent Christians' desire for integrity, decency, and thoughtful, prudent government. For the first time in a long time, we get to vote for someone who isn't lusting after power, privilege, and money. Ron Paul lives his faith everyday, quietly, with a humble demeanor toward others. Ron Paul is a professed born again Christian, who bears the fruit in his personal and public life. He is courageous and will uncompromisingly best represent Christian interests and values.

Sermon11/18/07 11:50 PM
Rev. Joel Garrett from Ashland, VA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rev. Joel Garrett
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“ I Support Ron Paul for President ”
Ron Paul will eliminate: 1. Department of Education – He would leave education up to the States. 2. Federal Reserve – This Central Bank is neither “federal” nor a “reserve.” It is enriching the national and international banks, while we pay higher prices every year. He would abolish this institution once and for all. Many argue that this institution is the biggest scam pulled over the eyes of the American people, and the main cause of inflation in the U. S. economy. 3. CIA - A secretive organization that's allegedly been controlled by elitists and occultists for decades - without much Congressional oversight. Shouldn't intelligence be strictly a military issue any way?! 4. Medicaid/Medicare - Taking care of the people who are currently depending upon it, while working to end these programs altogether. 6. Social Security - Those who've paid into it over the years will get their money, but the new generation can opt out of the system - leave it altogether - with the goal of shutting down the program for good. He will pull us OUT of the United Nations, the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA, hich are a threat to our independence as a nation. They transfer power from our government to unelected foreign elites.

Sermon11/16/07 6:13 PM
Amy from Minnesota  Find all comments by Amy
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Why Waste Your Time in Church?
Kevin Swanson
“ Very interesting ”
This was a very interesting sermon. I hope many people listen to it, and that more churches will have this vision. Could you please post the name of the book referenced about the failure of mega-churches?

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