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Generations Radio
Kevin Swanson  |  Parker, Colorado
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"Unregenerated children"
Christians are not supposed to isolate themselves from the world like monks or like the amish, upon whom incest is very common,...
Kevin Swanson | Externals Sans the Power
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Sermon8/30/06 3:15 PM
mike from mex  
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Is Rock and Roll of the Devil?
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I found it interesting that upon playing the real audio link here that the intro music would be defined by some as light rock music. :-)

Sermon8/30/06 12:11 PM
Cheryl - Cal  
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Is Rock and Roll of the Devil?
Kevin Swanson
“ To Anonymous ”
I think one has to be very careful with contemporary Christian music. Not all is appropriate for listening nor does it honor God. Humanism has infiltrated the modern churches, and the Christian music field is not immune to its influences as well. The music business has discovered that there is a market for contemporary Christian music, and many artists record on non-Christian labels. These same labels produce the offensive and vulgar music referenced in this sermon. Christian music should glorify God, which means the words 'me' and 'I' and 'we' should be limited. Much, unfortunately, of contemporary Christian music is human-focussed. Sadly, that music is appearing more and more in churches, while the old hymns which focus on the awesomeness of God and Jesus are getting left by the wayside. A generation of Christians are missing out on the feelings of holiness and majesty these hymns project to the world and inspire in one's spirit. Parents need to be ever vigilant regarding all things concerning their youth and their involvement in the world, including even what Christian, so-called, music they listen to.

Sermon8/25/06 7:11 AM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ Of great interest ”
Plato's Republic should be required reading for all Christians - there is nothing new under the sun! Almost every liberal idea that is current today can be found in the Republic. Its influence is spectacular, especially considering most of the ideas simply don't work in practice. The other fun thing to do is play "Communist Manifesto bingo" with the list of 10 goals near the end of the CM - when liberals go through their talking points (heavy taxation, the destruction of the family, etc etc etc) check them off on this list.

Sermon8/7/06 2:00 AM
Max Allen from East Texas  Contact via email
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“ Must Hear Radio Program ”
If your church is not preaching this message give this message to your pastor and ask why not. Kevin is really on to something here.

Sermon8/5/06 11:18 AM
jc from Michigan  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I think the advertisements mentioned in an earlier post are not left in for the purpose of gaining advertising revenue. Most of them are of a local nature and would not apply to other parts of the country let alone the global audience that Sermon Audio reaches. I therefore have to make the assumption that the advertisements are left in because of a simple failure to edit them out. This broadcast is approximately 5-10 minutes longer than most of the other Swanson broadcasts, and if you listen to other broadcasts you can hear the edit cuts and resumptions. In this broadcast Swanson has good information, therefore ignore the advertisements if they are distracting and listen to the message that he is trying to get across. Bottom-line, a speaker is only as good as the people he endorses, maybe it is good to hear Swanson’s the advertisements as a measure of his credibility. I certainly did not hear any endorsements that would be of a questionable nature commonly heard on secular radio. (i.e. get rich quick plots, pyramid schemes etc.)

Sermon8/4/06 11:21 PM
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Is Rock and Roll of the Devil?
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I totally agree with this topic and meaning. But, what about contemporary christian music...ex: Toby mac and etc.? How can these be glorifying to our dear Lord? What is your take? A concerned parent

Sermon7/19/06 8:52 AM
Dan from Big K  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Interesting and topical. However, let's practice the critical need for good intelligence. Please don't mistake South Korea for North Korea! People live here, ya know!

Sermon4/27/06 9:54 PM
Phillip from Aurora, Colorado  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good Point about being sensitive to others! As Genesis 1:29-30 says: 29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so. Follow the Bible's advise: Eat LIVING food - Fresh fruits and vegetables...provide living food for a living body!

Sermon4/1/06 1:16 PM
msc from Idaho  
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“ Interesting ”
I'd just like to say I listened to this sermon and interview, but I disagree with their position.

Sermon3/31/06 9:51 PM
Jeff Cokenour from Houston Texas  Contact via email
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Is America a Christian Nation?
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great program.

Sermon3/31/06 5:53 PM
Leigh Grenier from Canada  Contact via email
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“ Great Information ”
Excellent overview of 'global warming' from a christian perspective. I was somewhat disturbed by Mr. Beisner's comments regarding "The Ice Age". As a Bible believing christian, I believe the ice age is as real as bigfoot. If we believe in the creation account given in Genesis, then what in the world is he talking about - the ice age?? Please?!?

Sermon3/28/06 1:37 PM
Cliff Leckey from N. Ireland.  
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“ Great Sermon Kevin ”
A timly reminder to get our eyes off the scientists and onto the eternal Word of God. The Maker of Heaven and Earth will not be Taken unawares and panicking for an answer to the changing climate, As the Alfa and Omega knows the end from the beginning and Has given due warning in Malachi 4:1. For behold, the day Cometh, that shall burn as an oven....So we have been FOREwarned. But then, God, who is in the process of redemption is restoring this earth back to its original form and I`ve on doubt That will cause pain. Sound farfetched? Lets wait and see how it Unfolds.

Sermon3/11/06 12:03 PM
A Listener  
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Movie Review: End of the Spear
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for this movie review. When I first heard that it was coming out, I suspected the very thing that you and other Christians who had seen it were saying about it. I guess I'm just used to Christians (and even reformed Christians) going ga-ga over anything that the media puts out that even hints at Christianity. Christians have been trained to take their eensy weensy place at the table of ideas, afraid that if they don't support pathetic things like this, they'll get nothing. The reality is, we're getting garbage because we're compromising and expecting garbage. We need to stand up and let people know that Christ owns the 'table of ideas', and everything needs to be done on Scripture's terms. At least the film "Gates of Splendor" shows the real people and tells the truth. It may not have all the pomp and show of Hollywood, but that's not what we're about. We need more Daniels who refuse the King's meat and eat vegetables, trusting that the Lord will sustain them. And we need to be like the three Hebrews who went through the firey furnace with the belief that God could save them; and even if He didn't that they wouldn't bow down to the idols before them. That God would give us such men today. Thank you for your ministry. God bless you.

Sermon2/8/06 8:11 PM
Gary Love from University Place, WA  
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Raising a Child With Autism
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Interview! ”
Cathy Steere's book, "Too Wise to be Mistaken, Too Good to be Unkind", is a great read and presents a Biblical view of handicapped children (or adults for that matter) that too few Christians comprehend. The Christian community needs to abandon the humanistic suppositions imposed upon it by our culture and have its collective mind renewed and transformed by God's Word. Cathy's book is a good starting point.

Sermon2/3/06 9:01 PM
Ronda Dupea from Anacortes, WA  Contact via email
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Raising a Child With Autism
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for sharing a portion of Cathy's story. I have known her for 6 years as I was the branch director for the neurodevelopmental work she did with Drew. She is an amazing woman and Drew is even more amazing. May you be blessed for sharing hope for others.

Sermon1/19/06 9:13 PM
Pastor Steve Marquedant from Ontario, California  Contact via email
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Raising a Child With Autism
Kevin Swanson
“ Important Information ”
The insights are Biblical and excellent. Thank you for providing this program, Kevin and interviewing Cathy. My wife and I have both read "Too Wise to be Mistaken, Too Good to be Unkind". This is an excellent 20 minute program that can give insights to those who do not understand this form of speical need child.

Sermon11/17/05 8:52 PM
Donna Buehner from Highlands Ranch  Contact via email
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Kevin's Gift Giving Guide
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Being the grandmother of 18 living grand children I found this program very helpful and insightful - especially with Christmas just around the corner. I listen to all of your programs online and find them to be quite thought provocative.

Sermon11/4/05 10:33 PM
Phillip from Aurora, Colorado  
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Nuts-N-Bolts - Uncommon Cents
Kevin Swanson
“ Another powerful message! ”
Another powerful message not typically heard on Sunday mornings! Fractional reserve banking is a hard truth to examine. It would be great to get back to a true monetary system backed up with real assets...maybe has some answers with a value backed paper currency. Thanks Kevin!

Sermon11/3/05 9:36 PM
Phillip from Aurora, Colorado  
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“ Great Report from Mr. Phillip ”
Wow! The best thing I heard on this report was that the IRS should be abolished! Can that be said on a Christian radio show in America? I am glad it was. Read or listen to "The Creature from Jekyll Island", an amazing story about who the IRS really's not a government agency. You can find the audio for free all over the internet and, of course, the book at your local library. Thanks for a great "truth" report about other subjects as well.

Sermon10/6/05 2:25 AM
Grace from Alaska  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A very good message for homeschoolers across the nation to hear. We continue to fight for our freedoms here in Alaska. You used my favorite verse, "And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." They can take my money, but they may not touch my children.

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