Great Sermon! Conversation with spirits (saying they need human blood to suck!) and frightening dream visitations by spirits are part of occult communication"
Meyer's Inspiration
Scaringly, Meyer's fictional character Edward took on the "terrifying" form of "real" spirit when it leapt from the pages of her saga and communicated with her in a dream. She says she had an additional dream after Twilight was finished when her vampire character Edward came to visit and speak to her. The Edward who visited her in the night told her she'd got it all wrong because he DID drink human blood, and could not "live" on ONLY animal blood as she wrote in the story. She said, “We had this conversation and he was terrifying.â€
Great Sermon! Racist is that a joke. Who's saying this Afrocentrics. I'm not surprised. I'm called an Aunt Jemima all the time. Don't get discouraged!
Leaving out the good messages? Nice message, yet you leaveout the good. Though 'Vampirism' is a bad thing, what about the good messages in the book? The headvampire character defines himself as evil, soulless, going to hell. ( for what he is and does) Protecting the girl from sinning.. its evil teaching right. (sort of)
Wake up America Though it sounds like a downer at times, Kevin does a good job spinning the bad news of our days into an opportunity to bring more glory to God. I am grateful of this radio show that is exposing the works of darkness so us Christians can get our heads out of the sand!
Great Sermon! Thank you for this message. I belive it is very true and necessary. We should honor the man but not his policies, so as not to disobey GOD.
Great Sermon! John McCain??? The voters in this household have been debating whether to vote for John McCain or writing in Baldwin. One of us remembered the parable of the talents and made the case that voting for a third party candidate would be like the servant who took his one talent and buried it in the ground. The master severely rebuked him for not putting it in the bank and getting at least some petty interest.
I think it is plain that voting for a third party candidate would be akin to burying my vote in the ground, because with McCain there is a small ray of hope that it could be returned with interest (very small ray of hope here in California with the O'man so far ahead). It makes better sense in more reasonable states, like in, say, Colorado.
We still have not decided how to vote. In fact, after yesterday's program we were ready to switch to the Constitution Party. So we will be standing by for more information from the mother ship.
Very good programs. Keep it up.
The first five minutes are interesting The first five minutes of the description of the event and heroism were interesting. The rest was a discussion about gun rights and the use of gun. What was not discussed was responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit and it seemed that a "rule" was trying to be worked out as to when it is okay for Christians to use self defense. sigh How we need to be encouraged to do as Hebrews 13 says: "Observing the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith"
Must Listen A program that all should listen to and heed the wisdom therein. I only recently learned of the Biblical right and responsibility to protect family and neighbor through the proper use of firearms.
My encouragement is to listen to this message, watch the YouTube videos of Shooting Back and step up to the plate. Also, talk to others in your local church to help other families become more prepared.
Hopefully when you decide to get a firearm, you MUST get proper training on the handling and use of a firearm. Anything less and you will be a danger to yourself and your family and neighbor. Contact the NRA in your area, contact local gun shops and ask about training, or look at any of the excellent training academies across America.
Don't Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils! When voting for the lesser of two evils, Christians are still voting for EVIL! We've been doing it for years and that is why we're in the mess we're in now!
Vote for godliness and let God work out the consequences. Don't pretend you have any control with your one vote among millions. Honor God with that vote and let him win the victory.
The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But victory belongs to the LORD.
Proverbs 21:31
Great Sermon! i was abused by my father and brothers, but never reported it to the authorities. now i think every man is a pedophile. what should i do?
Interesting! Kevin, I commend your efforts and understand the slant of your programme about the rearing of "courageous" men. At the risk of sounding critical, I think that you are taking away the sufficiency of the Bible in rearing courageous men. Within the broadcast, I am hearing too much the language of modern day psychology interspersed and human effort (father and son retreats/militant references) to raise courageous men. There appears to be a strong empahsis on 'image'.
But, is this how the Bible instructs?
'Courageous' men are reared solely by Godly example. By this I mean that Christian parents must encourage in their children a thirst/hunger for the Word of God, and too a commitment/dependancy and complete trust in the Lord in prayer/ loyalty to their local church/ engaging in reasonable service for the Lord/separation from worldliness. That, my brother, is courage and takes courage.
Wayne Murrell, London
Great Sermon! Thank you Kevin for the courage to confront effeminacy in men. This is the first time in my 39 years that I have ever heard this issue confronted in love and without a hint of mocking. I also never thought seriously about the philosophy behind the magazines like "Mens health" and rather naively, I used to read them from time to time when feeling bored. I always felt that I could not live up to the 'success' lifestyles these magazines portrayed. But I see clearly that these so-called 'success - oriented' publications only serve to weaken my desire for Godly things. Thanks again, gentlemen.
Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party Chuck Baldwin is what you all may be looking for
Godly man of character. knows the issues.
Great Sermon! "A person's a person, no matter how small." Wow !
Kevin quotes Horton Hears a Who, to fight abortion! I would have never have thunk it! Well, great, and everyone protect the unborn any creative way we can !
Great Sermon! I agree with you 100% percent. I grew up in a non-believing home and was allowed to watch whatever I wanted on TV and Video. I believe that seeing all that immorality on screen had a great influence in my getting involved in the homosexual lifestyle later in life. Even though I have repented of my sins I still suffer greatly from the pictures that were embedded in my mind by these movies.
Shocking Shocking to hear so many people living alone in the USA, and so many people living outside of marriage.
I am glad that there is one spot in the USA where this is not so, namely in the home of mr. Swanson.
Perhaps mr. Swanson might consider that the reason the marriage in the USA has been broken down so much, is because of the work of those who say they are ministers of Christ but are not. This because when the demograf of the church is the same as in the world, and at a pastorsconference the adultviewing went up, the problem lies with the leadership not with those who struggle day by day to make the best of life by Gods Grace.
Mr. Swanson might also consider that he himself is included in the leadership.
How long will the leadership in the churches of the USA continue to act if they are righteous before God when their whole country has become a pigs breakfast when it comes to christian witness ? May I remind Mr. Swanson that in April the pope of Rome (=THE antichrist) visited the USA, seen nationwide, and was called a 'minister of the gospel' by both Bush and Cheney PUBLICLY !