Basic answer I bless God for Ken Ham. He and AiG are doing a great job. We use their material. And yes what Ken says is true. Our kids are quiting church because they are not being taught the truth of creation and the authority of Scripture. But let us never forget, our kids quit church because they were never born again. This is what needs to be preached. Kids quit churches that believe in creation. But they will never quit church if they are converted and believe in Christ. Let's go back to the old gospel. To the old truths of the necessity and marks of true religion. "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Do you know the basic reason why your kids will quit church? They were never born from above.
Mike Waters
A big eye opener and confirmation Thank you Kevin for shedding light on this subject. Especially for exposing the two-kingdom views that has overtaken my local session. Your radio ministry makes feels like Francis Schaeffer has not been forgotten after all. Especially, in our reformed churches.
Great Sermon! Thank you for bringing this ministry to our attention. Men in the church needs to get involved... the church can no longer ignore this terrible problem in their own neighborhoods. Keep up the good work.
Offering Hospitality What brother Swanson says about hospitality is needed to be heard by more saints. I like to travel and I like to ask a Church if I can be offered hospitality. It is rare to find it in America. It is true what he preaches..."The Bible includes specifically strangers to those furthest from us." I try to make this a practice in my life...and I encourage my adult sons and daughters.
Bold, but True program Once again, I go to the well of Generations Radio to cut through the Media bias and distortion to a true biblical response to Tiller's Death. Praise God for you all exposing the works of darkness and drawing us closer to Christ by showing what the Law and Gospel requires of us. Blessings!
Same old Deception. Broad is the road that leads to destruction and narrow is the way that leads to life and few shall find it.Jesus is the way,and not Mary or any other so called Saints.The so called heads of state who have turned to Rome are not with us because they never belonged in the first place.As Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life nobody comes to the Father except through ME:
Fear of God vs Love of God The Bible declares that the Fear of God is the beginning or foundation of wisdom.
Modern evangelicalism has made the love of God for individuals to be the foundation of its message.
The love of individuals for God is largely absent as a call to action. Any call to action is largely absent in the evangelical message except perhaps for a call to follow the formulas of easy believism.
Apostasy rather than revival has been the result and now collapse is forecasted.
In Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10, the fear of the Lord is called the beginning or foundation of wisdom.
Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD. (Psalm 34:11)
The fear of the LORD is a foundational lesson for children.
Even New Testament Churches Feared the Lord:
Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the FEAR of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied. (Acts 9:31)
Great Program! If you are looking for an inspirational message, this is it. Praise the LORD for the Swanson and Zastrow families who are living their Christian lives with zeal and commitment. No king but Jesus!
Great Sermon! Regardless of how people may respond to the unvarnished Gospel, it must be preached. The last thing we need is more easy-believerism. The REAL Gospel is simple but hard. And it is not a popularity contest. Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples of men of all nations. Folks may have to fall into deep, dark desperation before they are ready to surrender totally to God--& perhaps this is why we are going through all this stuff now--& even then only a minority may ever truly follow Him. Yet there will always be a faithful remnant until He returns.
Great Sermon! thank you for the message, but you need to properly identify the problem in order to attempt a solution. The problem is not that we are not discipling properly, the problem is that the ones being disciples are not truly converted. The answer is not more discipiling, it is getting the gospel right. the gospel is not a methodology or a Roman road, it is something that actually happened in space and time, a work accomplished by God Himself to secure our salvation. It is God becoming man and bearing the eternal wrath of God on the behalf of sinners, the benifits of which are only apprehended by faith, a faith that WILL reveal itself by a life of repentance and sanctification. If there is no growth in a "disciple" it is perhaps because they are not a disciple. We need the gospel, the offencive, unrestrained raw gospel and if this is not enough, then nothing else can help. Thank you again for the message
Great Message! Excellent points I pray believers have the ears to hear. I grew up spending a lot of time on the beach running, surfing and sunning being frequently without shirt. Even many years after becoming a believer in Jesus.
A few years ago I was convicted by the Spirit that even for men while around women this is wrong and immodest which we must shun. Today, now I seek to be covered (but not in a sack like Kevin noted).
I hope women obey the command for them to dress modest as so many do not. For example, how many who profess to be Christians prance around the beach, pool or lake in the equivalent of a bra and panties? For there is NO differences between the two and it is terribly offensive and an indictment against the modern evangelical church and how far from God's word she is.
Sign of times You rarely can go wrong in listening to a Kevin Swanson message as he shares truths so many men are unwilling to touch. For more information about ideas for effecting real change as Christians, see and support them. Also listen to Michael Slattery.
Fantastic Interview and Guest!!! Ray Comfort is one of the best evangelist of our day and what a pleasure it was to hear a lively interview between Kevin and Ray on how to share the good news to atheists and others.
Must listen... Very good message that sadly most will not hear from their pastor. "What the government funds, the government controls", so correctly notes Kevin Swanson. This is why Christian ministries and most assuredly churches MUST separate from the ungodly 501c-3 so that Christians can truly be free. Because as long as churches/ministries maintain this un-Scriptural allegiance to Caesar for the tax benefit$, allowances and official stamp of acceptability, Christians will never truly be free.
Instead, their churches/ministries will be nothing more than a corporate entity with a CEO pastor, board of director elders, and employee members. And more and more control will be exercised over them by the ungodly State because what the state funds the state controls.
Come out of her my people so says the Lord.
We Need To Live As Christians! This is a great broadcast. What can I say? I am suffering since Obama's election, and some other very negative policies and actions here in liberal/leftist New York, but this suffering is taking me into the valley of God's grace. I am drawing ever closer to the Word and to prayer. I am disgusted that my church has been so wishy-washy in the election fearing to lose many blacks members. Although these are my brothers and sisters, I am dismayed that so many voted for Obama, and one black gentleman who is an elder was gleeful and gloating at Obama's victory. Where is the commitment to truth? A voice or thought keeps telling me I'm uptight, unforgiving, judgmental, legalistic, or rigid. "Open the door of your heart more," this voice says. "You need more love." Yet, is this the voice of my conscience? Or is this the voice of my fear, that I might have to walk an even more lonely mile with the Lord? Should I disconnect from our church that has been a source of so much encouragement and good teaching? I must seek the Lord to answer these deep questions. Yet, I know this broadcast is speaking the Truth. The gospel of Christ is being proclaimed in this communication. I give thanks to God for the moral and spiritual clarity of this broadcast. thank you and amen.