Great Radio Show! Every show Kevin Swanson does is great. Christians need to realize that this country is being overtaken by a socialist spirit. We must fight the good fight and pray for this great country. Read your Bible! Realize that God is not happy with this country on many levels.
a great family ministry For little kids, Ray has a book called "Way of the Master for Kids". It's a great teaching tool for kids as young as 2. That's what I appreciate about his ministry...he understands the priority of parents getting the Gospel to children. This comes out in many of his writings.
Great Sermon! Twenty-five years ago this year I became a Christian at the age of 18. I was an alcoholic, drug abuser, and listener of rock music. I know the first drug I did was the music. It laid the foundation for the rest. What the music does is chip away at your faith little by little until you can do the unthinkable. When I listened to the music after I was saved it became clear I had to either give up my salvation or the rock music. Apparently not everyone is harmed by it to the degree I was but even chanting the sinful lyrics to even the mildest of pop songs desensitizes you to sin. "It's not that bad." Some will say Christian rock/pop/rap doesn't have those bad lyrics. Okay, how do the people dance to that music? Sensuously? Violently? Arrogantly? The music apart from the lyrics affects us. See Music and Morals by Kimberly Smith
If you are lost in this world please feel free to contact me @
Great Sermon! helpful program. This morning sent an email to my governer(Richardson) who is a candidate for president, after hearing his statements about General Pace calling homosexuality immoral. Mr. Richardson said that homosexuality is not immoral! You are correct that the media and our government is supporting homosexuality. We as Christians, need to let those in authority over us know that they are wrong concerning this immoral behavior and that they should be courageous and stand up for what is right and true by supporting General Pace...
Great Sermon! FATHERS, listen to this sermon and be reminded of how critically important our role is in the family. Swanson quotes a statistic that most children who are reared in the church walk away from the faith. Here's how to ensure you're child does not become part of that statistic!
Great Sermon! Awesome program! Thanks for staying on top of this story. We can hardly imagine what it would be like to be 15 and having to deal with this nonsense. As a homeschooling family, I shudder to think of what would happen in America if children were arrested -- arrested for crying out loud!!! --simply because many Americans simply choose to educate their children at home.
Excellent History While I know much of the history of Earth, I know very little about the history of the Creation Science Movement. This interview is full of insteresting and worthwhile facts. An excellent listen.
We DO need to be relevant. I'm glad to hear Dr. Swanson taking on the topic of the church's irrelevance in today's culture. After listening to the first part of the broadcast, though, I wonder if one of the reasons we are perpetually irrelevant is that we rant against and drag through the mud those leaders among us who are innovative, creative, and bold enough to try something new and different in the name of Christ. Though the overall crux of this message was good, I really take exception to the idea that little or no discipleship is taking place in "megachurches" with satellite campuses simply because the morning message is being piped in on a video screen. That idea seems short sighted at best, and if the only discipleship that takes place in a church comes from the Sr. Pastor then we really are in trouble of being irrelevant.
Absolutely True! What is said in this broadcast is absolutely true. I've noticed over the past few years a huge uptick in scare-ism, where the media takes flimsy stories and hypes them up to make them scary so they'll get eyeballs viewing their ads. The Alleve thing a while back is a classic example. If you dig into the scare-ism, you find it's either a non-story, or junk science, but all people see are the headlines. No one ever bought a newspaper that said: NOTHING HAPPENED YESTERDAY. But it's getting so bad now I don't believe anything.
This was the height of irony I greatly enjoy your show. I had to laugh, however, as I was downloading sermons for my "me-pod" as I was listening to your program. My wife and I each have one to listen to sermons while we are apart during the day. In the evening we have much better things to do than use them. Thanks for this great show!
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for this message. I have never heard of this link between breast cancer and abortion! Chalk one up for another lie/misinformation to us women and the the society at large. As a black woman who is now in my early 30s and had an abortion in my early 20s, this is a shock and it is sobering and infuriating. Thank you medical establishment, for helping me to possibly increase my own chances of developing a life-altering and possibly life-taking condition! AND encourgaing me to delay having children. I am so thankful I came across your program and this one in particular!
Great Sermon! Ted Haggard would not have confessed if he did not get caught. He did not fear God enough to stop his sin. He was not only a sodomite, he also was a deceiver. The liberal news media hammered his sin because he preached against sodomy and did the same. Hypocrite.So now he is a sodomite, deceiver, hypocrite, adulterer, fornicator,and the Lord knows what else and would still be if not for getting caught. He would still be deceiving his people. Be sure your sin will find you out. There is nothing hid that shall not be made known. Bless the Holy name of God.
Important, Urgent Information Jesus Christ declared that "...from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female". - Mark 10:6.
Genesis 2:7-24 describes the different ways in which man and woman were created.
It's good to recognize that God made male and female different in biology, strength, and calling. It was a wonderful work that God did. He made husbands and wives to be heirs together of the grace of life (1Pe 3:7).
God made the women for the man to support him (Gen 2:18; 1Co 11:8-9) and the man to provide for his household (Neh 4:14; 1Ti 5:8). Nowhere does it say that God made men and women to compete and fight against one another.
In marriage, men and women form a committed, covenantal relationship that is analagous to the eternal relationship between Jesus Christ and His Church (Isa 54:5). God and His Church clearly have different roles and strengths. Likewise, do men and women.
Military and civilian women ( 100) both died in the Vietnam War and their names were recorded on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Great Sermon! Listen to these words of wisdom if you are in the process of leading your children to the Lord. Some very good advice for all families.