Compelling arguments! Some very compelling arguments, as usual, from Kevin & his partner Dave, concerning the topic which they are covering, but I was left with mixed feelings concerning Kevin Swanson going to see the movie "Sherlock Holmes." While, I would still recommend that everyone listen to this message, I think Kevin loses some of his credibility speaking against that which he tolerates in himself.
Avatar Connection You guys are great 3 Praise God! It's true the connection you made between escapism in the movies and on the internet and man creating their own fantasy world.
Good sermon I just wanted to share this article on what Australians feel on Obama to add to the sermon's notes.
The coments below the article may be offensive to some, but it's the article that i wanted to share to this issue of Obama's presidency, that, at least, my country is waking up to him.
Great Sermon! Kevin makes valid points here. If Jesus came to your house, what would he think (of the lyrics/music you are listening to?). He even mentions some milder music i had never considered before, like Elvis's Marie's the Name (of his latest flame), as well as some country western. We need to disern, what is the message being sent by the music you listen to.
Well spoken! Like you said... Sounds like this church has a run-away problem with majoring on the minors which eventually runs out of gas. Newsflash...ONLY the members of their church are invited.
People need to think. "Yet, most Christian parents think the incarnations are harmless, and the ideologies too complex to think about."
Do you really believe these people think at all?
They are grown children. Christians they are not.
Theory or Fact? “The Theory of Evolution is a fact.” True or False. Absentmindedly, a professor in college placed this as the first question in my Geology 100 class back in the 1980s. Can you believe I missed this by answering it as FALSE? Silly me! A theory can be a fact. What was I thinking? I guess I am not very smart.
Great Sermon! Kevin says at the end of this message, "This has been a really offensive message's called the Christian faith." Wow! This is one of the most passionate forthright and enlightened shows that I ever heard. I have listened to many broadcasts of the Kevin Swanson radio programs, but this one is so intensely lifting up the Lord and showing the powerful reality of sin, and the implicit, even explicit, polytheism of the statists that I am in awe. This is uplifting Christian radio at its best!
Public School Teacher comment As a school teacher of 16 years trying to transition to another way to support my family outside of the government-funded schools, I concur with your frontal assault on us Christian teachers. And I believe there are a disproportionate number of Christian teachers in the public schools “working” very diligently and praying the Holy Spirit touches the children but doing so in silence. It seems the evil one has set a trap for this large number of Christians who have just decided to follow the state. And we have bought the lie that we are doing a good service for the children in the schools. May God have mercy on our lack of speaking out and give us the strength, wisdom and power to move on or speak out (which would probably be the quicker way of moving on).
Great Sermon! Thank you Dave for an excellent, awakening message. Tragedy certainly does show who our God is. May America be awakened to see who the God of the universe is before true judgement falls and not a government created tragedy.
Great Practical Advice Thanks Wade and Kevin for some practical tips on getting a family business started! The table is cleared...meeting is called to order...
Questions and Comments I was wondering why they interviewed those who have left? They are not even Christians. Why don't they interview those who STAY in the faith? Those are the ones that would have the RIGHT answers that delve into when they became a Christian, how did their parents raise them up in the Lord, church experience, personal growth. 2nd question: So teaching them the stories of GREAT people of FAITH of Daniel, Moses,Joshua,Ruth,Esther & application is not good enough anymore? Premarital sex & homosexuals & abortion have always been around. Didn't God tell the Israelites to pass their faith to the next generation? Haven't we seen in the Bible where they failed to do so, therefore the Israelites failed to remember or know God & they became wicked & rebellious?
I believe it ALWAYS comes down to parenting.We can blame public schools or the Church even Sunday School, but it comes down to the PARENTS. My kids are in the public school & they have a SOLID BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW & they have a heart for Him. We've trained them since they could understand language. They have known Christ since they were very small. Their faith is strong. They don't shrink back. They ARE salt & light & don't hide it under a bushel. I am confident that they'll continue to love the Lord all the days of their lives.
Great Sermon! This information confirms many statistics made available in the last couple of years. Parents are going to have to start teaching a biblical worldview in their homes. AIG along with many other organizations have provided the material needed without having to reinvent the wheel. As pastors we must begin to expect our parents to disciple their children, without total dependence on SS teachers and Youth ministers. The biblical method for teaching children are the parents. There is no substitute as Ken brings to light. I hope we as the Church take this info seriously before many more brokenhearted parents learn to late.
Peace and grace to all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ,
John Jones
The Trumpet of warning has sounded Ken and Kevin have performed the duty of watchmen well, and the Church must prepare. When the unchurched have more faith in Scripture than covenant children, then something is missing & they are cursed.
The Church must repent of the shortcomings in Confirmation programs and of the pride we have in incomplete cirriculums & confessions that serve our lusts. When we spend more time condemning other Churches than we do teaching authority of Scripture & Creation, then the curse has come.